Commit 28766251 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

software/theia: version up

vscode extensions can no longer be installed from marketplace, but we
can download extensions at installation time.
Install ms-python extension so that we can have good developer
experience with python out of the box.
parent a018b5f9
......@@ -5,15 +5,6 @@ Theia is a cloud (and desktop) IDE
This version comes pre-configured with a few plugins, but does not come with python plugin, to let
you choose between theia and vscode one.
## Installing vscode extensions
To install vscode's python plugin ( ):
<key>F1</key> `Deploy plugin by id` and enter `vscode:extension/ms-python.python` and wait for a while.
Check theia's log files in case of issues.
see for more details.
## jedi
[jedi]( which is used by both thiea and vscode python plugins has
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ md5sum = 7c9444fbe8dc8faea67ede2b77e188ed
filename = yarn.lock
md5sum = b63a993a13e7c3b16b66c25fac5ac8b9
md5sum = c2523a5c832f617c374ee621d50d9e52
filename = python-language-server-requirements.txt
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ parts =
<= nodejs-10.6.0
<= nodejs-10.19.0
# this could become a component, but it needs to be invoked from nodejs explicitly,
......@@ -59,14 +59,17 @@ command = ${bash:location}/bin/bash -c "
export TMPDIR=${:location}/tmp PATH=${nodejs:location}/bin/:${python2.7:location}/bin/:$PATH &&
mkdir -p ${:location} && \
mkdir -p \$TMPDIR && \
mkdir -p ${:THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS} && \
cd ${:location} && \
cp ${package.json:rendered} . &&
cp ${yarn.lock:output} . &&
${yarn:location}/bin/yarn && \
${yarn:location}/bin/yarn theia build"
${yarn:location}/bin/yarn theia build && \
${yarn:location}/bin/yarn theia download:plugins"
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
stop-on-error = true
uses = ${yarn.lock:recipe}
THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS = ${:location}/plugins/
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
......@@ -76,11 +79,11 @@ mode = 0644
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
# this comes from
# but "@theia/php": "next" was removed, because we don't have php/composer component so installation failed
# this comes from
# but we pin vscode-json-languageserver to 1.2.2, otherwise 1.2.3 is picked and it seems to be incompatible.*
# See
template =
"private": true,
"theia": {
"frontend": {
......@@ -110,56 +113,123 @@ template =
"dependencies": {
"@theia/callhierarchy": "next",
"@theia/core": "next",
"@theia/cpp": "next",
"@theia/debug": "next",
"@theia/debug-nodejs": "next",
"@theia/docker": "next",
"@theia/editor": "next",
"@theia/editorconfig": "next",
"@theia/editor-preview": "next",
"@theia/file-search": "next",
"@theia/filesystem": "next",
"@theia/git": "next",
"@theia/go": "next",
"@theia/getting-started": "next",
"@theia/java": "next",
"@theia/json": "next",
"@theia/keymaps": "next",
"@theia/languages": "next",
"@theia/markers": "next",
"@theia/merge-conflicts": "next",
"@theia/messages": "next",
"@theia/metrics": "next",
"@theia/mini-browser": "next",
"@theia/monaco": "next",
"@theia/navigator": "next",
"@theia/outline-view": "next",
"@theia/output": "next",
"@theia/plantuml": "next",
"@theia/plugin": "next",
"@theia/plugin-ext": "next",
"@theia/plugin-ext-vscode": "next",
"@theia/preferences": "next",
"@theia/preview": "next",
"@theia/process": "next",
"@theia/ruby": "next",
"@theia/rust": "next",
"@theia/search-in-workspace": "next",
"@theia/task": "next",
"@theia/terminal": "next",
"@theia/textmate-grammars": "next",
"@theia/tslint": "next",
"@theia/typescript": "next",
"@theia/userstorage": "next",
"@theia/variable-resolver": "next",
"@theia/workspace": "next",
"theia-yang-extension": "next",
"typescript": "latest"
"@theia/callhierarchy": "latest",
"@theia/core": "latest",
"@theia/cpp": "latest",
"@theia/debug": "latest",
"@theia/editor": "latest",
"@theia/editor-preview": "latest",
"@theia/file-search": "latest",
"@theia/filesystem": "latest",
"@theia/getting-started": "latest",
"@theia/git": "latest",
"@theia/json": "latest",
"@theia/keymaps": "latest",
"@theia/languages": "latest",
"@theia/markers": "latest",
"@theia/messages": "latest",
"@theia/metrics": "latest",
"@theia/mini-browser": "latest",
"@theia/monaco": "latest",
"@theia/navigator": "latest",
"@theia/outline-view": "latest",
"@theia/output": "latest",
"@theia/plantuml": "latest",
"@theia/plugin": "latest",
"@theia/plugin-ext": "latest",
"@theia/plugin-ext-vscode": "latest",
"@theia/preferences": "latest",
"@theia/preview": "latest",
"@theia/process": "latest",
"@theia/rust": "latest",
"@theia/search-in-workspace": "latest",
"@theia/task": "latest",
"@theia/terminal": "latest",
"@theia/userstorage": "latest",
"@theia/variable-resolver": "latest",
"@theia/workspace": "latest"
"resolutions": {
"vscode-json-languageserver": "1.2.2",
"vscode-languageserver-protocol": "3.15.0-next.9",
"vscode-languageserver-types": "3.15.0-next.4",
"**/vscode-json-languageserver/**/vscode-languageserver": "6.0.0-next.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@theia/cli": "next"
"@theia/cli": "latest"
"theiaPluginsDir": "plugins",
"theiaPlugins": {
"vscode-builtin-bat": "",
"vscode-builtin-clojure": "",
"vscode-builtin-coffeescript": "",
"vscode-builtin-configuration-editing": "",
"vscode-builtin-cpp": "",
"vscode-builtin-csharp": "",
"vscode-builtin-css": "",
"vscode-builtin-debug-auto-launch": "",
"vscode-builtin-docker": "",
"vscode-builtin-emmet": "",
"vscode-builtin-fsharp": "",
"vscode-builtin-go": "",
"vscode-builtin-groovy": "",
"vscode-builtin-grunt": "",
"vscode-builtin-gulp": "",
"vscode-builtin-handlebars": "",
"vscode-builtin-hlsl": "",
"vscode-builtin-html": "",
"vscode-builtin-ini": "",
"vscode-builtin-jake": "",
"vscode-builtin-java": "",
"vscode-builtin-javascript": "",
"vscode-builtin-json": "",
"vscode-builtin-less": "",
"vscode-builtin-log": "",
"vscode-builtin-lua": "",
"vscode-builtin-make": "",
"vscode-builtin-markdown": "",
"vscode-builtin-merge-conflicts": "",
"vscode-builtin-npm": "",
"vscode-builtin-node-debug": "",
"vscode-builtin-node-debug2": "",
"vscode-builtin-objective-c": "",
"vscode-builtin-perl": "",
"vscode-builtin-powershell": "",
"vscode-builtin-pug": "",
"vscode-builtin-python": "",
"vscode-builtin-r": "",
"vscode-builtin-razor": "",
"vscode-builtin-ruby": "",
"vscode-builtin-rust": "",
"vscode-builtin-scss": "",
"vscode-builtin-shaderlab": "",
"vscode-builtin-shellscript": "",
"vscode-builtin-sql": "",
"vscode-builtin-swift": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-abyss": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-defaults": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-kimbie-dark": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-monokai": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-dimmed": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-quietlight": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-red": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-solarized-dark": "",
"vscode-builtin-theme-tomorrow-night-blue": "",
"vscode-builtin-typescript": "",
"vscode-builtin-typescript-language-features": "",
"vscode-builtin-vb": "",
"vscode-builtin-icon-theme-seti": "",
"vscode-builtin-xml": "",
"vscode-builtin-yaml": "",
"vscode-editorconfig": "",
"vscode-eslint": "",
"vscode-go": "",
"vscode-java-debug": "",
"vscode-java-dependency-viewer": "",
"vscode-java-redhat": "",
"vscode-java-test": "",
"vscode-python": "",
"vscode-ruby": ""
rendered = ${buildout:directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
......@@ -198,6 +268,7 @@ template =
export PATH=${nodejs:location}/bin/:${python-language-server:location}/bin/:${bash:location}/bin/:${git:location}/bin/:$PATH
. ${}
export SHELL=bash
# reset PS1 from gowork
export PS1='$ '
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