Commit 0a4e1e23 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

software/kvm: Support "wrong" nat-rules in cluster

parent efbc92e2
Pipeline #13470 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ md5sum = 23493c541efef97ac5fe435114910b8e
filename =
md5sum = bdf8549a76ec61e125d51a05e611e004
md5sum = 28a00c28a972f42627849b25c2792abb
filename = instance-kvm-resilient.cfg.jinja2
......@@ -94,7 +94,15 @@ config-auto-ballooning = {{ dumps(kvm_parameter_dict.get('auto-ballooning', True
{{ setconfig('disk-cache', kvm_parameter_dict.get('disk-cache', '')) }}
{{ setconfig('disk-device-path', kvm_parameter_dict.get('disk-device-path', '')) }}
{% set nat_rules_list = kvm_parameter_dict.get('nat-rules', []) -%}
{# Note: dirty_nat_rules_list is cleaned up later, as the UI generated by JSON schema #}
{# gives freedom to the user to enter values separated by spaces and newlines #}
{# but on UI level they are only supported when separated by newlines, which #}
{# leads to cryptic failures of the cluster #}
{% set dirty_nat_rules_list = kvm_parameter_dict.get('nat-rules', []) -%}
{% set nat_rules_list = [] %}
{% for nat_rule in dirty_nat_rules_list %}
{% do nat_rules_list.extend(nat_rule.split()) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ setconfig('nat-rules', nat_rules_list | join(' ')) }}
config-publish-nat-url = True
config-use-nat = {{ dumps(use_nat) }}
......@@ -993,3 +993,9 @@ class TestNatRulesKvmCluster(InstanceTestCase):
'hostfwd=tcp:%s:10300-:300' % (self._ipv4_address,),
class TestNatRulesKvmClusterComplex(TestNatRulesKvmCluster):
__partition_reference__ = 'nrkcc'
nat_rules = ["100", "200 300"]
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