Commit 4531d574 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

version up eggs.

parent 6ea27764
...@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ Products.PluginRegistry = 1.3 ...@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ Products.PluginRegistry = 1.3
Products.TIDStorage = 5.4.9 Products.TIDStorage = 5.4.9
PyPDF2 = 1.24 PyPDF2 = 1.24
PyXML = 0.8.5 PyXML = 0.8.5
Pympler = 0.4 Pympler = 0.4.1
StructuredText = 2.11.1 StructuredText = 2.11.1
WSGIUtils = 0.7 WSGIUtils = 0.7
apache-libcloud = 0.17.0 apache-libcloud = 0.17.0
...@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ five.localsitemanager = 2.0.5 ...@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ five.localsitemanager = 2.0.5
gitdb = 0.6.4 gitdb = 0.6.4
greenlet = 0.4.5 greenlet = 0.4.5
http-parser = 0.8.3 http-parser = 0.8.3
httplib2 = 0.9 httplib2 = 0.9.1
huBarcode = 1.0.0 huBarcode = 1.0.0
interval = 1.0.0 interval = 1.0.0
ipdb = 0.8 ipdb = 0.8
...@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ buildout-versions = 1.7 ...@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ buildout-versions = 1.7
cffi = 0.9.2 cffi = 0.9.2
collective.recipe.template = 1.11 collective.recipe.template = 1.11
cmd2 = 0.6.8 cmd2 = 0.6.8
cryptography = 0.8.1 cryptography = 0.8.2
inotifyx = 0.2.2 inotifyx = 0.2.2
itsdangerous = 0.24 itsdangerous = 0.24
lxml = 3.4.2 lxml = 3.4.2
...@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ netaddr = 0.7.14 ...@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ netaddr = 0.7.14
pbr = 0.10.8 pbr = 0.10.8
prettytable = 0.7.2 prettytable = 0.7.2
psutil = 2.2.1 psutil = 2.2.1
pyOpenSSL = 0.14 pyOpenSSL = 0.15.1
pyparsing = 2.0.3 pyparsing = 2.0.3
pytz = 2015.2 pytz = 2015.2
requests = 2.6.0 requests = 2.6.0
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