slapos-testing, slapos-sr-testing: Don't duplicate instance.cfg prologue that...

slapos-testing, slapos-sr-testing: Don't duplicate instance.cfg prologue that is already provided by stack/nxdtest/instance.cfg

This software releases switched to nxdtest in 1536ad2e (software/slapos-testing: use nxdtest)
and 3a1e5628 (software/slapos-sr-testing: use nxdtest). So there is no
longer need to duplicate that standard instance prologue that is
provided by stack/nxdtest/instance.cfg:

/reviewed-by @jerome
/reviewed-on !94
1 job for jm
Status Job ID Name Coverage
passed SlapOS.SoftwareReleases.IntegrationTest-Master.Python3