Commit 570e15a7 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Initial commit.

xfw is an eXtensible Fixed-Width file handling module.
- field types (integers, strings, dates) are declared independently of
file structure, and can be extended through subclassing. (BaseField
- multi-field structure declaration (FieldList class)
- non-homogeneous file file structure declaration (FieldListFile)
- checksum/hash computation helpers (ChecksumedFile succlasses)
- does not depend on line notion (file may not contain CR/LF chars at all
between successive field sets)
Missing features / bugs
- string trucating is multi-byte (UTF-8, ...) agnostic, and will mindless cut
in the middle of any entity
- proper interface declaration
- fields (IntegerField, DateTimeField) should cast by default when parsing
- FieldList total length should be made optional, and only used to
auto-generate annonymous padding at record end when longer that the sum of
individual fields lengths.
Dislaimer: give file format is purely hypothetical, does not some from any spec
I know of, should not be taken as a guideline but just as a showcase of xfw
Let's assume a file composed of a general header, containing some
constant-value 5-char identifier, a 3-char integer giving the number of records
contained, and an optional 20-char comment. It is followed by records, composed
of a header itself composed of a date (YYYYMMDD), a row type (2-char integer)
and number of rows (2-char integer), and followed by rows. Row types all start
with a time (HHMMSS), followed by fields which depend on row type:
- type 1: a 10-char string
- type 2: a 2-char integer, 8 chars of padding, a 1-char integer
To run the following code as a doctest, run:
python -m doctest README
Declare all file structures:
>>> import xfw
>>> ROOT_HEADER = xfw.FieldList([
... (xfw.StringField(5), True, 'header_id'),
... (xfw.IntegerField(3, cast=True), True, 'block_count'),
... (xfw.StringField(15), False, 'comment'),
... ], 23, fixed_value_dict={
... 'header_id': 'HEAD1',
... })
>>> BLOCK_HEADER = xfw.FieldList([
... (xfw.DateTimeField('%Y%m%d', cast=True), True, 'date'),
... (xfw.IntegerField(2, cast=True), True, 'row_type'),
... (xfw.IntegerField(2, cast=True), True, 'row_count'),
... ], 12)
>>> ROW_BASE = xfw.FieldList([
... (xfw.DateTimeField('%H%M%S', cast=True), True, 'time'),
... ], 6)
... 1: xfw.FieldList([
... (xfw.StringField(10), True, 'description'),
... ], 16),
... 2: xfw.FieldList([
... (xfw.IntegerField(2, cast=True), True, 'some_value'),
... (xfw.StringField(8), False, None), # annonymous padding
... (xfw.IntegerField(1, cast=True), True, 'another_value'),
... ], 17),
... }
>>> def blockCallback(head, item_list=None):
... if item_list is None:
... row_count = head['row_count']
... else:
... row_count = len(item_list)
... return row_count, ROW_TYPE_DICT[head['row_type']]
>>> FILE_STRUCTURE = xfw.ConstItemTypeFile(
... 'block_count',
... xfw.FieldListFile(
... blockCallback,
... separator='\n',
... ),
... separator='\n',
... )
Parse sample file through a hash helper wrapper (SHA1):
>>> from cStringIO import StringIO
>>> sample_file = StringIO(
... 'HEAD1002blah \n'
... '201112260101\n'
... '115500other str \n'
... '201112260201\n'
... '11550099 8'
... )
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> checksumed_wrapper = xfw.SHA1ChecksumedFile(sample_file)
>>> parsed_file = FILE_STRUCTURE.parseStream(checksumed_wrapper)
>>> parsed_file == \
... (
... {
... 'header_id': 'HEAD1',
... 'block_count': 2,
... 'comment': 'blah',
... },
... [
... (
... {
... 'date': datetime(2011, 12, 26, 0, 0),
... 'row_type': 1,
... 'row_count': 1,
... },
... [
... {
... 'time': datetime(1900, 1, 1, 11, 55),
... 'description': 'other str',
... },
... ]
... ),
... (
... {
... 'date': datetime(2011, 12, 26, 0, 0),
... 'row_type': 2,
... 'row_count': 1,
... },
... [
... {
... 'time': datetime(1900, 1, 1, 11, 55),
... 'some_value': 99,
... 'another_value': 8,
... },
... ]
... ),
... ],
... )
Verify SHA1 was properly accumulated:
>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.sha1(sample_file.getvalue()).hexdigest() == checksumed_wrapper.getHexDigest()
Generate a file from parsed data (as it was verified correct above):
>>> generated_stream = StringIO()
>>> FILE_STRUCTURE.generateStream(generated_stream, parsed_file)
>>> generated_stream.getvalue() == sample_file.getvalue()
from distutils.core import setup
description='Extensible fixed-width file handling module',
keywords='fixed width file',
license='GPL 2+',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Pelletier Vincent <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime
strptime = datetime.strptime
dummy_datetime = datetime(1900, 1, 1) # Any date will do
__all__ = [
'BaseField', 'PaddedField',
'StringField', 'IntegerField', 'DateTimeField',
'FieldListFile', 'HeadFile', 'ConstItemTypeFile',
class BaseField(object):
Virtual class.
A field is a subset of a string, qualified by a specific length.
# Char to ignore when probing data presence.
# Overload in subclass to customise.
_blank_char = ' '
def __init__(self, length, truncate=False, cast=False):
Defines a field of given length.
If truncate is True, field will silently truncate received data when
rendering data too big to fit in its length, other wise it will raise
an exception.
If cast is True, the result of parsing using this field will be
converted (the type of conversion depends on the field type), otherwise
it will be a raw string of field's length.
self.length = length
self.truncate = truncate
self.cast = cast
def getLength(self):
return self.length
def render(self, data=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def parse(self, data):
if self.cast:
result = self._cast(data)
result = data
return result
def _cast(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def probe(self, data):
return bool(data.strip(self._blank_char))
class PaddedField(BaseField):
Virtual class.
def _pad(self, data, pad_length):
raise NotImplementedError
def _strip(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError
def _render(self, data):
data_len = len(data)
if data_len > self.length:
if self.truncate:
data = data[:self.length]
raise ValueError, 'Data too long to fit type width: ' \
'%r, %r available. Data: %r' % (data_len, self.length,
elif data_len < self.length:
data = self._pad(data, self.length - data_len)
return data
def parse(self, data):
return super(PaddedField, self).parse(self._strip(data))
class StringField(PaddedField):
def _pad(self, data, pad_length):
return data + ' ' * pad_length
def _strip(self, data):
return data.rstrip(' ')
def render(self, data=''):
if not isinstance(data, basestring):
raise TypeError, 'Expected data of string type, got %s' % (
type(data), )
return self._render(data)
def _cast(self, data):
return data
class IntegerField(PaddedField):
def _pad(self, data, pad_length):
return '0' * pad_length + data
def _strip(self, data):
return data.lstrip('0') or '0'
def render(self, data=0):
if isinstance(data, basestring):
# Duplicates work, but this ensures we receive a valid integer
# representation.
data = int(data)
assert isinstance(data, (int, long)) or \
(self.truncate and isinstance(data, float)), repr(data)
data = str(int(data))
return self._render(data)
def parse(self, data):
if not self.probe(data):
data = '0'
return super(IntegerField, self).parse(data)
def _cast(self, data):
return int(data)
class DateTimeField(BaseField):
def __init__(self, fmt, truncate=False, cast=False):
assert not truncate
# Computing our length has the advantage of validating given format
super(DateTimeField, self).__init__(len(dummy_datetime.strftime(fmt)),
self.fmt = fmt
self.null = '0' * self.length
def render(self, data=None):
if data is None:
result = self.null
elif isinstance(data, basestring):
if len(data) != self.length:
raise ValueError('Invalid length %r for format %r' % (
len(data), self.fmt))
result = data
result = data.strftime(self.fmt)
return result
def parse(self, data):
if not self.probe(data):
return None
return super(DateTimeField, self).parse(data)
def _cast(self, data):
if data == self.null:
return None
return strptime(data, self.fmt)
class FieldList(object):
A field list is a linear, ordered sequence of fields.
Those fields must be identified uniquely with a name, and can be optional.
def __init__(self, field_list, total_length, separator='', padding_id=None,
Defines a sequence of fields.
field_list must be a list of 3-tuples composed of:
- the field (instance of a subclass of BaseField)
- wether it is required or not (boolean)
- a name unique to its field list
It is possible for any item in field_list to be an instance of
FieldList class, in which case its content (padding inclued !) and
fixed values will be reused in place of that element. Its separator
value is ignored.
self.separator = separator
self.total_length = total_length
self.field_list = expanded_field_list = []
append = expanded_field_list.append
extend = expanded_field_list.extend
self.fixed_value_dict = fixed_value_dict = dict(fixed_value_dict)
setdefault = fixed_value_dict.setdefault
for field in field_list:
if isinstance(field, FieldList):
for key, value in field._getFixedValueDict().iteritems():
setdefault(key, value)
offset = len(separator) * (len(expanded_field_list) - 1)
field_id_set = set()
if padding_id is not None:
for field, _, field_id in expanded_field_list:
if field_id is not None:
if field_id in field_id_set:
raise ValueError, 'Field %r already present.' % (
field_id, )
offset += field.getLength()
if offset > total_length:
raise ValueError, 'Maximum length exceeded: %r, limit is %r' % \
(offset, total_length)
to_pad = total_length - offset
if padding_id is not None:
(getFieldType(StringField, to_pad), False, padding_id))
to_pad = 0
self.padding_length = to_pad
def _getFixedValueDict(self):
For internal use only.
return self.fixed_value_dict
def _getFieldList(self):
For internal use only.
return self.field_list
def _checkValues(self, data_dict):
Check data_dict against reference values, raises ValueError if a
mismatch is found.
Adds missing keys to data_dict.
for key, value in self.fixed_value_dict.iteritems():
actual_value = data_dict.setdefault(key, value)
if actual_value != value:
raise ValueError, '%r: expected %r, got %r' % (key, value,
def generate(self, data_dict):
Generate a string from field list description and given data mapping.
data_dict must be a dict composed of:
- key: field name
- value: field value
If a field is declared mandatory in field list description but is
missing in this dict, an exception will be raised.
result = []
append = result.append
for field, mandatory, field_id in self.field_list:
if field_id is None:
data = field.render()
elif data_dict.get(field_id) is not None:
data = field.render(data_dict[field_id])
if mandatory:
raise ValueError, 'Field %r is mandatory' % (field_id, )
data = field.render()
if self.padding_length:
append(' ' * self.padding_length)
rendered = self.separator.join(result)
if len(rendered) != self.total_length:
raise ValueError, 'Internal consistency error: rendered string ' \
'length %r, expected %r' % (len(rendered), self.total_length)
return rendered
def parse(self, rendered):
Parse a string into a data mapping.
rendered must have a length identical to field list description,
otherwise an exception will be raised.
Returned value is a dict containing all fields declared in the field
list description.
assert isinstance(rendered, basestring), repr(rendered)
if len(rendered) != self.total_length:
raise ValueError, 'Data length missmatch: expected %i, got ' \
'%i (%r)' % (self.total_length, len(rendered), rendered)
data_dict = {}
offset = 0
separator_len = len(self.separator)
for field, mandatory, field_id in self.field_list:
field_length = field.getLength()
if field_id is not None:
field_data = rendered[offset:offset+field_length]
parsed_value = field.parse(field_data)
if parsed_value is None and mandatory:
raise ValueError('Mandatory field %r empty: %r' %
(field_id, field_data))
data_dict[field_id] = parsed_value
offset += field_length
next_separator = rendered[offset:offset+separator_len]
if next_separator:
if next_separator != self.separator:
raise ValueError, 'Separator %r expected, got %r ' \
'(in %r)' % (self.separator, rendered[offset:],
offset += separator_len
assert offset + self.padding_length == self.total_length, offset
return data_dict
def parseStream(self, stream):
return self.parse(
def generateStream(self, stream, data_dict):
class FieldListFile(object):
def __init__(self, head, item_callback, separator=''):
Files parsed/generated by this class follow the following structure:
SEPARATOR is a fixed string.
HEAD is a string which can be parsed by instance given in <head>
ITEM is a string which can be parsed by instance returned by
<item_callback>, and there is a known number of such items (also as
returned by <item_callback>).
Chunk (head or item) generator & parser:
Instances responsible for individual chunk parsing & generation must
implement the following interface:
parseStream(stream) -> parsed_value
generateStream(stream, parsed_value)
streams given to this class methods must implement the following
- read(length) -> data
- write(data)
They might implement tell() for more detailed exception messages. If
it's not implemented, it must not be available at all.
instance implementing the chunk interface.
item_callback (callable)
Callable receiving a parsed head a parameter and expected to
return 2 values:
- number of items (ignored when generating)
- instance implementing the chunk interface
separator (string)
(see above definition)
self._head = head
self._item_callback = item_callback
self._separator = separator
self._separator_len = len(separator)
def eatSeparator(self, stream):
separator =
if separator != self._separator:
tell = getattr(stream, 'tell', None)
if tell is None:
at = ''
at = ' at %i' % (tell() - len(separator), )
raise ValueError('Unexpected separator value%s: %r' % (at,
def addSeparator(self, stream):
def _parseStreamItems(self, stream, item, item_count):
item_list = []
if item_count:
append = item_list.append
eatSeparator = self.eatSeparator
item_parse = item.parseStream
for _ in xrange(item_count - 1):
return item_list
def _generateStreamItems(self, stream, item, item_list):
if item_list:
addSeparator = self.addSeparator
item_generate = item.generateStream
for item_data in item_list[:-1]:
item_generate(stream, item_data)
item_generate(stream, item_list[-1])
def parseStream(self, stream, eat_last_separator=False):
parsed_head = self._head.parseStream(stream)
item_count, item = self._item_callback(parsed_head)
if item_count:
item_list = self._parseStreamItems(stream, item, item_count)
item_list = None
if eat_last_separator:
return parsed_head, item_list
def _generateStream(self, stream, parsed_head, item_list, item,
self._head.generateStream(stream, parsed_head)
if item_list:
self._generateStreamItems(stream, item, item_list)
if add_last_separator:
def _getGenerateStreamParameters(self, args):
assert isinstance(args, (tuple, list)), args
if len(args) == 1:
args = (args[0], None)
return args
def generateStream(self, stream, args, add_last_separator=False):
head_dict, item_list = self._getGenerateStreamParameters(args)
_, item = self._item_callback(head_dict, item_list)
self._generateStream(stream, head_dict, item_list, item,
class HeadFile(FieldListFile):
Special case of a FieldListFile: contains just a head.
def __init__(self, head, **kw):
super(HeadFile, self).__init__(head, self._callback, **kw)
def _callback(self, head_dict, item_list=None):
assert item_list is None, item_list
return 0, None
class ConstItemTypeFile(FieldListFile):
Special case of a FieldListFile: items type does not depend on head
def __init__(self, head, item_count_key, item, **kw):
item_count_key (string)
Identifier in a parsed head giving the number of contained items.
item (FieldList, FieldListFile)
Format of contained items.
Can be another FieldListFile if these items are composed.
if (item_count_key is None) ^ (item is None):
raise ValueError('Inconsistent values for item_count_key and item')
self._item_count_key = item_count_key
self._item = item
super(ConstItemTypeFile, self).__init__(head, self._callback, **kw)
def _callback(self, head_dict, item_list=None):
if item_list is not None:
head_dict[self._item_count_key] = len(item_list)
return head_dict[self._item_count_key], self._item
class ChecksumedFile(object):
Virtual class.
Helper class to manipulate checksumed files which contain their own
Obviously, the checksum itself cannot be part of the checksumed data.
Don't instanciate this class directly, use *ChecksumedFile classes (where
* is desired hash algorithm name).
- cannot seek
def __init__(self, stream):
Some stream. Typically, an opened file object.
self._stream = stream
self._hash = self._hash_class()
self._ahead = None
def updateAhead(self, data):
if self._ahead is not None:
self._ahead = data
def discardAhead(self, replacement=None):
Discard read-ahead buffer.
A replacement string to use to update hash.
self._ahead = replacement
def update(self, data):
update = self._hash.update
if self._ahead is not None:
self._ahead = None
def getDigest(self):
return self._hash.digest()
def getHexDigest(self):
return self._hash.hexdigest()
def _read(self, update, args, kw):
data =*args, **kw)
return data
def _readline(self, update, args, kw):
data = self._stream.readline(*args, **kw)
return data
def read(self, *args, **kw):
return self._read(self.update, args, kw)
def readline(self, *args, **kw):
return self._readline(self.update, args, kw)
def write(self, data):
def readAhead(self, *args, **kw):
Same as read, but checksum is not updated with returned data.
It will be updated on the next read call (ahead or not) with data
returned by this call.
return self._read(self.updateAhead, args, kw)
def readlineAhead(self, *args, **kw):
See readAhead: same, for readline.
return self._readline(self.updateAhead, args, kw)
def peek(self, length):
Read <length> bytes from current position.
Doesn't alter current position, doesn't update checksum.
pos = self._stream.tell()
data =
return data
def peekLine(self):
Read one line from current position.
Doesn't alter current position, doesn't update checksum.
pos = self._stream.tell()
data = self._stream.readline()
return data
def tell(self):
return self._stream.tell()
def tellAhead(self):
return self.tell() + len(self._ahead)
_globals = globals()
append = __all__.append
algorithm_list = hashlib.algorithms
except AttributeError:
algorithm_list = [x for x in (
'md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512') if getattr(
hashlib, x, None) is not None]
for algorithm in algorithm_list:
class_name = algorithm.upper() + 'ChecksumedFile'
_globals[class_name] = type(
(ChecksumedFile, ),
'_hash_class': getattr(hashlib, algorithm),
del append
del _globals
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