Commit 991221ed authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

Initial import of xml_marshaller module implemented in lxml.

Major part of code come from no longer maintained pyxml library.
Fully compatible with PyXML implementation, enable namespace support for
XML Input/Output.
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
import sys, os
version = '0.9'
description="Converting Python objects to XML and back again.",
Marshals simple Python data types into a custom XML format.
The Marshaller and Unmarshaller classes can be subclassed in order
to implement marshalling into a different XML DTD.""",
classifiers=['Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
'Intended Audience :: Developers',
'License :: OSI Approved :: Python License (CNRI Python License)',
'Operating System :: OS Independent',
'Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: XML'],
keywords='XML marshaller',
license='Python License (CNRI Python License)',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests']),
# -*- Entry points: -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Originals Authors
Under Python License (CNRI Python License)
Patched by Nicolas Delaby to support namespaces
# Generic class for marshalling simple Python data types into an XML-based
# format. The interface is the same as the built-in module of the
# same name, with four functions:
# dump(value, file), load(file)
# dumps(value), loads(string)
from types import ClassType
import sys
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape
import lxml.sax
from lxml.sax import ElementTreeContentHandler
from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import ElementMaker
from cStringIO import StringIO
# Basic marshaller class, customizable by overriding it and
# changing various attributes and methods.
# It's also used as a SAX handler, which may be a good idea but may
# also be a stupid hack.
MARSHAL_PREFIX = 'marshal'
def version_independent_cmp(a, b):
ta = type(a)
tb = type(b)
if ta is not tb:
return cmp(ta.__name__, tb.__name__)
return cmp(a, b)
class Marshaller(object):
# Names of elements. These are specified as class attributes
# because simple things like integers are often handled in the
# same way, and only the element names change.
def __init__(self, prefix=MARSHAL_PREFIX, namespace_uri=None, as_tree=False):
self.as_tree = as_tree
if namespace_uri:
nsmap = {prefix: namespace_uri}
nsmap = {}
E = ElementMaker(namespace=namespace_uri, nsmap=nsmap)
self.tag_root = E.marshal
self.tag_int =
self.tag_float = E.float
self.tag_long = E.long
self.tag_string = E.string
self.tag_tuple = E.tuple
self.tag_list = E.list
self.tag_dictionary = E.dictionary
self.tag_complex = E.complex
self.tag_reference = E.reference
self.tag_code = E.code
self.tag_none = E.none
self.tag_instance = E.object
# The four basic functions that form the caller's interface
def dump(self, value, file):
"Write the value on the open file"
kw = {'id': 1}
xml_tree = self.m_root(value, kw)
# XXX should this just loop through the L and call file.write
# for each item?
def dumps(self, value):
"Marshal value, returning the resulting string"
kw = {'id': 1}
# now uses m_root for proper root element handling
xml_tree = self.m_root(value, kw)
if self.as_tree:
return xml_tree
return etree.tostring(xml_tree)
# IMPORTANT NOTE: The proper entry point to marshal
# an object is m_root; the public marshalling
# methods dump and dumps use m_root().
# This function gets the name of the
# type of the object being marshalled, and calls the
# m_<typename> method. This method must return a list of strings,
# which will be returned to the caller.
# (This function can be called recursively, so it shouldn't
# return just a single. The top-level caller will perform a
# single string.join to get the resulting XML document.
# dict is a dictionary whose keys are used to store the IDs of
# objects that have already been marshalled, in order to allow
# writing a reference to them.
# XXX there should be some way to disable the automatic generation of
# references to already-marshalled objects
def _marshal(self, value, kw):
t = type(value)
i = str(id(value))
if kw.has_key(i):
return self.m_reference(value, kw)
method_id = 'm_%s' % (type(value).__name__,)
callable_method = getattr(self, method_id, None)
if callable_method is not None:
return callable_method(value, kw)
elif object in value.__class__.mro():
#Fallback to instance for new style Classes
return self.m_instance(value, kw)
return self.m_unimplemented(value, kw)
# Utility function, used for types that aren't implemented
def m_unimplemented(self, value, kw):
raise ValueError, ("Marshalling of object %r unimplemented or not supported in this DTD" % value)
# The real entry point for marshalling, to handle properly
# and cleanly any root tag or tags necessary for the marshalled
# output.
def m_root(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_root(self._marshal(value, kw))
# All the generic marshalling functions for various Python types
def m_reference(self, value, kw):
# This object has already been marshalled, so
# emit a reference element.
i = kw[str(id(value))]
return self.tag_reference(id='i%s' % i)
def m_string(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_string(escape(str(value)))
# Since Python 2.2, the string type has a name of 'str'
# To avoid having to rewrite all classes that implement m_string
# we delegate m_str to m_string.
def m_str(self, value, kw):
return self.m_string(value, kw)
def m_int(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_int(str(value))
def m_float(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_float(str(value))
def m_long(self, value, kw):
value = str(value)
if value[-1] == 'L':
# some Python versions append and 'L'
value = value[:-1]
return self.tag_long(value)
def m_tuple(self, value, kw):
xml_tree = self.tag_tuple()
for elem in value:
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(elem, kw))
return xml_tree
def m_list(self, value, kw):
kw['id'] += 1
i = str(kw['id'])
kw[str(id(value))] = i
kw[i] = value
xml_tree = self.tag_list(id='i%s' % i)
for elem in value:
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(elem, kw))
return xml_tree
def m_dictionary(self, value, kw):
kw['id'] += 1
i = str(kw['id'])
kw[str(id(value))] = i
kw[i] = value
xml_tree = self.tag_dictionary(id='i%s' % i)
item_list = value.items()
# Sort the items to allow reproducable results across Python
# versions
for key, v in item_list:
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(key, kw))
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(v, kw))
return xml_tree
# Python 2.2 renames dictionary to dict.
def m_dict(self, value, kw):
return self.m_dictionary(value, kw)
def m_None(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_none()
# Python 2.2 renamed the type of None to NoneTye
def m_NoneType(self, value, kw):
return self.m_None(value, kw)
def m_complex(self, value, kw):
return self.tag_complex('%s %s' % (value.real, value.imag))
def m_code(self, value, kw):
# The full information about code objects is only available
# from the C level, so we'll use the built-in marshal module
# to convert the code object into a string, and include it in
# the HTML.
import marshal, base64
encoded_value = base64.encodestring(marshal.dumps(value))
return self.tag_code(encoded_value)
def m_instance(self, value, kw):
kw['id'] += 1
i = str(kw['id'])
kw[str(id(value))] = i
kw[i] = value
cls = value.__class__
xml_tree = self.tag_instance(id='i%s' % i, module=cls.__module__)
xml_tree.attrib.update({'class': cls.__name__})
# Check for pickle's __getinitargs__
if hasattr(value, '__getinitargs__'):
args = value.__getinitargs__()
len(args) # XXX Assert it's a sequence
args = ()
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(args, kw))
# Check for pickle's __getstate__ function
getstate = value.__getstate__
except AttributeError:
stuff = value.__dict__
stuff = getstate()
xml_tree.append(self._marshal(stuff, kw))
return xml_tree
# These values are used as markers in the stack when unmarshalling
# one of the structures below. When a <tuple> tag is encountered, for
# example, the TUPLE object is pushed onto the stack, and further
# objects are processed. When the </tuple> tag is found, the code
# looks back into the stack until TUPLE is found; all the higher
# objects are then collected into a tuple. Ditto for lists...
TUPLE = {}
LIST = {}
DICT = {}
class Unmarshaller(ElementTreeContentHandler):
# This dictionary maps element names to the names of starting and ending
# functions to call when unmarshalling them. My convention is to
# name them um_start_foo and um_end_foo, but do whatever you like.
unmarshal_meth = {
'marshal': ('um_start_root', None),
'int': ('um_start_int', 'um_end_int'),
'float': ('um_start_float', 'um_end_float'),
'long': ('um_start_long', 'um_end_long'),
'string': ('um_start_string', 'um_end_string'),
'tuple': ('um_start_tuple', 'um_end_tuple'),
'list': ('um_start_list', 'um_end_list'),
'dictionary': ('um_start_dictionary', 'um_end_dictionary'),
'complex': ('um_start_complex', 'um_end_complex'),
'reference': ('um_start_reference', None),
'code': ('um_start_code', 'um_end_code'),
'none': ('um_start_none', 'um_end_none'),
'object': ('um_start_instance', 'um_end_instance')
def __init__(self):
# Find the named methods, and convert them to the actual
# method object.
d = {}
for key, (sm, em) in self.unmarshal_meth.items():
if sm is not None:
sm = getattr(self, sm)
if em is not None:
em = getattr(self, em)
d[key] = sm, em
self.unmarshal_meth = d
def _clear(self):
Protected method to (re)initialize the object into
a steady state. Performed by __init__ and _load.
self.data_stack = [] = {}
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def load(self, file):
"Unmarshal one value, reading it from a file-like object"
# Instantiate a new object; unmarshalling isn't thread-safe
# because it modifies attributes on the object.
m = self.__class__()
return m._load(file)
def loads(self, string):
"Unmarshal one value from a string"
# Instantiate a new object; unmarshalling isn't thread-safe
# because it modifies attributes on the object.
m = self.__class__()
file = StringIO(string)
return m._load(file)
# Basic unmarshalling routine; it creates a SAX XML parser,
# registers self as the SAX handler, parses it, and returns
# the only thing on the data stack.
def _load(self, file):
"Read one value from the open file"
lxml.sax.saxify(lxml.etree.parse(file), self)
#p = saxexts.make_parser()
assert len(self.data_stack) == 1
# leave the instance in a steady state
result = self.data_stack[0]
return result
# find_class() is copied from
def find_class(self, module, name):
module = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), [''])
return getattr(module, name)
# SAXlib handler methods.
# Unmarshalling is done by creating a stack (a Python list) on
# starting the root element. When the .character() method may be
# called, the last item on the stack must be a list; the
# characters will be appended to that list.
# The starting methods must, at minimum, push a single list onto
# the stack, as um_start_generic does.
# The ending methods can then do string.join() on the list on the
# top of the stack, and convert it to whatever Python type is
# required. The resulting Python object then replaces the list on
# the top of the stack.
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
# Call the start unmarshalling method, if specified
sm, em = self.unmarshal_meth[name]
if sm is not None:
return sm(name, attrs)
def startElementNS(self, ns_name, name, attrs):
# Call the start unmarshalling method, if specified
ns_uri, local_name = ns_name
sm, em = self.unmarshal_meth[local_name]
if sm is not None:
attrib = {}
[attrib.update({k[1]: v}) for k, v in attrs.items()]
return sm(local_name, attrib)
def characters(self, data):
if self.accumulating_chars:
def endElement(self, name):
# Call the ending method
sm, em = self.unmarshal_meth[name]
if em is not None:
def endElementNS(self, ns_name, name):
# Call the ending method
ns_uri, local_name = ns_name
sm, em = self.unmarshal_meth[local_name]
if em is not None:
# um_start_root is really a "sentinel" method
# which ensures that the unmarshaller is in a steady,
# "empty" state.
def um_start_root(self, name, attrs):
if or self.data_stack:
raise ValueError, "root element %s found elsewhere than root" \
% repr(name)
def um_start_reference(self, name, attrs):
assert attrs.has_key('id')
id = attrs['id']
def um_start_generic(self, name, attrs):
self.accumulating_chars = 1
um_start_float = um_start_long = um_start_string = um_start_generic
um_start_complex = um_start_code = um_start_none = um_start_generic
um_start_int = um_start_generic
def um_end_string(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
# might need to convert unicode string to byte string
ds[-1] = unescape(''.join(ds[-1]))
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_int(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
ds[-1] = ''.join(ds[-1])
ds[-1] = int(ds[-1])
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_long(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
ds[-1] = ''.join(ds[-1])
ds[-1] = long(ds[-1])
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_float(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
ds[-1] = ''.join(ds[-1])
ds[-1] = float(ds[-1])
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_none(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
ds[-1] = None
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_complex(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
c = ''.join(ds[-1])
c = c.split()
c = float(c[0]) + float(c[1])*1j
ds[-1:] = [c]
self.accumulating_chars = 0
def um_end_code(self, name):
import marshal, base64
ds = self.data_stack
s = ''.join(ds[-1])
s = base64.decodestring(s)
ds[-1] = marshal.loads(s)
self.accumulating_chars = 0
# Trickier stuff: dictionaries, lists, tuples.
def um_start_list(self, name, attrs):
L = []
if attrs.has_key('id'):
id = attrs['id'][id] = L
def um_end_list(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
for index in range(len(ds)-1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is LIST:
assert index != -1
L = ds[index + 1]
L[:] = ds[index + 2:len(ds)]
ds[index:] = [L]
def um_start_tuple(self, name, attrs):
def um_end_tuple(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
for index in range(len(ds) - 1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is TUPLE:
assert index != -1
t = tuple(ds[index+1:len(ds)])
ds[index:] = [t]
# Dictionary elements, in the generic format, must always have an
# even number of objects contained inside them. These objects are
# treated as alternating keys and values.
def um_start_dictionary(self, name, attrs):
d = {}
if attrs.has_key('id'):
id = attrs['id'][id] = d
def um_end_dictionary(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
for index in range(len(ds) - 1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is DICT:
assert index != -1
d = ds[index + 1]
for i in range(index + 2, len(ds), 2):
key = ds[i]
value = ds[i+1]
d[key] = value
ds[index:] = [d]
def um_start_instance(self, name, attrs):
module = attrs['module']
classname = attrs['class']
value = _EmptyClass()
if attrs.has_key('id'):
id = attrs['id'][id] = value
def um_end_instance(self, name):
value, module, classname, initargs, kw = self.data_stack[-5:]
klass = self.find_class(module, classname)
instantiated = 0
if (not initargs and isinstance(klass, ClassType) and
not hasattr(klass, '__getinitargs__')):
value.__class__ = klass
instantiated = 1
if not instantiated:
# Uh oh... we need to call the constructor with the initial
# arguments, but we also have to preserve the identity of
# the object, to keep recursive objects right.
v2 = apply(klass, initargs)
except TypeError, err:
raise TypeError, 'in constructor for %s: %s' % (
klass.__name__, str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2]
for k, v in v2.__dict__.items():
setattr(value, k, v)
# Now set the object's attributes from the marshalled dictionary
for k, v in kw.items():
setattr(value, k, v)
self.data_stack[-5:] = [value]
# Helper class for instance unmarshalling
class _EmptyClass:
# module functions for procedural use of module
_m = Marshaller()
_m_ns = Marshaller(namespace_uri='')
dump = _m.dump
dumps = _m.dumps
dump_ns = _m_ns.dump
dumps_ns = _m_ns.dumps
_um = Unmarshaller()
load = _um.load
loads = _um.loads
del _m, _um, _m_ns
def test(load, loads, dump, dumps, test_values,
# Try all the above bits of data
for item in test_values:
s = dumps(item)
print s
output = loads(s)
# Try it from a file
file = StringIO()
dump(item, file)
output2 = load(file)
if do_assert:
assert item == output and item == output2 and output == output2
# Classes used in the test suite
class _A:
def __repr__(self):
return '<A instance>'
class _B(object):
def __repr__(self):
return '<B instance>'
def runtests(namespace_uri=None):
print "Testing XML marshalling..."
L = [None, 1, pow(2, 123L), 19.72, 1+5j,
"here is a string & a <fake tag>",
(1, 2, 3),
['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'],
{'key': 'value', 1: 2}
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, L)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, L)
instance = _A() ; instance.subobject = _B()
instance.subobject.list=[None, 1, pow(2, 123L), 19.72, 1+5j,
"here is a string & a <fake tag>"]
instance.self = instance
L = [instance]
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, L, do_assert=0)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, L, do_assert=0)
recursive_list = [None, 1, pow(3, 65L), {1: 'spam', 2: 'eggs'},
'<fake tag>', 1+5j]
if namespace_uri:
test(load, loads, dump_ns, dumps_ns, [recursive_list], do_assert=0)
test(load, loads, dump, dumps, [recursive_list], do_assert=0)
# Try unmarshalling XML with extra harmless whitespace (as if it was
# pretty-printed)
output = loads("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<float> 1.0 </float>
<list id="i2" />
assert output == (1.0, 'abc', [])
output = loads("""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<marshal:marshal xmlns:marshal="">
<marshal:float> 1.0 </marshal:float>
<marshal:list id="i2" />
assert output == (1.0, 'abc', [])
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