Comment and docstring typos

parent 93cf49e4
......@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
catalog_table_alias = self.getCatalogTableAlias()
for (group, table_name), column_set in self.join_table_map.items():
# if any of the columns for this implicit join was requested as a
#left-join, then all columns will be subject to a left-join.
# left-join, then all columns will be subject to a left-join.
# XXX What if one of the columns was an actual query, as opposed to a
# sort column or select_dict? This would cause results in the main
# catalog that don't match the query to be present as well. We expect
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class TableDefinition(object):
def getSuperSet(self, other):
"""Checks if this TableDefinition is a subset of the other table
definition or vice-versa.
definition or vice-versa. Return which one is the superset.
Returns whichever is the superset of the other or None
......@@ -232,15 +232,17 @@ class InnerJoin(Join):
- other is a TableAlias (or None) equal to our
left_side. I.e. "other" is at the end of it's inner-join chain.
- other is an InnerJoin, and it's left-side is equal to our left-side (both TableAliases or None), and it's righ
- other is an InnerJoin, and it's left-side is equal to our
left-side (both TableAliases or None), and our right-side is a
super-set of it's right-side.
if self.left_tabledef == other:
# other and left-side are both None or TableAliases
# other and left-side are both None or matching TableAliases
return self
if (isinstance(other, InnerJoin) and
self.left_tabledef == other.left_tabledef):
# our left-sides match. If one of our right sides is a superset of the
# other, then one of is is the superset
# other right side, then we found the superset
sub_superset = self.right_tabledef.getSuperSet(other.right_tabledef)
if sub_superset is self.right_tabledef:
return self
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