Commit 6b696094 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud :octopus:

Start to implement the new simulation rules.

By Alexandre Boeglin and Rafael Monnerat.
Verified by Romain Courteaud.

Currently, the rule 18 is not implemented (we don't copy yet order 
movement's properties to the simulation movement)

The behavior of the simulation should not be changed by this commit.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c4b84da0
No related merge requests found
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class AmortisationRule(Rule):
'correction': 'correction'
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
......@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowMethod
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type.PsycoWrapper import psyco
......@@ -37,20 +36,21 @@ from zLOG import LOG
class AppliedRule(XMLObject):
An applied rule holds a list of simulation movements
An applied rule holds a list of simulation movements.
An applied rule points to an instance of Rule
(which defines the actual rule to apply with its parameters)
An applied rule points to an instance of Rule (which defines the actual
rule to apply with its parameters) through the specialise relation.
An applied rule can expand itself (look at its direct parent
and take conclusions on what should be inside). This is similar
to the base_fix_consistency mechanism
An applied rule can expand itself (look at its direct parent and take
conclusions on what should be inside).
An applied rule can "solve" or "backtrack". In this case
it looks at its children, looks at the difference between
target and actual, and takes conclusions on its parent
An applied rule can tell if it is stable (if its children are consistent
with what would be expanded from its direct parent).
All algorithms are implemented by the rule
An applied rule can tell if any of his direct children is divergent (not
consistent with the delivery).
All algorithms are implemented by the rule.
# CMF Type Definition
......@@ -78,17 +78,17 @@ class AppliedRule(XMLObject):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
my_parent = self.aq_parent
if my_parent is None: # Should be is portal_simulation
if self.isRootAppliedRule():
return 1
parent_value = self.aq_parent
rule = self.getSpecialiseValue()
return rule.test(my_parent)
return rule.test(parent_value)
def isAccountable(self, movement):
"""Tells wether generated movement needs to be accounted or not."""
"""Tells whether generated movement needs to be accounted or not."""
return self.getSpecialiseValue().isAccountable(movement)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
......@@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ class AppliedRule(XMLObject):
# "recursiveImmediateReindexObject"]).\
# notifySimulationChange(rule._v_notify_dict)
#expand = WorkflowMethod(expand)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'solve')
def solve(self, solution_list):
......@@ -133,8 +131,6 @@ class AppliedRule(XMLObject):
if rule is not None:
#solve = WorkflowMethod(solve)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'diverge')
def diverge(self):
......@@ -147,38 +143,38 @@ class AppliedRule(XMLObject):
if rule is not None:
#diverge = WorkflowMethod(diverge)
# Solvers
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isDivergent')
def isDivergent(self):
def isStable(self):
Returns 1 if divergent rule
Tells whether the rule is stable or not.
rule = self.getSpecialiseValue()
if rule is not None:
return rule.isDivergent(self)
return 0
return self.getSpecialiseValue().isStable(self)
def isDivergent(self, movement):
Tells whether generated movement is divergent or not.
return self.getSpecialiseValue().isDivergent(movement)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDivergenceList')
def getDivergenceList(self):
def getDivergenceList(self, movement):
Returns a list Divergence descriptors
rule = self.getSpecialiseValue()
if rule is not None:
return rule.getDivergenceList(self)
return ()
return self.getSpecialiseValue().getDivergenceList(movement)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSolverList')
def getSolverList(self):
def getSolverList(self, movement):
Returns a list Divergence solvers
rule = self.getSpecialiseValue()
if rule is not None:
return rule.getSolverList(self)
return ()
return self.getSpecialiseValue().getSolverList(movement)
......@@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ class DeliveryRule(Rule):
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Default behaviour of DeliveryRule.test
Tests if the rule (still) applies
# A delivery rule never applies
......@@ -68,91 +69,93 @@ class DeliveryRule(Rule):
# Simulation workflow
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
def expand(self, applied_rule,
movement_type_method='getPortalOrderMovementTypeList', **kw):
Expands the current movement downwards.
-> new status -> expanded
An applied rule can be expanded only if its parent movement
is expanded.
delivery_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
# Get the delivery where we come from
# Causality is a kind of Delivery (ex. Packing List)
my_delivery = applied_rule.getDefaultCausalityValue()
# Only expand if my_delivery is not None
if my_delivery is not None:
#if my_delivery.getSimulationState() not in ('delivered', ):
# Even if delivered, we should always calculate consequences
# First, check each contained movement and make
# a list of delivery uids which do not need to be copied
# eventually delete movement which do not exist anylonger
existing_uid_list = []
existing_uid_list_append = existing_uid_list.append
order_movement_type_list = getattr(applied_rule,
for movement in applied_rule.objectValues() :
delivery_value = movement.getDeliveryValue(
if (delivery_value is None) or\
(delivery_value.hasCellContent()) or\
(len(delivery_value.getDeliveryRelatedValueList()) > 1):
# Our delivery_value is already related
# to another simulation movement
# Delete ourselve
# XXX Make sure this is not deleted if already in delivery
def expand(self, applied_rule, **kw):
Expands the additional Delivery movements to a new simulation tree.
Expand is only allowed to create or modify simulation movements for
delivery lines which are not already linked to another simulation
If the movement is not in current state, has no delivered child, and not
in delivery movements, it can be deleted.
Else if the movement is not in current state, it can be modified.
Else, it cannot be modified.
movement_type = 'Simulation Movement'
existing_movement_list = []
immutable_movement_list = []
delivery = applied_rule.getDefaultCausalityValue()
if delivery is not None:
delivery_movement_list = delivery.getMovementList()
# Check existing movements
for movement in applied_rule.contentValues(portal_type=movement_type):
if movement.getLastExpandSimulationState() not in \
movement_delivery = movement.getDeliveryValue()
if not self._isTreeDelivered([movement], ignore_first=1) and \
movement_delivery not in delivery_movement_list:
# Copy each movement (line or cell) from the delivery is that
for delivery_movement in my_delivery.getMovementList():
simulation_movement_to_update_list = delivery_movement.\
getOrderRelatedValueList(portal_type = 'Simulation Movement')
if len(delivery_movement.getDeliveryRelatedValueList()) == 0:
# Only create if orphaned movement
if delivery_movement.getUid() not in existing_uid_list:
# Generate a nicer ID
if delivery_movement.getParentUid() ==\
# Create or modify movements
for movement in delivery.getMovementList():
related_delivery = movement.getDeliveryRelatedValue()
if related_delivery is None:
# create a new movement
if movement.getParentUid() == movement.getExplanationUid():
# We are on a line
new_id = delivery_movement.getId()
new_id = movement.getId()
# On a cell
new_id = "%s_%s" % (delivery_movement.getParentId(),
# Weare on a cell
new_id = "%s_%s" % (movement.getParentId(), movement.getId())
# Generate the simulation movement
new_sim_mvt = applied_rule.newContent(
id = new_id,
portal_type = delivery_line_type,
order_value = delivery_movement)
for simulation_movement in simulation_movement_to_update_list :
# XXX Do we need to copy the quantity
# Why not the resource, the variation,...
# force_update is required in order
# to make sure the quantity is stored
# on the movement
elif related_delivery in existing_movement_list:
if related_delivery not in immutable_movement_list:
# modification allowed
# modification disallowed, must compensate
except AttributeError:
'AttributeError during expand on delivery line %s'\
% delivery_movement.absolute_url())
# Now we can set the last expand simulation state to the current state
# Pass to base class
Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, **kw)
......@@ -180,29 +183,38 @@ class DeliveryRule(Rule):
# Solvers
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isDivergent')
def isDivergent(self, applied_rule):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isStable')
def isStable(self, movement):
Returns 1 if divergent rule
Checks that the applied_rule is stable
return 0
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getDivergenceList')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isDivergent')
def isDivergent(self, movement):
Checks that the movement is divergent
return Rule.isDivergent(self, movement)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getDivergenceList')
def getDivergenceList(self, applied_rule):
Returns a list Divergence descriptors
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSolverList')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getSolverList')
def getSolverList(self, applied_rule):
Returns a list Divergence solvers
# Deliverability / orderability
def isOrderable(self, m):
def isOrderable(self, movement):
return 1
def isDeliverable(self, m):
if m.getSimulationState() in m.getPortalDraftOrderStateList():
def isDeliverable(self, movement):
if movement.getSimulationState() in movement.getPortalDraftOrderStateList():
return 0
return 1
......@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, PredicateMatrix):
for each invoice movement based on category membership and
other predicated. Template accounting movements are stored
in cells inside an instance of the InvoiceTransactionRule.
WARNING: what to do with movement split ?
# CMF Type Definition
......@@ -64,7 +62,7 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, PredicateMatrix):
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
......@@ -80,12 +78,118 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, PredicateMatrix):
return 1
return 0
#### Helper method for expand
def _generatePrevisionList(self, applied_rule, **kw):
Generate a list of movements, that should be children of this rule,
based on its context (parent movement, delivery, configuration ...)
These previsions are acrually returned as dictionaries.
prevision_list = []
context_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
# Find a matching cell
cell = self._getMatchingCell(context_movement)
if cell is not None : # else, we do nothing
for transaction_line in cell.objectValues() :
# get the resource (in that order):
# * resource from the invoice (using deliveryValue)
# * price_currency from the invoice
# * price_currency from the parents simulation movement's
# deliveryValue
# * price_currency from the top level simulation movement's
# orderValue
resource = None
invoice_line = context_movement.getDeliveryValue()
if invoice_line is not None :
invoice = invoice_line.getExplanationValue()
resource = invoice.getProperty('resource',
invoice.getProperty('price_currency', None))
if resource is None :
# search the resource on parents simulation movement's deliveries
simulation_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
portal_simulation = self.getPortalObject().portal_simulation
while resource is None and \
simulation_movement != portal_simulation :
delivery = simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue()
if delivery is not None:
resource = delivery.getProperty('price_currency', None)
if simulation_movement.getParentValue().getParentValue() \
== portal_simulation :
# we are on the first simulation movement, we'll try
# to get the resource from it's order price currency.
order = simulation_movement.getOrderValue()
resource = order.getProperty('price_currency', None)
simulation_movement = simulation_movement\
if resource is None :
# last resort : get the resource from the rule
resource = transaction_line.getResource() or cell.getResource()
if resource in (None, '') :
# XXX this happen in many order, so this log is probably useless
LOG("InvoiceTransactionRule", PROBLEM,
"expanding %s: without resource" % applied_rule.getPath())
prevision_line = {}
id = transaction_line.getId(),
source = transaction_line.getSource(),
destination = transaction_line.getDestination(),
source_section = context_movement.getSourceSection(),
destination_section = context_movement.getDestinationSection(),
resource = resource,
# calculate (quantity * price) * cell_quantity
quantity = (context_movement.getCorrectedQuantity() *
context_movement.getPrice()) * transaction_line.getQuantity(),
start_date = context_movement.getStartDate(),
stop_date = context_movement.getStopDate(),
force_update = 1)
return prevision_list
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
def expand(self, applied_rule, force=0, **kw):
""" Expands the current movement downward.
invoice_transaction_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
Expands the rule:
- generate a list of previsions
- compare the prevision with existing children
- get the list of existing movements (immutable, mutable, deletable)
- compute the difference between prevision and existing (add,
modify, remove)
- add/modify/remove child movements to match prevision
add_list, modify_dict, \
delete_list = self._getCompensatedMovementList(applied_rule,
matching_property_list=['resource', 'source', 'destination'], **kw)
if len(add_list) or len(modify_dict):
pass#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
for movement_id in delete_list:
for movement, prop_dict in modify_dict.items():
for movement_dict in add_list:
if 'id' in movement_dict.keys():
mvmt_id = applied_rule._get_id(movement_dict.pop('id'))
new_mvmt = applied_rule.newContent(id=mvmt_id,
new_mvmt = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type)
# Pass to base class
Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, force=force, **kw)
#### old expand method kept for reference
def old_expand(self, applied_rule, force=0, **kw):
""" Expands the current movement downward.
# First, get the simulation movement we were expanded from
my_invoice_line_simulation = applied_rule.getParentValue()
......@@ -118,7 +222,7 @@ class InvoiceTransactionRule(Rule, PredicateMatrix):
else :
my_simulation_movement = applied_rule.newContent(
id = transaction_line.getId()
, portal_type=invoice_transaction_line_type)
, portal_type=self.movement_type)
# get the resource (in that order):
# * resource from the invoice (using deliveryValue)
......@@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5.Document.Rule import Rule
#from Products.ERP5Type.Base import TempBase
from zLOG import LOG
class InvoicingRule(Rule):
Invoicing Rule expand simulation created by a order rule.
Invoicing Rule expand simulation created by a order or delivery rule.
# CMF Type Definition
......@@ -65,15 +66,15 @@ class InvoicingRule(Rule):
def isAccountable(self, movement):
"""Tells wether generated movement needs to be accounted or not.
Tells wether generated movement needs to be accounted or not.
Invoice movement are never accountable, so simulation movement for
invoice movements should not be accountable either.
return 0
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'test')
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
......@@ -85,26 +86,108 @@ class InvoicingRule(Rule):
result = 1
return result
#### Helper method for expand
def _generatePrevisionList(self, applied_rule, **kw):
Generate a list of movements, that should be children of this rule,
based on its context (parent movement, delivery, configuration ...)
These previsions are acrually returned as dictionaries.
# XXX Isn't it better to share the code with expand method
context_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
# Do not invoice within the same entity or whenever entities are not all
# defined.
# It could be OK to invoice within different entities of the same
# company if we wish to get some internal analytical accounting but that
# requires some processing to produce a balance sheet.
source_section = context_movement.getSourceSection()
destination_section = context_movement.getDestinationSection()
if source_section == destination_section or source_section is None \
or destination_section is None:
return []
invoice_line = {}
source=context_movement.getSource(), source_section=source_section,
# We do need to collect invoice lines to build invoices
return [invoice_line]
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
def expand(self, applied_rule, **kw):
""" Expands the current movement downward.
def expand(self, applied_rule, force=0, **kw):
Expands the rule:
- generate a list of previsions
- compare the prevision with existing children
- get the list of existing movements (immutable, mutable, deletable)
- compute the difference between prevision and existing (add,
modify, remove)
- add/modify/remove child movements to match prevision
add_list, modify_dict, \
delete_list = self._getCompensatedMovementList(applied_rule, **kw)
for movement_id in delete_list:
for movement, prop_dict in modify_dict.items():
#XXX ignore start_date and stop_date if the difference is smaller than a
# rule defined value
for prop in ('start_date', 'stop_date'):
if prop in prop_dict.keys():
for movement_dict in add_list:
if 'id' in movement_dict.keys():
mvmt_id = applied_rule._get_id(movement_dict.pop('id'))
new_mvmt = applied_rule.newContent(id=mvmt_id,
new_mvmt = applied_rule.newContent(portal_type=self.movement_type)
# Pass to base class
Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, force=force, **kw)
def isDeliverable(self, movement):
return movement.getResource() is not None
#### old expand method kept for reference
def old_expand(self, applied_rule, **kw):
Expands the current movement downward.
delivery_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
# Source that movement from the next node / stock
my_context_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
context_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
# Do not invoice within the same entity or whenever entities are
# not all defined
# It is OK to invoice within different entities of the same company
# if we wish to get some internal analytical accounting
# but that requires some processing to produce a balance sheet
source_section = my_context_movement.getSourceSection()
destination_section = my_context_movement.getDestinationSection()
source_section = context_movement.getSourceSection()
destination_section = context_movement.getDestinationSection()
if source_section == destination_section or source_section is None \
or destination_section is None:
return Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, **kw)
if my_context_movement.getSource() is not None:
if context_movement.getSource() is not None:
# XXX Please explain why ? Let us consider for
# example a consumption movement of garbage which we
# want to be invoiced (the cleanup company is working
......@@ -124,20 +207,20 @@ class InvoicingRule(Rule):
# Edit movement
price = my_context_movement.getPrice(),
quantity = my_context_movement.getQuantity(),
quantity_unit = my_context_movement.getQuantityUnit(),
efficiency = my_context_movement.getEfficiency(),
resource = my_context_movement.getResource(),
variation_category_list = my_context_movement.\
price = context_movement.getPrice(),
quantity = context_movement.getQuantity(),
quantity_unit = context_movement.getQuantityUnit(),
efficiency = context_movement.getEfficiency(),
resource = context_movement.getResource(),
variation_category_list = context_movement.\
variation_property_dict = my_context_movement.\
variation_property_dict = context_movement.\
start_date = my_context_movement.getStartDate(),
stop_date = my_context_movement.getStopDate(),
source = my_context_movement.getSource(),
start_date = context_movement.getStartDate(),
stop_date = context_movement.getStopDate(),
source = context_movement.getSource(),
source_section = source_section,
destination = my_context_movement.getDestination(),
destination = context_movement.getDestination(),
destination_section = destination_section,
# We do need to collect invoice lines to build invoices
deliverable = 1,
......@@ -146,6 +229,3 @@ class InvoicingRule(Rule):
# Create one submovement which sources the transformation
Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, **kw)
def isDeliverable(self, m):
return m.getResource() is not None
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5.Document.Amount import Amount
from zLOG import LOG
from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
class Movement(XMLObject, Amount):
......@@ -394,6 +394,25 @@ class Movement(XMLObject, Amount):
return 1
return 0
def isFrozen(self):
Returns the frozen status of this movemnt.
a movement in started, stopped, delivered is automatically frozen.
If frozen is locally set to '0', we must check for a parent set to '1', in
which case, we want the children to be frozen as well.
# XXX Hardcoded
# Maybe, we should use getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList
# and another portal method for cancelled (and deleted)
LOG("Movement, isFrozen", WARNING, "Hardcoded state list")
if self.getSimulationState() in ('stopped', 'delivered', 'cancelled'):
return 1
if self._baseIsFrozen() == 0:
return self._baseGetFrozen() or 0
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
def getExplanation(self):
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5.Document.Rule import Rule
from Products.ERP5.Document.DeliveryRule import DeliveryRule
from zLOG import LOG
from zLOG import LOG, WARNING
class OrderRule(DeliveryRule):
......@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ class OrderRule(DeliveryRule):
WARNING: what to do with movement split ?
# CMF Type Definition
meta_type = 'ERP5 Order Rule'
portal_type = 'Order Rule'
......@@ -63,73 +62,110 @@ class OrderRule(DeliveryRule):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'expand')
def expand(self, applied_rule, force=0, **kw):
Expands the current movement downward.
-> new status -> expanded
An applied rule can be expanded only if its parent movement
is expanded.
Expands the Order to a new simulation tree.
expand is only allowed to modify a simulation movement if it doesn't
have a delivery relation yet.
If the movement is in ordered or planned state, has no delivered
child, and is not in order, it can be deleted.
Else, if the movement is in ordered or planned state, has no
delivered child, and is in order, it can be modified.
Else, it cannot be modified.
delivery_line_type = 'Simulation Movement'
# Get the order when we come from
my_order = applied_rule.getDefaultCausalityValue()
# Only expand if my_order is not None and state is not 'confirmed'
if my_order is not None:
# Only expand order rule if order not yet confirmed (This is consistent
# with the fact that once simulation is launched, we stick to it)
state = applied_rule.getLastExpandSimulationState()
if force or \
(state not in applied_rule.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList()\
and state not in applied_rule.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList()):
# First, check each contained movement and make
# a list of order ids which do not need to be copied
# eventually delete movement which do not exist anylonger
existing_uid_list = []
existing_uid_list_append = existing_uid_list.append
movement_type_list = applied_rule.getPortalMovementTypeList()
order_movement_type_list = \
# Calculate existing simulation movement to delete
for movement in applied_rule.contentValues(
filter={'portal_type': movement_type_list}):
order_value = movement.getOrderValue(\
if (order_value is None) or\
# XXX Make sure this is not deleted if already in delivery
movement_type = 'Simulation Movement'
existing_movement_list = []
immutable_movement_list = []
order = applied_rule.getDefaultCausalityValue()
if order is not None:
order_movement_list = order.getMovementList()
# check existing movements
for movement in applied_rule.contentValues(portal_type=movement_type):
if (not movement.getLastExpandSimulationState() in
order.getPortalReservedInventoryStateList() and
not movement.getLastExpandSimulationState() in
order.getPortalCurrentInventoryStateList()) and \
not self._isTreeDelivered([movement]):
movement_order = movement.getOrderValue()
if movement_order in order_movement_list:
# Build simulation movement if necessary
for order_movement in my_order.getMovementList():
if order_movement.getUid() not in existing_uid_list:
# Generate a nicer ID
if order_movement.getParentUid() ==\
# Create or modify movements
for movement in order_movement_list:
related_order = movement.getOrderRelatedValue()
if related_order is None:
if movement.getParentUid() == movement.getExplanationUid():
# We are on a line
new_id = order_movement.getId()
new_id = movement.getId()
# On a cell
new_id = "%s_%s" % (order_movement.getParentId(),
# Generate the simulation movement
# Source, Destination, Quantity, Date, etc. are
# acquired from the order and need not to be copied.
new_sim_mvt = applied_rule.newContent(
# We are on a cell
new_id = "%s_%s" % (movement.getParentId(), movement.getId())
# Generate a simulation movement
LOG("OrderRule, expand", WARNING, "Hardcoded state list")
# source=movement.getSource(),
# source_section=movement.getSourceSection(),
# destination=movement.getDestination(),
# destination_section=movement.getDestinationSection(),
# quantity=movement.getQuantity(),
# resource=movement.getResource(),
# variation_category_list=movement.getVariationCategoryList(),
# variation_property_dict=movement.getVariationPropertyDict(),
# start_date=movement.getStartDate(),
# stop_date=movement.getStopDate(),
elif related_order in existing_movement_list:
if related_order not in immutable_movement_list:
# modification allowed
# source=movement.getSource(),
# source_section=movement.getSourceSection(),
# destination=movement.getDestination(),
# destination_section=movement.getDestinationSection(),
# quantity=movement.getQuantity(),
# resource=movement.getResource(),
# variation_category_list=movement.getVariationCategoryList(),
# variation_property_dict=movement.getVariationPropertyDict(),
# start_date=movement.getStartDate(),
# stop_date=movement.getStopDate(),
# No acquisition on variation_category_list
# in this case to prevent user failure
except AttributeError:
'AttributeError during expand on order movement %s'\
% order_movement.absolute_url())
# Now we can set the last expand simulation state
# to the current state
# modification disallowed, must compensate
# Now we can set the last expand simulation state to the current state
# Pass to base class
Rule.expand(self, applied_rule, force=force, **kw)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'isStable')
def isStable(self, applied_rule):
Checks that the applied_rule is stable
LOG('OrderRule.isStable', WARNING, 'Not Implemented')
return 1
def isDivergent(self, movement):
Checks that the movement is divergent
return Rule.isDivergent(self, movement)
......@@ -64,8 +64,7 @@ class PaymentRule(Rule):
, PropertySheet.DublinCore
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'test')
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -29,10 +29,8 @@
from Globals import InitializeClass
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.CMFCore.WorkflowCore import WorkflowMethod
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5.Core import MetaNode, MetaResource
from Products.ERP5.Document.Movement import Movement
......@@ -250,8 +248,6 @@ class SimulationMovement(Movement):
#diverge = WorkflowMethod(diverge) USELESS NOW
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
def getExplanation(self):
......@@ -295,15 +291,6 @@ class SimulationMovement(Movement):
if explanation_value != self.getPortalObject():
return explanation_value
def isFrozen(self):
A frozen simulation movement can not change its target anylonger
Also, once a movement is frozen, we do not calculate anylonger
its direct consequences. (ex. we do not calculate again a transformation)
return 0
# Deliverability / orderability
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
......@@ -382,7 +369,7 @@ class SimulationMovement(Movement):
def isConvergent(self):
Returns true if the Simulation Movement is convergent comparing to
Returns true if the Simulation Movement is convergent with the
the delivery value
return not self.isDivergent()
......@@ -391,60 +378,26 @@ class SimulationMovement(Movement):
def isDivergent(self):
Returns true if the Simulation Movement is divergent comparing to
Returns true if the Simulation Movement is divergent from the
the delivery value
delivery = self.getDeliveryValue()
if delivery is None:
return 0
# XXX Those properties are the same than defined in DeliveryBuilder.
# We need to defined it only 1 time.
#LOG('SimulationMovement.isDivergent self.getStartDate()',0,self.getStartDate())
#LOG('SimulationMovement.isDivergent delivery.getStartDate()',0,delivery.getStartDate())
if self.getSourceSection() != delivery.getSourceSection() or \
self.getDestinationSection() != delivery.getDestinationSection() or \
self.getSource() != delivery.getSource() or \
self.getDestination() != delivery.getDestination() or \
self.getResource() != delivery.getResource() or \
self.getVariationCategoryList() != delivery.getVariationCategoryList()\
or \
self.getAggregateList() != delivery.getAggregateList() or \
self.getStartDate() != delivery.getStartDate() or \
self.getStopDate() != delivery.getStopDate():
# for method in ["getSourceSection",
# "getDestinationSection",
# "getSource",
# "getDestination",
# "getResource",
# "getVariationCategoryList",
# "getStartDate",
# "getStopDate"]:
# LOG("SimulationMovement, isDivergent", 0,
# "method: %s, self: %s , delivery: %s" % \
# tuple([method]+[str(getattr(x,method)()) for x in (self, delivery)]))
return 1
d_quantity = delivery.getQuantity()
quantity = self.getCorrectedQuantity()
d_error = self.getDeliveryError()
if quantity is None:
if d_quantity is None:
return 0
return 1
if d_quantity is None:
d_quantity = 0
if d_error is None:
d_error = 0
delivery_ratio = self.getDeliveryRatio()
# if the delivery_ratio is None, make sure that we are
# divergent even if the delivery quantity is 0
if delivery_ratio is not None:
d_quantity *= delivery_ratio
if delivery_ratio == 0 and quantity >0:
return 1
if d_quantity != quantity + d_error:
return 1
return 0
return self.getParentValue().isDivergent(self)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
def getDivergenceList(self):
Returns detailed information about the divergence
return self.getParentValue().getDivergenceList(self)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation,
def getSolverList(self):
Returns solvers that can fix the current divergence
return self.getParentValue().getSolverList(self)
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ModifyPortalContent,
......@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ class TransformationRule(Rule):
# Class variable
simulation_movement_portal_type = "Simulation Movement"
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'test')
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
......@@ -145,8 +145,7 @@ class TransformationSourcingRule(Rule):
# Class variable
simulation_movement_portal_type = "Simulation Movement"
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'test')
def test(self, movement):
def _test(self, movement):
Tests if the rule (still) applies
......@@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ class AppliedRule:
'description' : 'Contains the id of the simulation state when the '\
'object was last expanded (in order to avoid '\
'acquisition_base_category' : ( 'parent',),
'acquisition_portal_type' : ('Applied Rule', ),
'acquisition_copy_value' : 0,
'acquisition_mask_value' : 1,
'acquisition_accessor_id' : 'getLastExpandSimulationState',
'acquisition_depends' : None,
'alt_accessor_id' : ('getLastExpandSimulationState', ),
'type' : 'string',
'mode' : 'w' },
......@@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ class Task:
'mode' : 'w' },
_categories = ( 'source_project', 'destination_project' )
......@@ -31,9 +31,16 @@ from TargetSolver import TargetSolver
class CopyToTarget(TargetSolver):
Copy values simulation movement as target. This is
only acceptable for root movements. The meaning of
this solver of other movements is far from certain.
This solver calculates the ratio between the new (delivery) and old
(simulation) quantity and applies this ratio to the simulation movement
and to its parent, until a stable one is found
XXX: This solver's name is not good, and it tries too many things.
Once the new isDivergent engine is implemented, this solver can be
splitted in smaller ones (one for profit and loss, one for backtracking)
Backtracking alone is not enough to solve completely, it must be used with
another solver (profit and loss, or creating a compensation branch ...)
def _generateValueDeltaDict(self, simulation_movement):
......@@ -94,10 +101,21 @@ class CopyToTarget(TargetSolver):
Get parent movement, and its value delta dict.
#XXX max_allowed_delta is the maximum number of days we want not to
# account as a divergence. It should be configurable through a Rule
max_allowed_delta = 15
applied_rule = simulation_movement.getParentValue()
parent_movement = applied_rule.getParentValue()
if parent_movement.getPortalType() != "Simulation Movement":
parent_movement = None
for date_delta in ('start_date_delta', 'stop_date_delta'):
if date_delta in value_delta_dict.keys():
if abs(value_delta_dict[date_delta]) <= \
applied_rule.getProperty('max_allowed_delta', max_allowed_delta):
return parent_movement, value_delta_dict
def _recursivelySolve(self, simulation_movement, is_last_movement=1, **value_delta_dict):
......@@ -106,12 +124,34 @@ class CopyToTarget(TargetSolver):
his parent movement.
value_dict = self._generateValueDict(simulation_movement, **value_delta_dict)
if is_last_movement:
delivery_quantity = simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue().getQuantity()
simulation_movement.setDeliveryError(delivery_quantity - value_dict['quantity'])
parent_movement, parent_value_delta_dict = \
self._getParentParameters(simulation_movement, **value_delta_dict)
if parent_movement is not None and parent_movement.isFrozen():
# If backtraxcking is not possible, we have to make sure that the
# divergence is solved locally by using profit and loss
sm_quantity = simulation_movement.getQuantity()
delivery_quantity = \
# simulation_movement.edit(
# profit_quantity=sm_quantity - delivery_quantity)
# fix foating point rounding error
if is_last_movement:
delivery_quantity = \
simulation_movement.setDeliveryError(delivery_quantity -
delivery = simulation_movement.getDeliveryValue()
if parent_movement is not None:
# Modify the parent movement
self._recursivelySolve(parent_movement, is_last_movement=0, **parent_value_delta_dict)
# backtrack to the parent movement only if it is not frozen
self._recursivelySolve(parent_movement, is_last_movement=0,
......@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ class SplitAndDefer(CopyToTarget):
# adopt new quantity on original simulation movement
simulation_movement._v_activate_kw = self.activate_kw
CopyToTarget.solve(self, simulation_movement)
# SplitAndDefer solves the divergence at the current level, no need to
# backtrack.
......@@ -1266,6 +1266,7 @@ class TestAccountingRules(TestAccountingRulesMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assert_(len(simulation_movement_found.keys()), 3)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
Test business template erp5_trade
packable_packing_list_portal_type_list = ['Sale Packing List']
container_portal_type = 'Container'
container_line_portal_type = 'Container Line'
container_cell_portal_type = 'Container Cell'
......@@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
stepCheckDeliveryBuilding \
stepCheckPackingListIsNotDivergent '
default_sequence_with_two_lines = 'stepCreateOrganisation1 \
default_sequence_with_two_lines = '\
stepCreateOrganisation1 \
stepCreateOrganisation2 \
stepCreateOrganisation3 \
stepCreateOrder \
......@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
stepCheckDeliveryBuilding \
stepCheckPackingListIsNotDivergent '
variated_default_sequence = 'stepCreateOrganisation1 \
variated_default_sequence = '\
stepCreateOrganisation1 \
stepCreateOrganisation2 \
stepCreateOrganisation3 \
stepCreateOrder \
......@@ -178,7 +181,7 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
Test if packing list is divergent
packing_list = sequence.get('packing_list')
self.assertEquals('diverged', packing_list.getCausalityState())
def stepCheckPackingListIsNotDivergent(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
......@@ -205,11 +208,12 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
packing_list = sequence.get('packing_list')
quantity = sequence.get('line_quantity',default=self.default_quantity)
quantity = quantity -1
quantity = quantity - 1
for packing_list_line in packing_list.objectValues(
sequence.edit(last_delta = sequence.get('last_delta', 0.0) - 1.0)
def stepIncreasePackingListLineQuantity(self, sequence=None,
sequence_list=None, **kw):
......@@ -217,9 +221,13 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
Set a increased quantity on packing list lines
packing_list = sequence.get('packing_list')
quantity = sequence.get('line_quantity',default=self.default_quantity)
quantity = quantity + 1
for packing_list_line in packing_list.objectValues(
sequence.edit(last_delta = sequence.get('last_delta', 0.0) + 1.0)
def stepSplitAndDeferPackingList(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
......@@ -285,14 +293,41 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
packing_list1 = sequence.get('packing_list')
last_delta = sequence.get('last_delta', 0.0)
for line in packing_list1.objectValues(
portal_type= self.packing_list_line_portal_type):
self.assertEquals(self.default_quantity + last_delta,
simulation_list = line.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(
portal_type='Simulation Movement')
simulation_movement = simulation_list[0]
self.assertEquals(self.default_quantity + last_delta,
def stepCheckPackingListNotSolved(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
This step is specific to test_10 : the incorrectly used solver didn't
solve anything.
order = sequence.get('order')
packing_list_list = order.getCausalityRelatedValueList(
packing_list1 = sequence.get('packing_list')
last_delta = sequence.get('last_delta', 0.0)
for line in packing_list1.objectValues(
portal_type= self.packing_list_line_portal_type):
self.assertEquals(self.default_quantity + last_delta,
simulation_list = line.getDeliveryRelatedValueList(
portal_type='Simulation Movement')
simulation_movement = simulation_list[0]
# Here we don't add last_delta, as the solver didn't do its work.
def stepChangePackingListDestination(self, sequence=None,
sequence_list=None, **kw):
......@@ -429,7 +464,7 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
packing_list = sequence.get('new_packing_list')
def stepAcceptDecision(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
def stepAcceptDecisionPackingList(self,sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw):
Check if simulation movement are disconnected
......@@ -561,6 +596,8 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
not equals to the quantity of the packing list
packing_list = sequence.get('packing_list')
if packing_list.getPortalType() not in \
self.packable_packing_list_portal_type_list: return
......@@ -572,6 +609,8 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
if packing_list is None:
packing_list = sequence.get('packing_list')
if packing_list.getPortalType() not in \
self.packable_packing_list_portal_type_list: return
......@@ -582,6 +621,8 @@ class TestPackingListMixin(TestOrderMixin):
equals to the quantity of the packing list
packing_list = sequence.get('new_packing_list')
if packing_list.getPortalType() not in \
self.packable_packing_list_portal_type_list: return
......@@ -621,8 +662,11 @@ class TestPackingList(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase) :
# Test with a simply order without cell
sequence_string = self.default_sequence + '\
stepChangePackingListDestination \
stepCheckPackingListIsDivergent \
stepCheckPackingListIsCalculating \
stepAcceptDecisionPackingList \
stepTic \
stepCheckPackingListIsSolved \
stepCheckPackingListIsNotDivergent \
stepCheckSimulationDestinationUpdated \
......@@ -640,7 +684,7 @@ class TestPackingList(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase) :
sequence_string = self.default_sequence + '\
stepChangePackingListStartDate \
stepCheckPackingListIsCalculating \
stepAcceptDecision \
stepAcceptDecisionPackingList \
stepTic \
stepCheckPackingListIsSolved \
stepCheckPackingListIsNotDivergent \
......@@ -783,9 +827,14 @@ class TestPackingList(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase) :
def test_10_PackingListIncreaseQuantity(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
Change the quantity on an delivery line, then
see if the packing list is divergent and then
split and defer the packing list
- Increase the quantity on an delivery line
- check if the packing list is divergent
- Apply the "split and defer" solver to the packing list
- check that nothing was splitted and the packing list is still divergent
(reset the delta before, as we don't expect a modification)
Basically, when we apply "split and defer" to a packing list, we don't
want it to modify lines which have been increased.
if not run: return
sequence_list = SequenceList()
......@@ -796,8 +845,9 @@ class TestPackingList(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase) :
stepCheckPackingListIsCalculating \
stepSplitAndDeferPackingList \
stepTic \
stepCheckPackingListIsSolved \
stepCheckPackingListNotSplitted \
stepCheckPackingListIsDiverged \
stepCheckPackingListIsDivergent \
stepCheckPackingListNotSolved \
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