Commit 06a4d4a4 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Indentation & comments. Small condition optimization.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 7c4878f9
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
i18n:domain="ui" i18n:attributes="title" /> \n
<!-- Column label row -->\n
<!-- Label column row -->\n
<tal:block tal:repeat="value here/getLabelValueList">\n
<tal:block tal:define="sql python: value[0];\n
title python: value[1];\n
......@@ -279,28 +279,29 @@
src string:${portal_url_string}/images/exec16.png"\n
i18n:domain="ui" i18n:attributes="title" />\n
<!-- Real search columns -->\n
<th tal:repeat="value here/getSearchValueList">\n
<tal:block tal:define="alias python: value[0];\n
param python: value[1];\n
search_field python: value[2]"\n
tal:condition="python: search_field is not None"\n
<!-- Render search field -->\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: search_field is not None"\n
tal:replace="structure python: search_field.render(value=param, key=alias)"/>\n
<input tal:condition="python: not is_gadget_mode and search_field is None" \n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: search_field is None">\n
<input tal:condition="python: not is_gadget_mode" \n
name="id" size="5" value=""\n
type="text" tal:attributes="name alias; value param"/>\n
<!-- Search for gadget mode -->\n
<input tal:condition="python: is_gadget_mode and search_field is None" \n
<input tal:condition="python: is_gadget_mode" \n
tal:define ="params python: {alias:\'this.value\'};"\n
type="textarea" \n
tal:attributes=\'value python: selection.getParams().get(alias,"");\n
onkeypress python:"if(event.keyCode==13){" + real_context.KnowledgePad_generateAjaxCall(context_url+"/"+form_id,box,dom_id,params).replace("\\"this.value\\"","this.value")+ "return false;;}"\'/>\n
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