Commit 467ae656 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Listbox: use editable field for rendering in report summary

Signed-off-by: Aurel's avatarAurélien Calonne <>
parent 04258a4e
......@@ -2378,8 +2378,6 @@ class ListBoxHTMLRendererLine(ListBoxRendererLine):
# If a field is editable, generate an input form.
# XXX why don't we generate an input form when a widget is not defined?
editable_field = None
if not self.isSummary():
editable_field = renderer.getEditableField(alias)
# Prepare link value - we now use it for both static and field rendering
......@@ -2488,7 +2486,8 @@ class ListBoxHTMLRendererLine(ListBoxRendererLine):
editable=listbox_defines_column_as_editable and editable,
editable=(not self.isSummary()) \
and listbox_defines_column_as_editable and editable,
if isinstance(cell_html, str):
cell_html = unicode(cell_html, encoding)
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