Commit 4aca8f95 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud :octopus:

Revert "erp5_ui_test_core: Make waitForActivities independent from the number...

Revert "erp5_ui_test_core: Make waitForActivities independent from the number of activities processed per tic."

This reverts commit 208b11ad.
parent b6d0ead3
import itertools
import time
from Products.CMFActivity.Activity.Queue import VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY
def waitForActivities(self, delay=100, count=None):
def waitForActivities(self, count=1000):
We wait until all activities are finished
RuntimeError is raised in case there is no way
to finish activities.
if count is not None: # BBB
# completely arbitrary conversion factor: count used to default to 1000
# and I (just as arbitrarily) converted that into a 100s default maximum
# tolerable wait delay before bailing.
delay = count / 10.
deadline = time.time() + delay
activity_tool = self.getPortalObject().portal_activities
for call_count in itertools.count():
while count > 0:
count -= 1
x = activity_tool.getMessageList()
if not x:
return 'Done.'
......@@ -25,9 +18,7 @@ def waitForActivities(self, delay=100, count=None):
'tic is looping forever: one failing activity (%s %s)' % (x[0].object_path, x[0].method_id)
activity_tool.process_timer(None, None)
if time.time() > deadline:
if call_count % 10 == 0:
if count % 10 == 0:
activity_tool.timeShift(3 * VALIDATION_ERROR_DELAY)
raise RuntimeError('tic is looping forever.')
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