Commit 70c67112 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Support properly HTML5 implicit form submission.

From Chromium 31, pressing enter key to select ListBox page submit the form
through JS (submitFormOnEnter) *and* wrongly on the default button, at the end
following HTML5 behavior ( Implicit submission).
parent a5f950b3
......@@ -187,6 +187,8 @@ function submitFormOnEnter(event, form, method_name, clear_changed_flag, element
changed = false;\n
return false;\n
2013-12-10 arnaud.fontaine
* Support properly HTML5 implicit form submission.
2012-10-16 yusei
* Improve error handling on Workflow_statusModify. If divergence is solved by other user, then show a nice message.
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