Commit 92337513 authored by Roque's avatar Roque

erp5_drone_simulator: gadget and game logic

parent 7be75143
/*global console*/
/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxlen: 80, white: true */
/************************** DRONE A AILE FIXE API ****************************/
var DroneAaileFixeAPI = /** @class */ (function () {
"use strict";
function DroneAaileFixeAPI(gameManager, drone_info, flight_parameters, id) {
this._gameManager = gameManager;
this._mapManager = this._gameManager._mapManager;
this._map_dict = this._mapManager.getMapInfo();
this._flight_parameters = flight_parameters;
this._id = id;
this._drone_info = drone_info;
this._loiter_radius = 0;
this._last_loiter_point_reached = -1;
//this._start_altitude = 0;
//this._last_altitude_point_reached = -1;
this._loiter_mode = false;
this._drone_dict_list = [];
** Function called on start phase of the drone, just before onStart AI script
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.internal_start = function () {
** Function called on every drone update, right after onUpdate AI script
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.internal_update = function (drone) {
if (this._loiter_mode) {
/*if (this._start_altitude > 0) { //TODO move start_altitude here
var _this = this, drone_position = drone.getCurrentPosition(), drone_info;
if (drone_position) {
drone_info = {
'altitudeRel' : drone_position.z,
'altitudeAbs' : this._mapManager.getMapInfo().start_AMSL +
'latitude' : drone_position.x,
'longitude' : drone_position.y
this._drone_dict_list[this._id] = drone_info;
//broadcast drone info using internal msg
this._gameManager._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
if ( !== _this._id) {
drone.internal_getMsg(drone_info, _this._id);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.internal_getMsg = function (msg, id) {
this._drone_dict_list[id] = msg;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.set_loiter_mode = function (radius) {
this._loiter_mode = true;
if (radius && radius > LOITER_LIMIT) {
this._loiter_radius = radius * LOITER_RADIUS_FACTOR;
this._loiter_center = this._last_target;
this._loiter_coordinates = [];
this._last_loiter_point_reached = -1;
var x1, y1, angle;
//for (var angle = 0; angle <360; angle+=8){ //counter-clockwise
for (angle = 360; angle > 0; angle-=8){ //clockwise
x1 = this._loiter_radius *
Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180)) + this._loiter_center.x;
y1 = this._loiter_radius *
Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180)) + this._loiter_center.y;
this.getCurrentPosition(x1, y1, this._loiter_center.z));
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.internal_setTargetCoordinates =
function (drone, x, y, z, loiter) {
//this._start_altitude = 0;
//convert real geo-coordinates to virtual x-y coordinates
var coordinates = this.processCoordinates(x, y, z);
if (!loiter) {
this._loiter_mode = false;
drone._maxSpeed = this.getMaxSpeed();
//save last target point to use as next loiter center
this._last_target = coordinates;
** This expects x,y plane coordinates (not geo latitude-longitud)
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.internal_setVirtualPlaneTargetCoordinates =
function (drone, x, y, z) {
x -= drone._controlMesh.position.x;
y -= drone._controlMesh.position.z;
z -= drone._controlMesh.position.y;
drone.setDirection(x, y, z);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.sendMsg = function (msg, to) {
var _this = this,
droneList = _this._gameManager._droneList;
_this._gameManager.delay(function () {
if (to < 0) {
// Send to all drones
droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
if (drone.infosMesh) {
try {
catch (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on sendMsg due to error:', error);
else {
// Send to specific drone
if (droneList[to].infosMesh) {
try {
catch (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on sendMsg due to error:', error);
}, _this._flight_parameters.latency.communication);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.log = function (msg) {
console.log("API say : " + msg);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getGameParameter = function (name) {
if (["gameTime", "map"].includes(name)) {
return this._gameManager.gameParameter[name];
** Converts geo latitude-longitud coordinates (º) to x,y plane coordinates (m)
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.processCoordinates = function (lat, lon, z) {
if(isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lon) || isNaN(z)){
throw new Error('Target coordinates must be numbers');
var x = this._mapManager.longitudToX(lon, this._map_dict.width),
y = this._mapManager.latitudeToY(lat, this._map_dict.depth),
position = this._mapManager.normalize(x, y, this._map_dict),
if (z > this._map_dict.start_AMSL) {
z -= this._map_dict.start_AMSL;
processed_coordinates = {
x: position[0],
y: position[1],
z: z
//this._last_altitude_point_reached = -1;
//this.takeoff_path = [];
return processed_coordinates;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function (x, y, z) {
return this._mapManager.convertToGeoCoordinates(x, y, z, this._map_dict);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.loiter = function (drone) {
if (this._loiter_radius > LOITER_LIMIT) {
var drone_pos = drone.getCurrentPosition(),
min = 9999, min_i, i, d, next_point;
//shift loiter circle to nearest point
if (this._last_loiter_point_reached === -1) {
if (!this.shifted) {
drone._maxSpeed = drone._maxSpeed * LOITER_SPEED_FACTOR;
for (i = 0; i < this._loiter_coordinates.length; i+=1){
d = this._mapManager.latLonDistance([drone_pos.x, drone_pos.y],
if (d < min) {
min = d;
min_i = i;
this._loiter_coordinates = this._loiter_coordinates.concat(
this.shifted = true;
} else {
this.shifted = false;
if (this._last_loiter_point_reached ===
this._loiter_coordinates.length - 1) {
if (drone._maxSpeed !== this.getMaxSpeed()) {
drone._maxSpeed = this.getMaxSpeed();
drone.setDirection(0, 0, 0);
next_point =
this._loiter_coordinates[this._last_loiter_point_reached + 1];
drone, next_point.x, next_point.y, next_point.z, true);
if (this._mapManager.latLonDistance([drone_pos.x, drone_pos.y],
[next_point.x, next_point.y]) < 1) {
this._last_loiter_point_reached += 1;
if (this._last_loiter_point_reached ===
this._loiter_coordinates.length - 1) {
next_point = this._loiter_coordinates[
this._last_loiter_point_reached + 1];
drone, next_point.x, next_point.y, next_point.z, true);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getDroneAI = function () {
return null;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.setAltitude = function (altitude, drone) {
/*if (this._start_altitude === 0) {
this._start_altitude = 1;
this.takeoff_path = [];
if (skip_loiter) {*/
var drone_pos = drone.getCurrentPosition();
drone, drone_pos.x, drone_pos.y, altitude);
var x1, y1,
LOOPS = 1,
current_point = 0,
total_points = 360/CIRCLE_ANGLE*LOOPS,
initial_altitude = drone.getAltitudeAbs(),
center = {
x: drone.position.x,
y: drone.position.y,
z: drone.position.z
for (var l = 0; l <= LOOPS; l+=1){
for (var angle = 360; angle > 0; angle-=CIRCLE_ANGLE){ //clockwise sense
x1 = TAKEOFF_RADIUS * Math.cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180)) + center.x;
y1 = TAKEOFF_RADIUS * Math.sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180)) + center.y;
if (current_point < total_points/3) {
var FACTOR = 0.5;
x1 = center.x*FACTOR + x1*(1-FACTOR);
y1 = center.y*FACTOR + y1*(1-FACTOR);
this.takeoff_path.push({x: x1, y: y1, z: initial_altitude +
current_point * (altitude-initial_altitude)/total_points});
/*DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.reachAltitude = function (drone) {
function distance(p1, p2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) +
Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2));
if (this._last_altitude_point_reached === this.takeoff_path.length - 1) {
this._last_altitude_point_reached = -1;
this.takeoff_path = [];
this._start_altitude = 0;
drone.setDirection(0, 0, 0);
var drone_pos = {
x: drone.position.x,
y: drone.position.y,
z: drone.position.z
var next_point = this.takeoff_path[this._last_altitude_point_reached + 1];
next_point.x, next_point.y, next_point.z);
if (distance([drone_pos.x, drone_pos.y],
[next_point.x, next_point.y]) < 1) {
this._last_altitude_point_reached += 1;
if (this._last_altitude_point_reached === this.takeoff_path.length - 1) {
next_point = this.takeoff_path[this._last_altitude_point_reached + 1];
next_point.x, next_point.y, next_point.z);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getMaxSpeed = function () {
return this._flight_parameters.drone.maxSpeed;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.triggerParachute = function (drone) {
var drone_pos = drone.getCurrentPosition();
this.internal_setTargetCoordinates(drone, drone_pos.x, drone_pos.y, 5);
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.landed = function (drone) {
var drone_pos = drone.getCurrentPosition();
return Math.floor(drone_pos.z) < 10;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.exit = function () {
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getInitialAltitude = function () {
return 0;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getAltitudeAbs = function (altitude) {
return altitude;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getMinHeight = function () {
return 0;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getMaxHeight = function () {
return 800;
DroneAaileFixeAPI.prototype.getFlightParameters = function () {
return this._flight_parameters;
return DroneAaileFixeAPI;
\ No newline at end of file
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/*global console*/
/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxlen: 80, white: true */
/**************************** DRONE LOG FOLLOWER ******************************/
var DroneLogAPI = /** @class */ (function () {
"use strict";
function DroneLogAPI(gameManager, drone_info, flight_parameters, id) {
this._gameManager = gameManager;
this._mapManager = this._gameManager._mapManager;
this._drone_info = drone_info;
this._flight_parameters = flight_parameters;
** Function called at start phase of the drone, just before onStart AI script
DroneLogAPI.prototype.internal_start = function () {
function getLogEntries(log) {
var i, line_list = log.split('\n'), log_entry_list = [], log_entry,
for (i = 0; i < line_list.length; i += 1) {
if (!log_header_found && !line_list[i].includes("timestamp;")) {
log_header_found = true;
if (line_list[i].indexOf("AMSL") >= 0 ||
!line_list[i].includes(";")) {
log_entry = line_list[i].trim();
if (log_entry) {
return log_entry_list;
var log = this._drone_info.log_content, entry_1, entry_2, interval,
map_dict = this._mapManager.getMapInfo(),
min_height = 15, converted_log_point_list = [],
i, splitted_log_entry, x, y, position, lat, lon, height, timestamp,
time_offset = 1, log_entry_list = getLogEntries(log);
//XXX: Patch to determine log time format (if this is standarized, drop it)
if (log_entry_list[0] && log_entry_list[1]) {
entry_1 = log_entry_list[0].split(";");
entry_2 = log_entry_list[1].split(";");
interval = parseInt(entry_2[0], 10) - parseInt(entry_1[0], 10);
//if interval > 1' then timestamp is in microseconds
if (Math.floor(interval / 1000) > 60) {
time_offset = 1000;
for (i = 0; i < log_entry_list.length; i += 1) {
splitted_log_entry = log_entry_list[i].split(";");
timestamp = parseInt(splitted_log_entry[0], 10);
lat = parseFloat(splitted_log_entry[1]);
lon = parseFloat(splitted_log_entry[2]);
x = this._mapManager.longitudToX(lon, map_dict.map_size);
y = this._mapManager.latitudeToY(lat, map_dict.map_size);
position = this._mapManager.normalize(x, y, map_dict);
height = parseFloat(splitted_log_entry[4]);
if (height < min_height) {
height = min_height;
height, timestamp / time_offset]);
this._flight_parameters.converted_log_point_list = converted_log_point_list;
** Function called on every drone update, right after onUpdate AI script
DroneLogAPI.prototype.internal_update = function () {
DroneLogAPI.prototype.internal_setTargetCoordinates =
function (drone, x, y, z) {
var coordinates = this.processCoordinates(x, y, z);
coordinates.x -= drone._controlMesh.position.x;
coordinates.y -= drone._controlMesh.position.z;
coordinates.z -= drone._controlMesh.position.y;
drone.setDirection(coordinates.x, coordinates.y, coordinates.z);
DroneLogAPI.prototype.sendMsg = function (msg, to) {
DroneLogAPI.prototype.log = function (msg) {
console.log("API say : " + msg);
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getGameParameter = function (name) {
if (["gameTime", "map"].includes(name)) {
return this._gameManager.gameParameter[name];
DroneLogAPI.prototype.processCoordinates = function (x, y, z) {
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(z)){
throw new Error('Target coordinates must be numbers');
return {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z
//Internal AI: drone follows the flight log points
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getDroneAI = function () {
return 'function distance(p1, p2) {' +
'var a = p1[0] - p2[0],' +
'b = p1[1] - p2[1];' +
'return Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);' +
'}' +
'me.onStart = function() {' +
'console.log("DRONE LOG START!");' +
'if (!me.getFlightParameters())' +
'throw "DroneLog API must implement getFlightParameters";' +
'me.flightParameters = me.getFlightParameters();' +
'me.checkpoint_list = me.flightParameters.converted_log_point_list;' +
'if (me.checkpoint_list.length === 0)' +
'throw "flight log is empty or it does not contain valid entries";' +
'me.startTime = new Date();' +
'me.initTimestamp = me.checkpoint_list[0][3];' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(me.checkpoint_list[0][0], ' +
'me.checkpoint_list[0][1], me.checkpoint_list[0][2]);' +
'me.last_checkpoint_reached = -1;' +
'me.setAcceleration(10);' +
'};' +
'me.onUpdate = function(timestamp) {' +
'var next_checkpoint = me.checkpoint_list' +
'[me.last_checkpoint_reached+1];' +
'if (distance([me.position.x, me.position.y], next_checkpoint) < 12) {' +
'me.going = false;' +
'var log_elapsed = next_checkpoint[3] - me.initTimestamp,' +
'time_elapsed = new Date() - me.startTime;' +
'if (time_elapsed < log_elapsed) {' +
'me.setDirection(0, 0, 0);' +
'return;' +
'}' +
'if (me.last_checkpoint_reached + 1 === ' +
'me.checkpoint_list.length - 1) {' +
'me.exit(0);' +
'return;' +
'}' +
'me.last_checkpoint_reached += 1;' +
'next_checkpoint = me.checkpoint_list[me.last_checkpoint_reached+1];' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(next_checkpoint[0], next_checkpoint[1], ' +
'next_checkpoint[2]);' +
'} else {' +
'if (!me.going) {' +
'me.setTargetCoordinates(next_checkpoint[0], next_checkpoint[1], ' +
'next_checkpoint[2]);' +
'me.going = true;' +
'}' +
'}' +
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function (x, y, z) {
return {
x: x,
y: y,
z: z
DroneLogAPI.prototype.set_loiter_mode = function (radius, drone) {
DroneLogAPI.prototype.setAltitude = function (altitude, drone) {
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMaxSpeed = function () {
return 3000;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getInitialAltitude = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getAltitudeAbs = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMinHeight = function () {
return 0;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getMaxHeight = function () {
return 220;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.triggerParachute = function (drone) {
DroneLogAPI.prototype.getFlightParameters = function () {
return this._flight_parameters;
DroneLogAPI.prototype.exit = function (drone) {
return DroneLogAPI;
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/*global window, rJS, domsugar, DroneGameManager*/
/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxlen: 80, white: true, evil: false */
(function (window, rJS, domsugar, DroneGameManager) {
"use strict";
var canvas, offscreen,
WIDTH = 680, HEIGHT = 340,
// Acquired methods
.declareAcquiredMethod("jio_allDocs", "jio_allDocs")
.declareMethod('render', function render() {
var gadget = this,
loading = domsugar('span', ["Loading..."]),
container = domsugar('div');
canvas = domsugar('canvas'); = "loading";
container.className = 'container';
domsugar(gadget.element, [loading, container]);
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
offscreen = canvas.transferControlToOffscreen();
// To be called outside
.declareMethod('runGame', function runGame(options) {
options.canvas = offscreen;
options.canvas_original = canvas;
options.width = canvas.width;
options.height = canvas.height;
options.logic_url_list = LOGIC_FILE_LIST;
var gadget = this,
game_manager = new DroneGameManager(gadget);
.push(function () {
return game_manager.result();
}(window, rJS, domsugar, DroneGameManager));
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/*global BABYLON, RSVP, console, DroneAaileFixeAPI, DroneLogAPI*/
/*jslint nomen: true, indent: 2, maxlen: 80, white: true, evil: false */
/******************************* DRONE MANAGER ********************************/
var DroneManager = /** @class */ (function () {
"use strict";
function DroneManager(scene, id, API) {
this._mesh = null;
this._controlMesh = null;
this._canPlay = false;
this._canCommunicate = false;
this._maxAcceleration = 0;
this._maxSpeed = 0;
this._speed = 0;
this._acceleration = 0;
this._direction = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
this._maxOrientation = Math.PI / 4;
this._scene = scene;
this._canUpdate = true;
this._id = id;
this._leader_id = 0;
this._API = API; // var API created on AI evel
// Create the control mesh
this._controlMesh = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox(
"droneControl_" + id, 0.01, this._scene);
this._controlMesh.isVisible = false;
// Create the mesh from the drone prefab
this._mesh = DroneManager.Prefab.clone("drone_" + id, this._controlMesh);
this._mesh.position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
this._mesh.isVisible = false;
// Get the back collider
this._mesh.getChildMeshes().forEach(function (mesh) {
mesh.isVisible = true;
if (!DroneManager.PrefabBlueMat) {
DroneManager.PrefabBlueMat =
new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("blueTeamMat", scene);
DroneManager.PrefabBlueMat.diffuseTexture =
new BABYLON.Texture("assets/drone/drone_bleu.jpg", scene);
DroneManager.prototype._swapAxe = function (vector) {
return new BABYLON.Vector3(vector.x, vector.z, vector.y);
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "leader_id", {
get: function () { return this._leader_id; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "drone_dict", {
get: function () { return this._API._drone_dict_list; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "can_play", {
get: function () { return this._canPlay; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "id", {
get: function () { return this._id; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "colliderMesh", {
get: function () { return this._mesh; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "infosMesh", {
get: function () { return this._controlMesh; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "position", {
get: function () {
if (this._controlMesh !== null) {
return this._swapAxe(this._controlMesh.position);
return null;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "speed", {
get: function () { return this._speed; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "direction", {
get: function () { return this._swapAxe(this._direction); },
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DroneManager.prototype, "worldDirection", {
get: function () {
return new BABYLON.Vector3(
this._direction.x, this._direction.y, this._direction.z);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
DroneManager.prototype.internal_start = function () {
this._maxAcceleration = GAMEPARAMETERS.drone.maxAcceleration;
this._maxSpeed = this._API.getMaxSpeed();
this._canPlay = true;
this._canCommunicate = true;
try {
return this.onStart();
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on start due to error:', error);
* Set a target point to move
DroneManager.prototype.setTargetCoordinates = function (x, y, z) {
if (!this._canPlay) {
return this._API.internal_setTargetCoordinates(this, x, y, z);
DroneManager.prototype.internal_update = function (delta_time) {
var context = this, updateSpeed;
if (this._controlMesh) {
context._speed += context._acceleration * delta_time / 1000;
if (context._speed > context._maxSpeed) {
context._speed = context._maxSpeed;
if (context._speed < -context._maxSpeed) {
context._speed = -context._maxSpeed;
updateSpeed = context._speed * delta_time / 1000;
if (context._direction.x !== 0 ||
context._direction.y !== 0 ||
context._direction.z !== 0) {
context._controlMesh.position.addInPlace(new BABYLON.Vector3(
context._direction.x * updateSpeed,
context._direction.y * updateSpeed,
context._direction.z * updateSpeed));
if (context._canUpdate) {
context._canUpdate = false;
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return context.onUpdate(context._API._gameManager._game_duration);
.push(function () {
context._canUpdate = true;
}, function (error) {
console.warn('Drone crashed on update due to error:', error);
.push(function () {
DroneManager.prototype._internal_crash = function (error) {
this._canCommunicate = false;
this._controlMesh = null;
this._mesh = null;
this._canPlay = false;
if (error) {
this._API._gameManager.logError(this, error);
DroneManager.prototype.setStartingPosition = function (x, y, z) {
if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(z)){
throw new Error('Position coordinates must be numbers');
if (!this._canPlay) {
if (z <= 0.05) {
z = 0.05;
this._controlMesh.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(x, z, y);
DroneManager.prototype.setAcceleration = function (factor) {
if (!this._canPlay) {
if (isNaN(factor)){
throw new Error('Acceleration must be a number');
if (factor > this._maxAcceleration) {
factor = this._maxAcceleration;
this._acceleration = factor;
DroneManager.prototype.setDirection = function (x, y, z) {
if (!this._canPlay) {
if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y) || isNaN(z)) {
throw new Error('Direction coordinates must be numbers');
this._direction = new BABYLON.Vector3(x, z, y).normalize();
* Send a message to drones
* @param msg The message to send
* @param id The targeted drone. -1 or nothing to broadcast
DroneManager.prototype.sendMsg = function (msg, id) {
var _this = this;
if (!this._canCommunicate) {
if (id >= 0) { }
else {
id = -1;
if (_this.infosMesh) {
return _this._API.sendMsg(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg)), id);
* Handle internal get msg
* @param msg The message to send
* @param id of the sender
DroneManager.prototype.internal_getMsg = function (msg, id) {
return this._API.internal_getMsg(msg, id);
/** Perform a console.log with drone id + the message */
DroneManager.prototype.log = function (msg) { return msg; };
DroneManager.prototype.getMaxHeight = function () {
return this._API.getMaxHeight();
DroneManager.prototype.getMinHeight = function () {
return this._API.getMinHeight();
DroneManager.prototype.getInitialAltitude = function () {
return this._API.getInitialAltitude();
DroneManager.prototype.getAltitudeAbs = function () {
if (this._controlMesh) {
var altitude = this._controlMesh.position.y;
return this._API.getAltitudeAbs(altitude);
return null;
* Get a game parameter by name
* @param name Name of the parameter to retrieve
DroneManager.prototype.getGameParameter = function (name) {
if (!this._canCommunicate) {
return this._API.getGameParameter(name);
DroneManager.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function () {
if (this._controlMesh) {
return this._API.getCurrentPosition(
return null;
DroneManager.prototype.setAltitude = function (altitude) {
if (!this._canPlay) {
return this._API.setAltitude(altitude, this);
* Make the drone loiter (circle with a set radius)
DroneManager.prototype.loiter = function (radius) {
if (!this._canPlay) {
DroneManager.prototype.getFlightParameters = function () {
if (this._API.getFlightParameters) {
return this._API.getFlightParameters();
return null;
DroneManager.prototype.getYaw = function () {
return 0;
DroneManager.prototype.triggerParachute = function () {
return this._API.triggerParachute(this);
DroneManager.prototype.exit = function () {
return this._API.exit();
DroneManager.prototype.landed = function () {
return this._API.landed(this);
* Set the drone last checkpoint reached
* @param checkpoint to be set
DroneManager.prototype.setCheckpoint = function (checkpoint) {
return checkpoint;
* Function called on game start
DroneManager.prototype.onStart = function () { };
* Function called on game update
DroneManager.prototype.onUpdate = function (timestamp) { };
* Function called when drone crashes
DroneManager.prototype.onTouched = function () { };
* Function called when a message is received
* @param msg The message
DroneManager.prototype.onGetMsg = function (msg) { };
return DroneManager;
/******************************** MAP MANAGER *********************************/
var MapManager = /** @class */ (function () {
"use strict";
function calculateMapInfo(map, map_dict, initial_position) {
var max_width = map.latLonDistance([map_dict.min_lat, map_dict.min_lon],
[map_dict.min_lat, map_dict.max_lon]),
max_height = map.latLonDistance([map_dict.min_lat, map_dict.min_lon],
[map_dict.max_lat, map_dict.min_lon]),
map_size = Math.ceil(Math.max(max_width, max_height)) * 0.6,
map_info = {
"depth": map_size,
"height": map_dict.height,
"width": map_size,
"map_size": map_size,
"min_x": map.longitudToX(map_dict.min_lon, map_size),
"min_y": map.latitudeToY(map_dict.min_lat, map_size),
"max_x": map.longitudToX(map_dict.max_lon, map_size),
"max_y": map.latitudeToY(map_dict.max_lat, map_size),
"start_AMSL": map_dict.start_AMSL
position = map.normalize(
map.longitudToX(initial_position.longitude, map_size),
map.latitudeToY(initial_position.latitude, map_size),
map_info.initial_position = {
"x": position[0],
"y": position[1],
"z": initial_position.z
return map_info;
function MapManager(scene) {
var _this = this, max_sky, skybox, skyboxMat, largeGroundMat,
largeGroundBottom, width, depth, terrain, max;
_this.map_info = calculateMapInfo(_this,,
max = _this.map_info.width;
if (_this.map_info.depth > max) {
max = _this.map_info.depth;
if (_this.map_info.height > max) {
max = _this.map_info.height;
max = max < _this.map_info.depth ? _this.map_info.depth : max;
// Skybox
max_sky = (max * 10 < 20000) ? max * 10 : 20000;
skybox = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateBox("skyBox", max_sky, scene);
skybox.infiniteDistance = true;
skybox.renderingGroupId = 0;
skyboxMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("skybox", scene);
skyboxMat.backFaceCulling = false;
skyboxMat.disableLighting = true;
skyboxMat.reflectionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("./assets/skybox/sky",
skyboxMat.reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode = BABYLON.Texture.SKYBOX_MODE;
skyboxMat.infiniteDistance = true;
skybox.material = skyboxMat;
// Plane from bottom
largeGroundMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("largeGroundMat", scene);
largeGroundMat.specularColor = BABYLON.Color3.Black();
largeGroundMat.alpha = 0.4;
largeGroundBottom = BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane("largeGroundBottom",
max * 11, scene);
largeGroundBottom.position.y = -0.01;
largeGroundBottom.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2;
largeGroundBottom.rotation.y = Math.PI;
largeGroundBottom.material = largeGroundMat;
// Camera
scene.activeCamera.upperRadiusLimit = max * 4;
// Terrain
// Give map some margin from the flight limits
width = _this.map_info.width * 1.10;
depth = _this.map_info.depth * 1.10;
//height = _this.map_info.height;
terrain = scene.getMeshByName("terrain001");
terrain.isVisible = true;
terrain.position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
terrain.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(depth / 50000, depth / 50000,
width / 50000);
MapManager.prototype.getMapInfo = function () {
return this.map_info;
MapManager.prototype.longitudToX = function (lon, map_size) {
return (map_size / 360.0) * (180 + lon);
MapManager.prototype.latitudeToY = function (lat, map_size) {
return (map_size / 180.0) * (90 - lat);
MapManager.prototype.latLonDistance = function (c1, c2) {
var R = 6371e3,
q1 = c1[0] * Math.PI / 180,
q2 = c2[0] * Math.PI / 180,
dq = (c2[0] - c1[0]) * Math.PI / 180,
dl = (c2[1] - c1[1]) * Math.PI / 180,
a = Math.sin(dq / 2) * Math.sin(dq / 2) +
Math.cos(q1) * Math.cos(q2) *
Math.sin(dl / 2) * Math.sin(dl / 2),
c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
return R * c;
MapManager.prototype.normalize = function (x, y, map_dict) {
var n_x = (x - map_dict.min_x) / (map_dict.max_x - map_dict.min_x),
n_y = (y - map_dict.min_y) / (map_dict.max_y - map_dict.min_y);
return [n_x * 1000 - map_dict.width / 2,
n_y * 1000 - map_dict.depth / 2];
MapManager.prototype.convertToGeoCoordinates = function (x, y, z, map_dict) {
var lon = x + map_dict.width / 2,
lat = y + map_dict.depth / 2;
lon = lon / 1000;
lon = lon * (map_dict.max_x - map_dict.min_x) +
lon = lon / (map_dict.width / 360.0) - 180;
lat = lat / 1000;
lat = lat * (map_dict.max_y - map_dict.min_y) +
lat = 90 - lat / (map_dict.depth / 180.0);
return {
x: lat,
y: lon,
z: z
return MapManager;
/******************************** GAME MANAGER ********************************/
var GameManager = /** @class */ (function () {
"use strict";
// *** CONSTRUCTOR ***
function GameManager(canvas, game_parameters_json) {
var drone, header_list;
this._canvas = canvas;
this._scene = null;
this._engine = null;
this._droneList = [];
this._canUpdate = false;
this._max_step_animation_frame = game_parameters_json.simulation_speed;
if (!this._max_step_animation_frame) { this._max_step_animation_frame = 5; }
Object.assign(GAMEPARAMETERS, game_parameters_json);
this._game_parameters_json = game_parameters_json;
this._map_swapped = false;
this._log_count = [];
this._flight_log = [];
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.draw_flight_path) {
this._last_position_drawn = [];
this._trace_objects_per_drone = [];
header_list = ["timestamp;", "latitude;", "longitude;", "AMSL (m);",
"rel altitude (m);", "pitch (°);", "roll(°);",
"yaw(°);", "air speed (m/s);", "throttle(%);",
"climb rate(m/s)"];
for (drone = 0; drone < GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList.length; drone+=1) {
this._flight_log[drone] = [];
this._log_count[drone] = 0;
this._last_position_drawn[drone] = null;
this._trace_objects_per_drone[drone] = [];
this._colors = [
new BABYLON.Color3(255, 165, 0),
new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 255),
new BABYLON.Color3(255, 0, 0),
new BABYLON.Color3(0, 255, 0),
new BABYLON.Color3(0, 128, 128),
new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0),
new BABYLON.Color3(255, 255, 255),
new BABYLON.Color3(128, 128, 0),
new BABYLON.Color3(128, 0, 128),
new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 128)
this.APIs_dict = {
DroneAaileFixeAPI: DroneAaileFixeAPI,
DroneLogAPI: DroneLogAPI
Object.defineProperty(GameManager.prototype, "gameParameter", {
get: function () {
return this._gameParameter;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}); = function () {
var gadget = this;
return gadget._init()
.push(function () {
return gadget._flight_log;
GameManager.prototype.update = function () {
// time delta means that drone are updated every virtual second
// This is fixed and must not be modified
// otherwise, it will lead to different scenario results
// (as drone calculations may be triggered less often)
var _this = this,
TIME_DELTA = 1000 / 60;
// init the value on the first step
_this.waiting_update_count = _this._max_step_animation_frame;
function triggerUpdateIfPossible() {
if ((_this._canUpdate) && (_this.ongoing_update_promise === null) &&
(0 < _this.waiting_update_count)) {
_this.ongoing_update_promise = _this._update(
TIME_DELTA, (_this.waiting_update_count === 1))
.push(function () {
_this.waiting_update_count -= 1;
_this.ongoing_update_promise = null;
.push(undefined, function(error) {
console.log("ERROR on update:", error);
console.log("rejecting finish_deferred promise...");
GameManager.prototype.delay = function (callback, millisecond) {
this._delayed_defer_list.push([callback, millisecond]);
GameManager.prototype.logError = function (drone, error) {
GameManager.prototype._checkDroneRules = function (drone) {
//TODO move this to API methods
if (drone.getCurrentPosition()) {
return drone.getCurrentPosition().z > 1;
return false;
GameManager.prototype._update = function (delta_time) {
var _this = this,
queue = new RSVP.Queue(),
i, drone_position;
// trigger all deferred calls if it is time
for (i = _this._delayed_defer_list.length - 1; 0 <= i; i -= 1) {
_this._delayed_defer_list[i][1] =
_this._delayed_defer_list[i][1] - delta_time;
if (_this._delayed_defer_list[i][1] <= 0) {
_this._delayed_defer_list.splice(i, 1);
this._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
queue.push(function () {
drone._tick += 1;
if (_this._checkDroneRules(drone)) {
return drone.internal_update(delta_time);
//TODO error must be defined by the api?
drone._internal_crash('Drone touched the floor');
return queue
.push(function () {
if (_this._timeOut()) {
return _this._finish();
if (_this._allDronesFinished()) {
console.log("ALL DRONES EXITED");
return _this._finish();
GameManager.prototype._updateTimeAndLog =
function (delta_time) {
this._game_duration += delta_time;
var seconds = Math.floor(this._game_duration / 1000), drone,
drone_position, map_info, geo_coordinates, position_obj, material, color;
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.log_drone_flight || GAMEPARAMETERS.draw_flight_path) {
for (drone = 0; drone < GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList.length; drone+=1) {
if (this._droneList[drone].can_play) {
drone_position = this._droneList[drone].position;
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.log_drone_flight) {
map_info = this._mapManager.getMapInfo();
if (this._log_count[drone] === 0 ||
this._game_duration / this._log_count[drone] > 1) {
this._log_count[drone] += GAMEPARAMETERS.log_interval_time;
geo_coordinates = this._mapManager.convertToGeoCoordinates(
drone_position.x, drone_position.y, drone_position.z, map_info);
[this._game_duration, geo_coordinates.x, geo_coordinates.y,
map_info.start_AMSL + drone_position.z, drone_position.z]);
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.draw_flight_path) {
//draw drone position every some seconds
if (seconds - this._last_position_drawn[drone] > 3) {
this._last_position_drawn[drone] = seconds;
position_obj = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("obs_" + seconds,
{ size: 1 },
position_obj.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(drone_position.x,
position_obj.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(4, 4, 4);
material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial(this._scene);
material.alpha = 1;
color = new BABYLON.Color3(255, 0, 0);
if (this._colors[drone]) {
color = this._colors[drone];
material.diffuseColor = color;
position_obj.material = material;
if (GAMEPARAMETERS.temp_flight_path) {
if (this._trace_objects_per_drone[drone].length === 20) {
this._trace_objects_per_drone[drone].splice(0, 1);
GameManager.prototype._timeOut = function () {
var seconds = Math.floor(this._game_duration / 1000);
return this._totalTime - seconds <= 0;
GameManager.prototype._allDronesFinished = function () {
var finish = true;
this._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
if (drone.can_play) {
finish = false;
return finish;
GameManager.prototype._finish = function () {
console.log("Simulation finished");
this._canUpdate = false;
return this.finish_deferred.resolve();
GameManager.prototype._dispose = function () {
if (this._scene) {
GameManager.prototype._init = function () {
var _this = this, canvas, hemi_north, hemi_south, camera, on3DmodelsReady;
canvas = this._canvas;
this._delayed_defer_list = [];
// Create the Babylon engine
this._engine = new BABYLON.Engine(canvas, true, {
//options for event handling
stencil: true,
disableWebGL2Support: false,
audioEngine: false
this._scene = new BABYLON.Scene(this._engine);
this._scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color4(88/255,171/255,217/255,255/255);
//removed for event handling
//this._engine.enableOfflineSupport = false;
//this._scene.collisionsEnabled = true;
// Lights
hemi_north = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight(
"hemiN", new BABYLON.Vector3(1, -1, 1), this._scene);
hemi_north.intensity = 0.75;
hemi_south = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight(
"hemiS", new BABYLON.Vector3(-1, 1, -1), this._scene);
hemi_south.intensity = 0.75;
camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("camera", 0, 1.25, 800,
BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), this._scene);
camera.wheelPrecision = 10;
//changed for event handling
//camera.attachControl(this._scene.getEngine().getRenderingCanvas()); //orig
camera.attachControl(canvas, true);
camera.maxz = 40000;
this._camera = camera;
// Render loop
this._engine.runRenderLoop(function () {
// -------------------------------- SIMULATION - Prepare API, Map and Teams
on3DmodelsReady = function (ctx) {
// Get the game parameters
if (!ctx._map_swapped) {
GAMEPARAMETERS = ctx._getGameParameter();
ctx._map_swapped = true;
// Init the map
_this._mapManager = new MapManager(ctx._scene);
GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList, ctx);
// Hide the drone prefab
DroneManager.Prefab.isVisible = false;
//Hack to make advanced texture work
var documentTmp = document, advancedTexture, count,
controlMesh, rect, label;
document = undefined;
advancedTexture = BABYLON.GUI.AdvancedDynamicTexture
.CreateFullscreenUI("UI", true, ctx._scene);
document = documentTmp;
for (count = 0; count < GAMEPARAMETERS.droneList.length; count+=1) {
controlMesh = ctx._droneList[count].infosMesh;
rect = new BABYLON.GUI.Rectangle();
rect.width = "10px";
rect.height = "10px";
rect.cornerRadius = 20;
rect.color = "white";
rect.thickness = 0.5;
rect.background = "grey";
label = new BABYLON.GUI.TextBlock();
label.text = count.toString();
label.fontSize = 7;
rect.linkOffsetY = 0;
console.log("on3DmodelsReady - advaced textures added");
return ctx;
// ----------------------------------- SIMULATION - Load 3D models
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
return new RSVP.Promise(function (resolve) {
return _this._load3DModel(resolve);
.push(function () {
var result = new RSVP.Queue();
result.push(function () {
return RSVP.delay(1000);
return result.push(_this._start.bind(_this));
GameManager.prototype._start = function () {
var _this = this, promise_list;
_this.waiting_update_count = 0;
_this.ongoing_update_promise = null;
_this.finish_deferred = RSVP.defer();
console.log("Simulation started.");
this._game_duration = 0;
this._totalTime = GAMEPARAMETERS.gameTime;
return new RSVP.Queue()
.push(function () {
promise_list = [];
_this._droneList.forEach(function (drone) {
drone._tick = 0;
return RSVP.all(promise_list);
.push(function () {
_this._canUpdate = true;
return _this.finish_deferred.promise;
GameManager.prototype._load3DModel = function (callback) {
var _this = this, droneTask, mapTask,
assetManager = new BABYLON.AssetsManager(this._scene);
assetManager.useDefaultLoadingScreen = true;
droneTask = assetManager.addMeshTask("loadingDrone", "", "assets/drone/",
droneTask.onSuccess = function (task) {
task.loadedMeshes.forEach(function (mesh) {
mesh.isPickable = false;
mesh.isVisible = false;
DroneManager.Prefab = _this._scene.getMeshByName("Dummy_Drone");
DroneManager.Prefab.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(0.006, 0.006, 0.006);
DroneManager.Prefab.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, -5, 0);
droneTask.onError = function () {
console.log("Error loading 3D model for Drone");
// MAP
mapTask = assetManager.addMeshTask("loadingMap", "", "assets/map/",
mapTask.onSuccess = function (task) {
task.loadedMeshes.forEach(function (mesh) {
mesh.isPickable = false;
mesh.isVisible = false;
mapTask.onError = function () {
console.log("Error loading 3D model for Map");
assetManager.onFinish = function () {
return callback();
GameManager.prototype._getGameParameter = function () {
var parameter = {};
Object.assign(parameter, this._game_parameters_json);
this._gameParameter = {};
Object.assign(this._gameParameter, this._game_parameters_json);
return parameter;
GameManager.prototype._spawnDrones = function (center, drone_list, ctx) {
var position, i, position_list = [], max_collision = 10 * drone_list.length,
collision_nb = 0, api;
function checkCollision(position, list) {
var el;
for (el = 0; el < list.length; el += 1) {
if (position.equalsWithEpsilon(list[el], 0.5)) {
return true;
return false;
function spawnDrone(x, y, z, index, drone_info, api) {
var default_drone_AI = api.getDroneAI(), code, base, code_eval;
if (default_drone_AI) {
code = default_drone_AI;
} else {
code = drone_info.script_content;
code_eval = "let drone = new DroneManager(ctx._scene, " +
index + ', api);' +
"let droneMe = function(NativeDate, me, Math, window, DroneManager," +
" GameManager, DroneLogAPI, DroneAaileFixeAPI, BABYLON, " +
"var start_time = (new Date(2070, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)).getTime();" +
" = function () {" +
"return start_time + drone._tick * 1000/60;}; " +
"function Date() {if (!(this instanceof Date)) " +
"{throw new Error('Missing new operator');} " +
"if (arguments.length === 0) {return new NativeDate(;} " +
"else {return new NativeDate(...arguments);}}";
// Simple desactivation of direct access of all globals
// It is still accessible in reality, but it will me more visible
// if people really access them
if (x !== null && y !== null && z !== null) {
code_eval += "me.setStartingPosition(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ");";
base = code_eval;
code_eval += code + "}; droneMe(Date, drone, Math, {});";
base += "};ctx._droneList.push(drone)";
code_eval += "ctx._droneList.push(drone)";
try {
catch (error) {
function randomSpherePoint(x0, y0, z0, rx0, ry0, rz0) {
var u = Math.random(), v = Math.random(),
rx = Math.random() * rx0, ry = Math.random() * ry0,
rz = Math.random() * rz0, theta = 2 * Math.PI * u,
phi = Math.acos(2 * v - 1),
x = x0 + (rx * Math.sin(phi) * Math.cos(theta)),
y = y0 + (ry * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(theta)),
z = z0 + (rz * Math.cos(phi));
return new BABYLON.Vector3(x, y, z);
for (i = 0; i < drone_list.length; i += 1) {
position = randomSpherePoint(center.x + i, center.y + i, center.z + i,
0, 0, 0);
if (checkCollision(position, position_list)) {
collision_nb += 1;
if (collision_nb < max_collision) {
i -= 1;
else {
api = new this.APIs_dict[drone_list[i].type](
this, drone_list[i], GAMEPARAMETERS, i);
spawnDrone(position.x, position.y, position.z, i,
drone_list[i], api);
return GameManager;
/*********************** DRONE SIMULATOR LOGIC ********************************/
var runGame, updateGame;
(function () {
"use strict";
console.log('game logic');
var game_manager_instance;
runGame = function (canvas, game_parameters_json) {
if (!game_manager_instance) {
game_manager_instance = new GameManager(canvas, game_parameters_json);
updateGame = function () {
if (game_manager_instance) {
return game_manager_instance.update();
/*// Resize canvas on window resize
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
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