Commit 9feda708 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

This commit addresses multiple issues. ContributionTool will no longer corrupt...

This commit addresses multiple issues. ContributionTool will no longer corrupt the uid generator thanks to some improvements which are also related to ERP5Type.Core.Folder and ERP5Type.WevDAVSupport. The new crawler is now in place. This crawler is now based on alarms and requires some alarm configuration. It is much less intrusive in terms of activities. This version of ContributionTool also introduces the API to distinguish index pages from context pages in a crawling process. This feature is required to index a mailing list for example.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent eca805c4
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
# A temporary hack until urllib2 supports timeout setting - XXX
import socket
socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) # 1 minute timeout
socket.setdefaulttimeout(600) # 1 minute timeout
# Global parameters
TEMP_NEW_OBJECT_KEY = '_v_new_object'
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainContributionTool', _dtmldir )
def findTypeName(self, file_name, document):
def findTypeName(self, file_name, document, container=None):
Finds the appropriate portal type based on the file name
or if necessary the content of the document.
......@@ -140,6 +140,30 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
return document.portal_type
valid_portal_type_list = [document.portal_type] + extra_valid_portal_type_list
# LOG('valid_portal_type_list', 0, str(valid_portal_type_list))
# If a container is defined, filter valid portal types with allowedContentTypes
if container is not None:
allowed_type_list = map(lambda x:, container.allowedContentTypes())
# LOG('allowed_type_list', 0, str(allowed_type_list))
valid_portal_type_list = filter(lambda x: x in allowed_type_list, valid_portal_type_list)
# LOG('filtered valid_portal_type_list', 0, str(valid_portal_type_list))
# Check if there is any intersection with index portal types
# If not, we do not need to even check if content is an index
is_index_candidate = False
for index_type in self.getPortalCrawlerIndexTypeList():
if index_type in valid_portal_type_list:
is_index_candidate = True
candidate_index_type = index_type
if is_index_candidate and document.isIndexContent(container=container):
# If this document has to be created inside an External Source (container)
# we need to analyse its content to determine whether it is or not
# an index document. Index documents should not be searchable as documents
# and should not be considered in the depth calculation of the crawling
# process
return candidate_index_type # We suppose that there is only one index type in allowed content types
# Check if the filename tells which portal_type this is
portal_type_list = self.getPropertyDictFromFileName(file_name).get('portal_type', [])
......@@ -151,7 +175,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# if we have only one, then this is it
# LOG('findTypeName single portal_type_list', 0, portal_type_list[0])
return portal_type_list[0]
# If it is still None, we need to read the document
# to check which of the candidates is suitable
# Let us give a chance to getPropertyDictFromContent to
......@@ -207,7 +231,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# Try to find the file_name
file_name = None
mime_type = None
if url is None:
if not url:
# check if file was provided
file = kw.get('file', None)
if file is not None:
......@@ -238,7 +262,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
file_name = urllib.quote(file_name, safe='')
file_name = file_name.replace('%', '')
# For URLs, we want an id by default equal to the encoded URL
if id is None: id = self._encodeURL(url)
if id is None: id = self.encodeURL(url)
if hasattr(url_file, 'headers'):
headers = url_file.headers
if hasattr(headers, 'type'):
......@@ -260,7 +284,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
#return document
pass # XXX - This needs to be implemented once the rest is stable
# From here, there is no hope unless a file was provided
# From here, there is no hope unless a file was provided
if file is None:
raise ValueError, "could not determine portal type"
......@@ -274,6 +298,9 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
if ob is None:
raise ValueError, "Could not determine the document type"
# Prevent any reindexing operations
ob.isIndexable = 0
# Then put the file inside ourselves for a short while
BaseTool._setObject(self, file_name, ob)
document = BaseTool._getOb(self, file_name)
......@@ -281,7 +308,8 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# Then edit the document contents (so that upload can happen)
if url: document.fromURL(url)
if url:
# Remove the object from ourselves
BaseTool._delObject(self, file_name)
......@@ -297,7 +325,8 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# Notify workflows
# Reindex it and return the document
# Allow reindexing, reindex it and return the document
delattr(document, 'isIndexable')
return document
......@@ -380,7 +409,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# portal_type based on the document content
# (ex. a Memo is a kind of Text which can be identified
# by the fact it includes some specific content)
portal_type = self.findTypeName(name, ob.__of__(self))
portal_type = self.findTypeName(name, ob.__of__(self), container=container)
if portal_type is None: portal_type = ob.portal_type
ob._setPortalTypeName(portal_type) # This is redundant with finishConstruction
# but necessary to move objects to appropriate
......@@ -413,9 +442,9 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
document.activate().discoverMetadata(file_name=name, user_login=user_login)
if document.isExternalDocument():
document = existing_document
document = existing_document
# If this is an external document, update its content
# document.activate().updateContentFromURL() # XXX I think this is no longer useful with alarms
# XXX - Make sure this does not increase ZODB
# XXX - what to do also with parameters (put again edit_kw) ?
# Providing some information to the use about the fact
......@@ -423,7 +452,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# We may have to implement additional revision support
# to support in place contribution (ie. for a given ID)
# but is this really useful ?
# but is this really useful ?
raise NotImplementedError
# Keep the document close to us - this is only useful for
......@@ -448,17 +477,31 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
del self._v_document_cache[id]
return self.getPortalObject().unrestrictedTraverse(document_url)
# Try first to return an object listed by listDAVObjects
# Try first to return the real object inside
# This is much safer than trying to access objects displayed by listDAVObjects
# because the behaviour of catalog is unpredicatble if a string is passed
# for a UID. For example
# select path from catalog where uid = "001193.html";
# will return the same as
# select path from catalog where uid = 1193;
# This was the source of an error in which the contribution tool
# was creating a web page and was returning a Base Category
# when
# o = folder._getOb(id)
# was called in DocumentConstructor
result = BaseTool._getOb(self, id, default=default)
if result is not _marker:
return result
# Return an object listed by listDAVObjects
uid = str(id).split('-')[-1]
object = self.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.unrestrictedGetResultValue(uid=uid)
if object is not None:
return object.getObject() # Make sure this does not break security. XXX
# Fallback to default method
if default is _marker:
return BaseTool._getOb(self, id)
return BaseTool._getOb(self, id, default=default)
# Raise an AttributeError the same way as in OFS.ObjectManager._getOb
raise AttributeError, id
def listDAVObjects(self):
......@@ -487,7 +530,8 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
return wrapper(object_list)
# Crawling methods
def _normaliseURL(self, url, base_url=None):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'normaliseURL')
def normaliseURL(self, url, base_url=None):
Returns a normalised version of the url so
that we do not download twice the same content.
......@@ -506,7 +550,8 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
url = '%s/%s' % (base_url, url)
return url
def _encodeURL(self, url):
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'encodeURL')
def encodeURL(self, url):
Returns the URL as an ID. ID should be chosen in such
way that it is optimal with HBTreeFolder (ie. so that
......@@ -520,7 +565,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# Produce an MD5 from the URL
hex_md5 = md5.md5(url).hexdigest()
# Take the first part in the URL which is not empty
# LOG("_encodeURL", 0, url)
# LOG("encodeURL", 0, url)
url_segment = url.split(':')[1]
url_segment_list = url_segment.split('/')
url_domain = None
......@@ -548,11 +593,18 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
depth = content.getCrawlingDepth()
if depth <= 0:
if depth < 0:
# Do nothing if crawling depth is reached
# (this is not a duplicate code but a way to prevent
# calling isIndexContent unnecessarily)
if not content.isIndexContent(): # Decrement depth only if it is a content document
depth = depth - 1
if depth < 0:
# Do nothing if crawling depth is reached
base_url = content.getContentBaseURL()
url_list = map(lambda url: self._normaliseURL(url, base_url), set(content.getContentURLList()))
url_list = map(lambda url: self.normaliseURL(url, base_url), set(content.getContentURLList()))
for url in set(url_list):
# LOG('trying to crawl', 0, url)
# Some url protocols should not be crawled
......@@ -563,7 +615,7 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# in place of not ?
container = content.getParentValue()
# Calculate the id under which content will be stored
id = self._encodeURL(url)
id = self.encodeURL(url)
# Try to access the document if it already exists
document = container.get(id, None)
if document is None:
......@@ -572,50 +624,65 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
# (the same URL is created multiple times)
# LOG('activate newContentFromURL', 0, url)
id=id, url=url, crawling_depth=depth - 1)
# Update depth to the max. of the two values
new_depth = max(depth - 1, document.getCrawlingDepth())
# And activate updateContentFromURL on existing document
next_date = document.getNextAlarmDate() # This should prevent doing the update too often
# LOG('activate updateContentFromURL', 0, url)
document.activate(at_date=next_date).updateContentFromURL(crawling_depth=depth - 1)
id=id, url=url, crawling_depth=depth)
elif depth and document.getCrawlingDepth() < depth:
# Update the crawling depth if necessary
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AddPortalContent, 'updateContentFromURL')
def updateContentFromURL(self, content, repeat=MAX_REPEAT, crawling_depth=0):
Updates an existing content.
# Step 0: update crawling_depth if required
if crawling_depth > content.getCrawlingDepth():
# Step 1: download new content
url = content.asURL()
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
file = cStringIO.StringIO()
except socket.error, msg: # repeat multiple times in case of socket error
content.updateContentFromURL(repeat=repeat - 1)
# Step 2: compare and update if necessary (md5)
# do here some md5 stuff to compare contents...
if 1:
# content._edit(file=file) # Commented for testing
# First, test if the document is updatable according to
# its workflow states (if it has a workflow associated with)
if content.isUpdatable():
# Step 0: update crawling_depth if required
if crawling_depth > content.getCrawlingDepth():
# Step 1: download new content
url = content.asURL()
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
file = cStringIO.StringIO()
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
if repeat == 0:
# XXX - Call the extendBadURLList method,--NOT Implemented--
# IDEA : ajouter l'url en question dans une list "bad_url_list"  puis lors du crawling au lieu que de boucler sur
# la liste des url extraites de la page web on fait un test supplementaire qui verifie que l'url n'est pas
# dans la liste  bad_url_lis
raise urllib2.HTTPError
content.activate(at_date=DateTime() + 1).updateContentFromURL(repeat=repeat - 1)
except urllib2.URLError, error:
if repeat == 0:
# XXX - Call the extendBadURLList method,--NOT Implemented--
raise urllib2.URLError
content.activate(at_date=DateTime() + 1).updateContentFromURL(repeat=repeat - 1)
# Step 2: compare and update if necessary (md5)
# md5 stuff to compare contents
new_content_md5 = md5.md5(data).hexdigest()
content_md5 = content.getContentMd5()
if content_md5 is new_content_md5:
content._edit(file=file)# Please make sure that if content is the same
# we do not update it
# This feature must be implemented by Base or File
# not here (look at _edit in Base)
# Step 3: convert to base format
# content.convertToBaseFormat() # Commented for testing
# Step 4: activate populate (unless interaction workflow does it)
# content.activate().populateContent() # Commented for testing
# Step 5: activate crawlContent
# We must handle the case for which content type has changed in between
# Step 6: activate updateContentFromURL at next period
next_date = content.getNextAlarmDate()
depth = content.getCrawlingDepth()
if depth > 0:
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AddPortalContent, 'newContentFromURL')
def newContentFromURL(self, container_path=None, id=None, repeat=MAX_REPEAT, **kw):
......@@ -638,25 +705,33 @@ class ContributionTool(BaseTool):
document = self.newContent(container_path=container_path, id=id, **kw)
if document.getCrawlingDepth() > 0: document.activate().crawlContent()
if document.isIndexContent() and document.getCrawlingDepth() >= 0:
# If this is an index document, keep on crawling even if crawling_depth is 0
elif document.getCrawlingDepth() > 0:
# If this is an index document, stop crawling if crawling_depth is 0
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
if repeat == 0:
# here we must call the extendBadURLList method,--NOT Implemented--
# which had to add this url to bad URL list, so next time we avoid
# crawling bad URL
raise urllib2.HTTPError
# Catch any HTTP error
self.activate(at_date=DateTime() + 1).newContentFromURL(
container_path=container_path, id=id,
repeat=repeat - 1, **kw)
except urllib2.URLError, error:
if error.reason.args[0] == -3:
# Temporary failure in name resolution - try again in 1 day
self.activate(at_date=DateTime() + 1,
container_path=container_path, id=id,
repeat=repeat - 1, **kw)
# Unknown errror - to be extended
# Pass exception to Zope (ex. conflict errors)
if repeat == 0:
# XXX - Call the extendBadURLList method, --NOT Implemented--
raise urllib2.URLError
print error.reason
#if getattr(error.reason,'args',None):
#if error.reason.args[0] == socket.EAI_AGAIN:
## Temporary failure in name resolution - try again in 1 day
self.activate(at_date=DateTime() + 1,
container_path=container_path, id=id,
repeat=repeat - 1, **kw)
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