Commit b6ad0793 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

add non-minified version, fix license and add version and web site url in description.

parent 018fbe01
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* jCarousel - Riding carousels with jQuery\n
* Copyright (c) 2006 Jan Sorgalla (\n
* Dual licensed under the MIT (\n
* and GPL ( licenses.\n
* Built on top of the jQuery library\n
* Inspired by the "Carousel Component" by Bill Scott\n
/*global window, jQuery */\n
(function($) {\n
// Default configuration properties.\n
var defaults = {\n
vertical: false,\n
rtl: false,\n
start: 1,\n
offset: 1,\n
size: null,\n
scroll: 3,\n
visible: null,\n
animation: \'normal\',\n
easing: \'swing\',\n
auto: 0,\n
wrap: null,\n
initCallback: null,\n
setupCallback: null,\n
reloadCallback: null,\n
itemLoadCallback: null,\n
itemFirstInCallback: null,\n
itemFirstOutCallback: null,\n
itemLastInCallback: null,\n
itemLastOutCallback: null,\n
itemVisibleInCallback: null,\n
itemVisibleOutCallback: null,\n
animationStepCallback: null,\n
buttonNextHTML: \'<div></div>\',\n
buttonPrevHTML: \'<div></div>\',\n
buttonNextEvent: \'click\',\n
buttonPrevEvent: \'click\',\n
buttonNextCallback: null,\n
buttonPrevCallback: null,\n
itemFallbackDimension: null\n
}, windowLoaded = false;\n
$(window).bind(\'load.jcarousel\', function() { windowLoaded = true; });\n
* The jCarousel object.\n
* @constructor\n
* @class jcarousel\n
* @param e {HTMLElement} The element to create the carousel for.\n
* @param o {Object} A set of key/value pairs to set as configuration properties.\n
* @cat Plugins/jCarousel\n
$.jcarousel = function(e, o) {\n
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, o || {});\n
this.locked = false;\n
this.autoStopped = false;\n
this.container = null;\n
this.clip = null;\n
this.list = null;\n
this.buttonNext = null;\n
this.buttonPrev = null;\n
this.buttonNextState = null;\n
this.buttonPrevState = null;\n
// Only set if not explicitly passed as option\n
if (!o || o.rtl === undefined) {\n
this.options.rtl = ($(e).attr(\'dir\') || $(\'html\').attr(\'dir\') || \'\').toLowerCase() == \'rtl\';\n
this.wh = !this.options.vertical ? \'width\' : \'height\';\n = !this.options.vertical ? (this.options.rtl ? \'right\' : \'left\') : \'top\';\n
// Extract skin class\n
var skin = \'\', split = e.className.split(\' \');\n
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {\n
if (split[i].indexOf(\'jcarousel-skin\') != -1) {\n
skin = split[i];\n
if (e.nodeName.toUpperCase() == \'UL\' || e.nodeName.toUpperCase() == \'OL\') {\n
this.list = $(e);\n
this.clip = this.list.parents(\'.jcarousel-clip\');\n
this.container = this.list.parents(\'.jcarousel-container\');\n
} else {\n
this.container = $(e);\n
this.list = this.container.find(\'ul,ol\').eq(0);\n
this.clip = this.container.find(\'.jcarousel-clip\');\n
if (this.clip.size() === 0) {\n
this.clip = this.list.wrap(\'<div></div>\').parent();\n
if (this.container.size() === 0) {\n
this.container = this.clip.wrap(\'<div></div>\').parent();\n
if (skin !== \'\' && this.container.parent()[0].className.indexOf(\'jcarousel-skin\') == -1) {\n
this.container.wrap(\'<div class=" \'+ skin + \'"></div>\');\n
this.buttonPrev = $(\'.jcarousel-prev\', this.container);\n
if (this.buttonPrev.size() === 0 && this.options.buttonPrevHTML !== null) {\n
this.buttonPrev = $(this.options.buttonPrevHTML).appendTo(this.container);\n
this.buttonNext = $(\'.jcarousel-next\', this.container);\n
if (this.buttonNext.size() === 0 && this.options.buttonNextHTML !== null) {\n
this.buttonNext = $(this.options.buttonNextHTML).appendTo(this.container);\n
position: \'relative\'\n
overflow: \'hidden\',\n
position: \'relative\',\n
top: 0,\n
margin: 0,\n
padding: 0\n
}).css((this.options.rtl ? \'right\' : \'left\'), 0);\n
position: \'relative\'\n
if (!this.options.vertical && this.options.rtl) {\n
this.container.addClass(\'jcarousel-direction-rtl\').attr(\'dir\', \'rtl\');\n
var di = this.options.visible !== null ? Math.ceil(this.clipping() / this.options.visible) : null;\n
var li = this.list.children(\'li\');\n
var self = this;\n
if (li.size() > 0) {\n
var wh = 0, j = this.options.offset;\n
li.each(function() {\n
self.format(this, j++);\n
wh += self.dimension(this, di);\n
this.list.css(this.wh, (wh + 100) + \'px\');\n
// Only set if not explicitly passed as option\n
if (!o || o.size === undefined) {\n
this.options.size = li.size();\n
// For whatever reason, .show() does not work in Safari...\n
this.container.css(\'display\', \'block\');\n
this.buttonNext.css(\'display\', \'block\');\n
this.buttonPrev.css(\'display\', \'block\');\n
this.funcNext = function() {; };\n
this.funcPrev = function() { self.prev(); };\n
this.funcResize = function() { \n
if (self.resizeTimer) {\n
self.resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {\n
}, 100);\n
if (this.options.initCallback !== null) {\n
this.options.initCallback(this, \'init\');\n
if (!windowLoaded && $.browser.safari) {\n
this.buttons(false, false);\n
$(window).bind(\'load.jcarousel\', function() { self.setup(); });\n
} else {\n
// Create shortcut for internal use\n
var $jc = $.jcarousel;\n
$jc.fn = $jc.prototype = {\n
jcarousel: \'0.2.8\'\n
$jc.fn.extend = $jc.extend = $.extend;\n
* Setups the carousel.\n
* @method setup\n
* @return undefined\n
setup: function() {\n
this.first = null;\n
this.last = null;\n
this.prevFirst = null;\n
this.prevLast = null;\n
this.animating = false;\n
this.timer = null;\n
this.resizeTimer = null;\n
this.tail = null;\n
this.inTail = false;\n
if (this.locked) {\n
this.list.css(, this.pos(this.options.offset) + \'px\');\n
var p = this.pos(this.options.start, true);\n
this.prevFirst = this.prevLast = null;\n
this.animate(p, false);\n
$(window).unbind(\'resize.jcarousel\', this.funcResize).bind(\'resize.jcarousel\', this.funcResize);\n
if (this.options.setupCallback !== null) {\n
* Clears the list and resets the carousel.\n
* @method reset\n
* @return undefined\n
reset: function() {\n
this.list.css(, \'0px\');\n
this.list.css(this.wh, \'10px\');\n
if (this.options.initCallback !== null) {\n
this.options.initCallback(this, \'reset\');\n
* Reloads the carousel and adjusts positions.\n
* @method reload\n
* @return undefined\n
reload: function() {\n
if (this.tail !== null && this.inTail) {\n
this.list.css(, $jc.intval(this.list.css( + this.tail);\n
this.tail = null;\n
this.inTail = false;\n
if (this.options.reloadCallback !== null) {\n
if (this.options.visible !== null) {\n
var self = this;\n
var di = Math.ceil(this.clipping() / this.options.visible), wh = 0, lt = 0;\n
this.list.children(\'li\').each(function(i) {\n
wh += self.dimension(this, di);\n
if (i + 1 < self.first) {\n
lt = wh;\n
this.list.css(this.wh, wh + \'px\');\n
this.list.css(, -lt + \'px\');\n
this.scroll(this.first, false);\n
* Locks the carousel.\n
* @method lock\n
* @return undefined\n
lock: function() {\n
this.locked = true;\n
* Unlocks the carousel.\n
* @method unlock\n
* @return undefined\n
unlock: function() {\n
this.locked = false;\n
* Sets the size of the carousel.\n
* @method size\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param s {Number} The size of the carousel.\n
size: function(s) {\n
if (s !== undefined) {\n
this.options.size = s;\n
if (!this.locked) {\n
return this.options.size;\n
* Checks whether a list element exists for the given index (or index range).\n
* @method get\n
* @return bool\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the (first) element.\n
* @param i2 {Number} The index of the last element.\n
has: function(i, i2) {\n
if (i2 === undefined || !i2) {\n
i2 = i;\n
if (this.options.size !== null && i2 > this.options.size) {\n
i2 = this.options.size;\n
for (var j = i; j <= i2; j++) {\n
var e = this.get(j);\n
if (!e.length || e.hasClass(\'jcarousel-item-placeholder\')) {\n
return false;\n
return true;\n
* Returns a jQuery object with list element for the given index.\n
* @method get\n
* @return jQuery\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the element.\n
get: function(i) {\n
return $(\'>.jcarousel-item-\' + i, this.list);\n
* Adds an element for the given index to the list.\n
* If the element already exists, it updates the inner html.\n
* Returns the created element as jQuery object.\n
* @method add\n
* @return jQuery\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the element.\n
* @param s {String} The innerHTML of the element.\n
add: function(i, s) {\n
var e = this.get(i), old = 0, n = $(s);\n
if (e.length === 0) {\n
var c, j = $jc.intval(i);\n
e = this.create(i);\n
while (true) {\n
c = this.get(--j);\n
if (j <= 0 || c.length) {\n
if (j <= 0) {\n
} else {\n
} else {\n
old = this.dimension(e);\n
if (n.get(0).nodeName.toUpperCase() == \'LI\') {\n
e = n;\n
} else {\n
this.format(e.removeClass(this.className(\'jcarousel-item-placeholder\')), i);\n
var di = this.options.visible !== null ? Math.ceil(this.clipping() / this.options.visible) : null;\n
var wh = this.dimension(e, di) - old;\n
if (i > 0 && i < this.first) {\n
this.list.css(, $jc.intval(this.list.css( - wh + \'px\');\n
this.list.css(this.wh, $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.wh)) + wh + \'px\');\n
return e;\n
* Removes an element for the given index from the list.\n
* @method remove\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the element.\n
remove: function(i) {\n
var e = this.get(i);\n
// Check if item exists and is not currently visible\n
if (!e.length || (i >= this.first && i <= this.last)) {\n
var d = this.dimension(e);\n
if (i < this.first) {\n
this.list.css(, $jc.intval(this.list.css( + d + \'px\');\n
this.list.css(this.wh, $jc.intval(this.list.css(this.wh)) - d + \'px\');\n
* Moves the carousel forwards.\n
* @method next\n
* @return undefined\n
next: function() {\n
if (this.tail !== null && !this.inTail) {\n
} else {\n
this.scroll(((this.options.wrap == \'both\' || this.options.wrap == \'last\') && this.options.size !== null && this.last == this.options.size) ? 1 : this.first + this.options.scroll);\n
* Moves the carousel backwards.\n
* @method prev\n
* @return undefined\n
prev: function() {\n
if (this.tail !== null && this.inTail) {\n
} else {\n
this.scroll(((this.options.wrap == \'both\' || this.options.wrap == \'first\') && this.options.size !== null && this.first == 1) ? this.options.size : this.first - this.options.scroll);\n
* Scrolls the tail of the carousel.\n
* @method scrollTail\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param b {Boolean} Whether scroll the tail back or forward.\n
scrollTail: function(b) {\n
if (this.locked || this.animating || !this.tail) {\n
var pos = $jc.intval(this.list.css(;\n
pos = !b ? pos - this.tail : pos + this.tail;\n
this.inTail = !b;\n
// Save for callbacks\n
this.prevFirst = this.first;\n
this.prevLast = this.last;\n
* Scrolls the carousel to a certain position.\n
* @method scroll\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the element to scoll to.\n
* @param a {Boolean} Flag indicating whether to perform animation.\n
scroll: function(i, a) {\n
if (this.locked || this.animating) {\n
this.animate(this.pos(i), a);\n
* Prepares the carousel and return the position for a certian index.\n
* @method pos\n
* @return {Number}\n
* @param i {Number} The index of the element to scoll to.\n
* @param fv {Boolean} Whether to force last item to be visible.\n
pos: function(i, fv) {\n
var pos = $jc.intval(this.list.css(;\n
if (this.locked || this.animating) {\n
return pos;\n
if (this.options.wrap != \'circular\') {\n
i = i < 1 ? 1 : (this.options.size && i > this.options.size ? this.options.size : i);\n
var back = this.first > i;\n
// Create placeholders, new list width/height\n
// and new list position\n
var f = this.options.wrap != \'circular\' && this.first <= 1 ? 1 : this.first;\n
var c = back ? this.get(f) : this.get(this.last);\n
var j = back ? f : f - 1;\n
var e = null, l = 0, p = false, d = 0, g;\n
while (back ? --j >= i : ++j < i) {\n
e = this.get(j);\n
p = !e.length;\n
if (e.length === 0) {\n
e = this.create(j).addClass(this.className(\'jcarousel-item-placeholder\'));\n
c[back ? \'before\' : \'after\' ](e);\n
if (this.first !== null && this.options.wrap == \'circular\' && this.options.size !== null && (j <= 0 || j > this.options.size)) {\n
g = this.get(this.index(j));\n
if (g.length) {\n
e = this.add(j, g.clone(true));\n
c = e;\n
d = this.dimension(e);\n
if (p) {\n
l += d;\n
if (this.first !== null && (this.options.wrap == \'circular\' || (j >= 1 && (this.options.size === null || j <= this.options.size)))) {\n
pos = back ? pos + d : pos - d;\n
// Calculate visible items\n
var clipping = this.clipping(), cache = [], visible = 0, v = 0;\n
c = this.get(i - 1);\n
j = i;\n
while (++visible) {\n
e = this.get(j);\n
p = !e.length;\n
if (e.length === 0) {\n
e = this.create(j).addClass(this.className(\'jcarousel-item-placeholder\'));\n
// This should only happen on a next scroll\n
if (c.length === 0) {\n
} else {\n
c[back ? \'before\' : \'after\' ](e);\n
if (this.first !== null && this.options.wrap == \'circular\' && this.options.size !== null && (j <= 0 || j > this.options.size)) {\n
g = this.get(this.index(j));\n
if (g.length) {\n
e = this.add(j, g.clone(true));\n
c = e;\n
d = this.dimension(e);\n
if (d === 0) {\n
throw new Error(\'jCarousel: No width/height set for items. This will cause an infinite loop. Aborting...\');\n
if (this.options.wrap != \'circular\' && this.options.size !== null && j > this.options.size) {\n
} else if (p) {\n
l += d;\n
v += d;\n
if (v >= clipping) {\n
// Remove out-of-range placeholders\n
for (var x = 0; x < cache.length; x++) {\n
// Resize list\n
if (l > 0) {\n
this.list.css(this.wh, this.dimension(this.list) + l + \'px\');\n
if (back) {\n
pos -= l;\n
this.list.css(, $jc.intval(this.list.css( - l + \'px\');\n
// Calculate first and last item\n
var last = i + visible - 1;\n
if (this.options.wrap != \'circular\' && this.options.size && last > this.options.size) {\n
last = this.options.size;\n
if (j > last) {\n
visible = 0;\n
j = last;\n
v = 0;\n
while (++visible) {\n
e = this.get(j--);\n
if (!e.length) {\n
v += this.dimension(e);\n
if (v >= clipping) {\n
var first = last - visible + 1;\n
if (this.options.wrap != \'circular\' && first < 1) {\n
first = 1;\n
if (this.inTail && back) {\n
pos += this.tail;\n
this.inTail = false;\n
this.tail = null;\n
if (this.options.wrap != \'circular\' && last == this.options.size && (last - visible + 1) >= 1) {\n
var m = $jc.intval(this.get(last).css(!this.options.vertical ? \'marginRight\' : \'marginBottom\'));\n
if ((v - m) > clipping) {\n
this.tail = v - clipping - m;\n
if (fv && i === this.options.size && this.tail) {\n
pos -= this.tail;\n
this.inTail = true;\n
// Adjust position\n
while (i-- > first) {\n
pos += this.dimension(this.get(i));\n
// Save visible item range\n
this.prevFirst = this.first;\n
this.prevLast = this.last;\n
this.first = first;\n
this.last = last;\n
return pos;\n
* Animates the carousel to a certain position.\n
* @method animate\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param p {Number} Position to scroll to.\n
* @param a {Boolean} Flag indicating whether to perform animation.\n
animate: function(p, a) {\n
if (this.locked || this.animating) {\n
this.animating = true;\n
var self = this;\n
var scrolled = function() {\n
self.animating = false;\n
if (p === 0) {\n
self.list.css(, 0);\n
if (!self.autoStopped && (self.options.wrap == \'circular\' || self.options.wrap == \'both\' || self.options.wrap == \'last\' || self.options.size === null || self.last < self.options.size || (self.last == self.options.size && self.tail !== null && !self.inTail))) {\n
// This function removes items which are appended automatically for circulation.\n
// This prevents the list from growing infinitely.\n
if (self.options.wrap == \'circular\' && self.options.size !== null) {\n
for (var i = self.prevFirst; i <= self.prevLast; i++) {\n
if (i !== null && !(i >= self.first && i <= self.last) && (i < 1 || i > self.options.size)) {\n
// Animate\n
if (!this.options.animation || a === false) {\n
this.list.css(, p + \'px\');\n
} else {\n
var o = !this.options.vertical ? (this.options.rtl ? {\'right\': p} : {\'left\': p}) : {\'top\': p};\n
// Define animation settings.\n
var settings = {\n
duration: this.options.animation,\n
easing: this.options.easing,\n
complete: scrolled\n
// If we have a step callback, specify it as well.\n
if ($.isFunction(this.options.animationStepCallback)) {\n
settings.step = this.options.animationStepCallback;\n
// Start the animation.\n
this.list.animate(o, settings);\n
* Starts autoscrolling.\n
* @method auto\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param s {Number} Seconds to periodically autoscroll the content.\n
startAuto: function(s) {\n
if (s !== undefined) {\n = s;\n
if ( === 0) {\n
return this.stopAuto();\n
if (this.timer !== null) {\n
this.autoStopped = false;\n
var self = this;\n
this.timer = window.setTimeout(function() {; }, * 1000);\n
* Stops autoscrolling.\n
* @method stopAuto\n
* @return undefined\n
stopAuto: function() {\n
this.autoStopped = true;\n
* Pauses autoscrolling.\n
* @method pauseAuto\n
* @return undefined\n
pauseAuto: function() {\n
if (this.timer === null) {\n
this.timer = null;\n
* Sets the states of the prev/next buttons.\n
* @method buttons\n
* @return undefined\n
buttons: function(n, p) {\n
if (n == null) {\n
n = !this.locked && this.options.size !== 0 && ((this.options.wrap && this.options.wrap != \'first\') || this.options.size === null || this.last < this.options.size);\n
if (!this.locked && (!this.options.wrap || this.options.wrap == \'first\') && this.options.size !== null && this.last >= this.options.size) {\n
n = this.tail !== null && !this.inTail;\n
if (p == null) {\n
p = !this.locked && this.options.size !== 0 && ((this.options.wrap && this.options.wrap != \'last\') || this.first > 1);\n
if (!this.locked && (!this.options.wrap || this.options.wrap == \'last\') && this.options.size !== null && this.first == 1) {\n
p = this.tail !== null && this.inTail;\n
var self = this;\n
if (this.buttonNext.size() > 0) {\n
this.buttonNext.unbind(this.options.buttonNextEvent + \'.jcarousel\', this.funcNext);\n
if (n) {\n
this.buttonNext.bind(this.options.buttonNextEvent + \'.jcarousel\', this.funcNext);\n
this.buttonNext[n ? \'removeClass\' : \'addClass\'](this.className(\'jcarousel-next-disabled\')).attr(\'disabled\', n ? false : true);\n
if (this.options.buttonNextCallback !== null &&\'jcarouselstate\') != n) {\n
this.buttonNext.each(function() { self.options.buttonNextCallback(self, this, n); }).data(\'jcarouselstate\', n);\n
} else {\n
if (this.options.buttonNextCallback !== null && this.buttonNextState != n) {\n
this.options.buttonNextCallback(self, null, n);\n
if (this.buttonPrev.size() > 0) {\n
this.buttonPrev.unbind(this.options.buttonPrevEvent + \'.jcarousel\', this.funcPrev);\n
if (p) {\n
this.buttonPrev.bind(this.options.buttonPrevEvent + \'.jcarousel\', this.funcPrev);\n
this.buttonPrev[p ? \'removeClass\' : \'addClass\'](this.className(\'jcarousel-prev-disabled\')).attr(\'disabled\', p ? false : true);\n
if (this.options.buttonPrevCallback !== null &&\'jcarouselstate\') != p) {\n
this.buttonPrev.each(function() { self.options.buttonPrevCallback(self, this, p); }).data(\'jcarouselstate\', p);\n
} else {\n
if (this.options.buttonPrevCallback !== null && this.buttonPrevState != p) {\n
this.options.buttonPrevCallback(self, null, p);\n
this.buttonNextState = n;\n
this.buttonPrevState = p;\n
* Notify callback of a specified event.\n
* @method notify\n
* @return undefined\n
* @param evt {String} The event name\n
notify: function(evt) {\n
var state = this.prevFirst === null ? \'init\' : (this.prevFirst < this.first ? \'next\' : \'prev\');\n
// Load items\n
this.callback(\'itemLoadCallback\', evt, state);\n
if (this.prevFirst !== this.first) {\n
this.callback(\'itemFirstInCallback\', evt, state, this.first);\n
this.callback(\'itemFirstOutCallback\', evt, state, this.prevFirst);\n
if (this.prevLast !== this.last) {\n
this.callback(\'itemLastInCallback\', evt, state, this.last);\n
this.callback(\'itemLastOutCallback\', evt, state, this.prevLast);\n
this.callback(\'itemVisibleInCallback\', evt, state, this.first, this.last, this.prevFirst, this.prevLast);\n
this.callback(\'itemVisibleOutCallback\', evt, state, this.prevFirst, this.prevLast, this.first, this.last);\n
callback: function(cb, evt, state, i1, i2, i3, i4) {\n
if (this.options[cb] == null || (typeof this.options[cb] != \'object\' && evt != \'onAfterAnimation\')) {\n
var callback = typeof this.options[cb] == \'object\' ? this.options[cb][evt] : this.options[cb];\n
if (!$.isFunction(callback)) {\n
var self = this;\n
if (i1 === undefined) {\n
callback(self, state, evt);\n
} else if (i2 === undefined) {\n
this.get(i1).each(function() { callback(self, this, i1, state, evt); });\n
} else {\n
var call = function(i) {\n
self.get(i).each(function() { callback(self, this, i, state, evt); });\n
for (var i = i1; i <= i2; i++) {\n
if (i !== null && !(i >= i3 && i <= i4)) {\n
create: function(i) {\n
return this.format(\'<li></li>\', i);\n
format: function(e, i) {\n
e = $(e);\n
var split = e.get(0).className.split(\' \');\n
for (var j = 0; j < split.length; j++) {\n
if (split[j].indexOf(\'jcarousel-\') != -1) {\n
e.addClass(this.className(\'jcarousel-item\')).addClass(this.className(\'jcarousel-item-\' + i)).css({\n
\'float\': (this.options.rtl ? \'right\' : \'left\'),\n
\'list-style\': \'none\'\n
}).attr(\'jcarouselindex\', i);\n
return e;\n
className: function(c) {\n
return c + \' \' + c + (!this.options.vertical ? \'-horizontal\' : \'-vertical\');\n
dimension: function(e, d) {\n
var el = $(e);\n
if (d == null) {\n
return !this.options.vertical ?\n
(el.outerWidth(true) || $jc.intval(this.options.itemFallbackDimension)) :\n
(el.outerHeight(true) || $jc.intval(this.options.itemFallbackDimension));\n
} else {\n
var w = !this.options.vertical ?\n
d - $jc.intval(el.css(\'marginLeft\')) - $jc.intval(el.css(\'marginRight\')) :\n
d - $jc.intval(el.css(\'marginTop\')) - $jc.intval(el.css(\'marginBottom\'));\n
$(el).css(this.wh, w + \'px\');\n
return this.dimension(el);\n
clipping: function() {\n
return !this.options.vertical ?\n
this.clip[0].offsetWidth - $jc.intval(this.clip.css(\'borderLeftWidth\')) - $jc.intval(this.clip.css(\'borderRightWidth\')) :\n
this.clip[0].offsetHeight - $jc.intval(this.clip.css(\'borderTopWidth\')) - $jc.intval(this.clip.css(\'borderBottomWidth\'));\n
index: function(i, s) {\n
if (s == null) {\n
s = this.options.size;\n
return Math.round((((i-1) / s) - Math.floor((i-1) / s)) * s) + 1;\n
* Gets/Sets the global default configuration properties.\n
* @method defaults\n
* @return {Object}\n
* @param d {Object} A set of key/value pairs to set as configuration properties.\n
defaults: function(d) {\n
return $.extend(defaults, d || {});\n
intval: function(v) {\n
v = parseInt(v, 10);\n
return isNaN(v) ? 0 : v;\n
windowLoaded: function() {\n
windowLoaded = true;\n
* Creates a carousel for all matched elements.\n
* @example $("#mycarousel").jcarousel();\n
* @before <ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarousel-skin-name"><li>First item</li><li>Second item</li></ul>\n
* @result\n
* <div class="jcarousel-skin-name">\n
* <div class="jcarousel-container">\n
* <div class="jcarousel-clip">\n
* <ul class="jcarousel-list">\n
* <li class="jcarousel-item-1">First item</li>\n
* <li class="jcarousel-item-2">Second item</li>\n
* </ul>\n
* </div>\n
* <div disabled="disabled" class="jcarousel-prev jcarousel-prev-disabled"></div>\n
* <div class="jcarousel-next"></div>\n
* </div>\n
* </div>\n
* @method jcarousel\n
* @return jQuery\n
* @param o {Hash|String} A set of key/value pairs to set as configuration properties or a method name to call on a formerly created instance.\n
$.fn.jcarousel = function(o) {\n
if (typeof o == \'string\') {\n
var instance = $(this).data(\'jcarousel\'), args =, 1);\n
return instance[o].apply(instance, args);\n
} else {\n
return this.each(function() {\n
var instance = $(this).data(\'jcarousel\');\n
if (instance) {\n
if (o) {\n
$.extend(instance.options, o);\n
} else {\n
$(this).data(\'jcarousel\', new $jc(this, o));\n
]]></string> </value>
<key> <string>precondition</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>size</string> </key>
<value> <int>35203</int> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string>jquery.jcarousel.js</string> </value>
This Business Template contains only static files of jCarousel jQuery library.
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This Business Template contains only static files of jCarousel jQuery library 0.2.8.
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\ No newline at end of file
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