Commit bad1f5c2 authored by Bartek Górny's avatar Bartek Górny

cleaning up and finishing refactoring

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 211a4dab
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
from DateTime import DateTime
from operator import add
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo, getSecurityManager
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet, Constraint, Interface
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type.WebDAVSupport import TextContent
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Document classes which implement conversion should use
the ConversionCacheMixin class so that converted values are
stored inside ZODB and do not need to be recalculated.
XXX IDEA - ISSUE: generic API for conversion.
converted_document = document.convert(...)
......@@ -180,47 +180,73 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
(1) portal type detection
(2) object creation and upload of data
(3) metadata discovery (optionally with conversion of data to another format)
(4) other possible actions
(4) other possible actions to finalise the ingestion (ex. by assigning
a reference)
This class handles (3) and calls a ZMI script to do (4).
Metadata can be drawn from various sources:
input - data supplied with http request or set on the object during (2) (e.g.
discovered from email text)
file_name - data which might be encoded in file name
user_login- information about user who is contributing the file
content - data which might be derived from document content
input - data supplied with http request or set on the object during (2) (e.g.
discovered from email text)
file_name - data which might be encoded in file name
user_login - information about user who is contributing the file
content - data which might be derived from document content
If a certain property is defined in more than one source, it is set according to
preference order returned by a script
Document_getPreferredDocumentMetadataDiscoveryOrderList (or type-based version).
(or any type-based version since discovery is type dependent)
Methods for discovering metadata are:
The Document class behaviour can be extended / customized through scripts
(which are type-based so can be adjusted per portal type).
Methods for processing content are implemented either in
Document class or in Base class:
getSearchableReferenceList (Base)
getSearchableText (Base)
index_html (Document)
Methods for handling relations are implemented either in
Document class or in Base class:
getImplicitSuccessorValueList (Base)
getImplicitPredecessorValueList (Base)
getImplicitSimilarValueList (Base)
getSimilarCloudValueList (Document)
Implicit relations consist in finding document references inside
searchable text (ex. INV-23456) and deducting relations from that.
Two customisable methods required. One to find a list of implicit references
inside the content (getSearchableReferenceList) and one to convert a given
document reference into a list of reference strings which could
be present in other content (asSearchableReferenceList).
* Document_getFilenameParsingRegexp - returns a regular expression for extracting
properties encoded in file name
document.getSearchableReferenceList() returns
{'reference':' INV-12367'},
{'reference': 'INV-1112', 'version':'012}',
{'reference': 'AB-CC-DRK', 'version':'011', 'language': 'en'}
* Document_getReferenceLookupRegexp - returns a regular expression for finding
references to documents within document text content
The Document class behaviour can be extended / customized through scripts
(which are type-based so can be adjusted per portal type).
* Document_getPropertyListFromUser - finds a user (by user_login or from session)
* Document_getPropertyDictFromUserLogin - finds a user (by user_login or from session)
and returns properties which should be set on the document
* Document_getPropertyListFromContent - analyzes document content and returns
* Document_getPropertyDictFromContent - analyzes document content and returns
properties which should be set on the document
* Document_findImplicitSuccessor - finds appropriate version of a document
based on coordinates (which can be incomplete, depending if a document reference
found in text content contained version and/or language)
* Base_getImplicitSuccesorValueList - finds appropriate all documents
referenced in the current content
* Document_findImplicitPredecessorList - finds document predecessors based on
* Base_getImplicitPredecessorValueList - finds document predecessors based on
the document coordinates (can use only complete coordinates, or also partial)
* Document_getPreferredDocumentMetadataDiscoveryOrderList - returns an order
......@@ -230,11 +256,10 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
is completed (and after document has been converted, so text_content
is available if the document has it)
* Document_getNewRevisionNumber - calculates revision number which should be set
* Document_getNewRevision - calculates revision number which should be set
on this document. Implementation depends on revision numbering policy which
can be very different. Interaction workflow should call setNewRevision method.
Subcontent: documents may include subcontent (files, images, etc.)
so that publication of rich content can be path independent.
......@@ -272,7 +297,17 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
'subject', 'source_reference', 'source_project_title')
### Content indexing methods
### Content processing methods
def index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, format=None, **kw):
We follow here the standard Zope API for files and images
and extend it to support format conversion.
format - the format specied in the form of an extension
string (ex. jpeg, html, text, txt, etc.)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getSearchableText')
def getSearchableText(self, md=None):
......@@ -304,47 +339,57 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
SearchableText = getSearchableText # XXX-JPS - Here wa have a security issue - ask seb what to do
### Relation getters
def _getImplicitSuccessorReferenceList(self):
def getSearchableReferenceList(self):
Private Implementation Method
Public Method
Find references in text_content, return matches
with this we can then find objects
The reference regexp defined in Document_getFilenameParsingRegexp should
contain named groups (usually reference, version, language)
which make keys of the dictionary returned by this function
This function returns a list of dictionaries.
if getattr(self,'getTextContent',_MARKER) is _MARKER:
return []
if self.getTextContent() is None:
return []
This method returns a list of dictionaries which can
be used to find objects by reference. It uses for
that a regular expression defined at system level
text = self.getSearchableText()
regexp = self.getPreferredReferenceLookupRegexp()
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getReferenceLookupRegexp',
fallback_script_id = 'Document_getReferenceLookupRegexp')
rx_search = method()
rx_search = re.compile(regexp)
except TypeError: # no regexp in preference
self.log('please set document reference regexp in preferences')
return []
res = rx_search.finditer(self.getTextContent())
res = rx_search.finditer(text)
res = [(,r.groupdict()) for r in res]
return res
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getImplicitSuccessorValueList')
def getImplicitSuccessorValueList(self):
Find objects which we are referencing (if our text_content contains
references of other documents). The actual search is delegated to
Document_findImplicitSuccessor script. We can use only complete coordinate
triplets (reference-version-language) or also partial (e.g. reference only).
Normally, Document_findImplicitSuccessor would use getLatestVersionValue to
return only the most recent/relevant version.
references of other documents). The whole implementation is delegated to
Document_getImplicitSuccessorValueList script.
The implementation goes in 2 steps:
- Step 1: extract with a regular expression
a list of distionaries with various parameters such as
reference, portal_type, language, version, user, etc. This
part is configured through a portal preference.
- Step 2: read the list of dictionaries
and build a list of values by calling portal_catalog
with appropriate parameters (and if possible build
a complex query whenever this becomes available in
portal catalog)
The script is reponsible for calling getSearchableReferenceList
so that it can use another approach if needed.
NOTE: passing a group_by parameter may be useful at a
later stage of the implementation.
# XXX results should be cached as volatile attributes
# XXX-JPS - Please use TransactionCache in ERP5Type for this
# TransactionCache does all the work for you
lst = []
for ref in self._getImplicitSuccessorReferenceList():
for ref in self.getSearchableReferenceList():
r = ref[1]
res = self.Document_findImplicitSuccessor(**r)
if len(res)>0:
......@@ -355,12 +400,21 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
def getImplicitPredecessorValueList(self):
This function tries to find document which are referencing us - by reference only, or
by reference/language etc.
Uses customizeable script Document_findImplicitPredecessorList.
It is mostly implementation level - depends on what parameters we use to identify
document, and on how a doc must reference me to be my predecessor (reference only,
or with a language, etc
by reference/language etc. Implementation is passed to
The script should proceed in two steps:
Step 1: build a list of references out of the context
(ex. INV-123456, 123456, etc.)
Step 2: search using the portal_catalog and use
priorities (ex. INV-123456 before 123456)
( if possible build a complex query whenever
this becomes available in portal catalog )
NOTE: passing a group_by parameter may be useful at a
later stage of the implementation.
# XXX results should be cached as volatile attributes
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('findImplicitPredecessorList',
......@@ -414,8 +468,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
return lista_latest.keys()
### Version and language getters
### Version and language getters - might be moved one day to a mixin class in base
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getLatestVersionValue')
def getLatestVersionValue(self, language=None):
......@@ -429,7 +482,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
in any language or in the user language if the version is
the same.
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getVersionValueList')
......@@ -438,7 +491,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Returns a list of documents with same reference, same portal_type
but different version and given language or any language if not given.
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'isVersionUnique')
......@@ -446,7 +499,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Returns true if no other document has the same version and language
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getLatestRevisionValue')
......@@ -454,7 +507,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Returns the latest revision of ourselves
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getRevisionValueList')
......@@ -462,7 +515,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Returns a list revision strings for a given reference, version, language
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'setNewRevision')
......@@ -472,9 +525,9 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Delegates to ZMI script because revision numbering policies can be different.
Should be called by interaction workflow upon appropriate action.
# User portal_catalog without security
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getNewRevisionNumber',
fallback_script_id = 'Document_getNewRevisionNumber')
# Use portal_catalog without security
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getNewRevision',
fallback_script_id = 'Document_getNewRevision')
new_rev = method()
......@@ -484,7 +537,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Returns a list of languages which this document is available in
for the current user.
# User portal_catalog
# Use portal_catalog
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, 'getOriginalLanguage')
......@@ -509,9 +562,10 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
returns properties which should be set on the document
if user_login is None:
user_login = self.portal_something.getUserLogin()
return self._getTypeBasedMethod('getPropertyDictFromUserLogin',
user_login = str(getSecurityManager().getUser())
method = self._getTypeBasedMethod('getPropertyDictFromUserLogin',
return method()
def getPropertyDictFromContent(self):
......@@ -519,6 +573,8 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
Based on the document content, find out as many properties as needed.
returns properties which should be set on the document
# XXX this method should first make sure we have text content
# or do a conversion
return self._getTypeBasedMethod('getPropertyDictFromContent',
......@@ -577,7 +633,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
for order_id in order_list[0:content_index-1]:
if order_id not in VALID_ORDER_KEY_LIST:
# Prevent security attack or bad preferences
raise AttributeError, "explain what..."
raise AttributeError, "%s is not in valid order key list" % order_id
method_id = 'getPropertyDictFrom%s' % convertToUpperCase(order_id)
method = getattr(self, method_id)
if order_id == 'file_name':
......@@ -615,7 +671,7 @@ class Document(XMLObject):
for order_id in order_list[content_index:]:
if order_id not in VALID_ORDER_KEY_LIST:
# Prevent security attack or bad preferences
raise AttributeError, "explain what..."
raise AttributeError, "%s is not in valid order key list" % order_id
method_id = 'getPropertyDictFrom%s' % convertToUpperCase(order_id)
method = getattr(self, method_id)
if order_id == 'file_name':
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