Commit b715d066 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud

Release version 0.28.0

parent dcc1c854
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......@@ -992,19 +992,32 @@ if (typeof document.contains !== 'function') {
this._latest_promise = null;
function doNothing() {
Mutex.prototype = {
constructor: Mutex,
lockAndRun: function lockMutexAndRun(callback) {
var previous_promise = this._latest_promise;
var previous_promise = this._latest_promise,
if (previous_promise === null) {
this._latest_promise = RSVP.resolve(callback());
} else {
this._latest_promise = this._latest_promise
return this._latest_promise;
returned_promise = previous_promise
.always(function () {
return callback();
return this._latest_promise;
// Do not return latest promise, to not allow external caller
// to explicitely cancel it,
// ie, ensure next promise is triggered only when ALL previous
// promised are finished (not only the single previous one)
this._latest_promise = RSVP.all([
return returned_promise;
"name": "renderjs",
"version": "0.27.0",
"version": "0.28.0",
"description": "RenderJs provides HTML5 gadgets",
"main": "dist/renderjs-latest.js",
"dependencies": {
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