"description": "State reported by the node installing the Software Installation"\n
"status_message": {\n
"title": "Status Message",\n
"description": "Last Message received for the Software Installation",\n
"type": "string"\n
"api_revision": {\n
"title": "API Revision",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "The API Revision is set by the master node to mark when the element was last processed. It is incremental. If revision has changed, critical data has been updated"\n
"description": "Unique Name of the Software Instance",\n
"maxLength": 200\n
"reference": {\n
"title": "Software Instance Reference",\n
"description": "Unique identifier of the Software Instance",\n
"type": "string",\n
"maxLength": 50\n
"software_release_uri": {\n
"title": "Software Release URI",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "URL of the software release used by the software instance"\n
"software_type": {\n
"title": "Software Type",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Software type of the instance, it define the type of the instance according to the software release"\n
"state": {\n
"title": "Requested State",\n
"type": "string",\n
"enum": ["started", "stopped", "destroyed"],\n
"description": "State of the requested instance. It is functionnal when started. In stopped state, all services are stopped. If destroyed, it will remove the instance."\n
"connection_parameters": {\n
"title": "Connections Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"description": "List of parameters provided by the instance to access it. Updated by the instance.",\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"parameters": {\n
"title": "Instance Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"description": "Parameters provided to the instance when requested to configure it.",\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"shared": {\n
"title": "Shared Instance",\n
"type": "boolean",\n
"description": "This instance is Shared Instance hosted on another instance. It doesn\'t use a computer partition."\n
"root_instance_title": {\n
"title": "Root Instance Title",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Title of the Instance at the root of the instance tree. This is the title of the instance that has been requested by the user."\n
"ip_list": {\n
"title": "IP List",\n
"type": "array",\n
"descritpion": "List of IPs usable by the Software Instance on the partition",\n
"items": {\n
"type": "array",\n
"items": {\n
"type": "string"\n
"full_ip_list": {\n
"title": "Full IP List",\n
"type": "array",\n
"descritpion": "XXXX List of IPs usable by the Software Instance on the partition",\n
"items": {\n
"type": "array",\n
"items": {\n
"type": "string"\n
"sla_parameters": {\n
"title": "Target Node Selection Parameters",\n
"type": "object",\n
"description": "Also known as SLA parameters. Used to pick where an how the instance is to be deployed",\n
"properties": {\n
"computer_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Compute Node",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Compute Node Reference, like COMP-1234",\n
"type": "string"\n
"project_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Project",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Project Reference",\n
"type": "string"\n
"instance_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Host Instance",\n
"descritpion": "Only applicable to shared instance. Requested Host Instance Reference, like SOFTINST-1234",\n
"type": "string"\n
"network_guid": {\n
"title": "Requested Network",\n
"descritpion": "Requested Network Reference",\n
"type": "string"\n
"retention_delay": {\n
"title": "Retention Delay",\n
"Description": "Number of days during the data is preserved after the instance is destroyed",\n
"type": "number"\n
"additionalProperties": { "type": "string" }\n
"compute_node_id": {\n
"title": "Compute Node Id",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Id Of the Requesting Compute Node, used by Slap Client when an instance is requesting an instance"\n
"compute_partition_id": {\n
"title": "Compute Partition Id",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "Id Of the Requesting Compute Partition, used by Slap Client when an instance is requesting an instance"\n
"processing_timestamp": {\n
"title": "Processing Timestamp",\n
"type": "number",\n
"description": "Timestamp set by the master node to mark when it was last processed in the master node. If it has been processed on master, it needs reprocessiing on the compute node."\n
"api_revision": {\n
"title": "API Revision",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "The API Revision is set by the master node to mark when the element was last processed. It is incremental. If revision has changed, critical data has been updated"\n
<value><string>python: [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getTitle(), x.getRelativeUrl()) for x in here.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Service\', sort_on=((\'title\', \'ASC\'),),checked_permission=\'View\')]</string></value>