"description": "State reported by the node installing the Software Installation"\n
"status_message": {\n
"title": "Status Message",\n
"description": "Last Message received for the Software Installation",\n
"type": "string"\n
"api_revision": {\n
"title": "API Revision",\n
"type": "string",\n
"description": "The API Revision is set by the master node to mark when the element was last processed. It is incremental. If revision has changed, critical data has been updated"\n
<value><string>python: [(\'\', \'\')] + [(x.getTitle(), x.getRelativeUrl()) for x in here.portal_catalog(portal_type=\'Service\', sort_on=((\'title\', \'ASC\'),),checked_permission=\'View\')]</string></value>