Commit 279486fe authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

stack/slapos: version up some eggs with known vulnerabilties

also update slapos.toolbox to 0.116
parent 0a4e1e23
...@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ parts = ...@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ parts =
lxml-python lxml-python
[lxml-python-env] [lxml-python-env]
XSLT_CONFIG = ${libxslt:location}/bin/xslt-config WITH_XSLT_CONFIG = ${libxslt:location}/bin/xslt-config
WITH_XML2_CONFIG = ${libxml2:location}/bin/xml2-config
[lxml-python] [lxml-python]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
...@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ = 1.7.post4 ...@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ = 1.7.post4
Jinja2 = 2.11.2 Jinja2 = 2.11.2
Importing = 1.10 Importing = 1.10
MarkupSafe = 1.0 MarkupSafe = 1.0
PyYAML = 3.13 PyYAML = 5.4.1
Werkzeug = 0.12 Werkzeug = 1.0.1
asn1crypto = 1.3.0 asn1crypto = 1.3.0
atomicwrites = 1.4.0 atomicwrites = 1.4.0
backports.functools-lru-cache = 1.6.1 backports.functools-lru-cache = 1.6.1
...@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ collective.recipe.shelloutput = 0.1 ...@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ collective.recipe.shelloutput = 0.1
collective.recipe.template = 2.0 collective.recipe.template = 2.0
configparser = 4.0.2 configparser = 4.0.2
contextlib2 = 0.6.0.post1 contextlib2 = 0.6.0.post1
cryptography = 2.9.2 cryptography = 3.3.1
dateparser = 0.7.6 dateparser = 0.7.6
decorator = 4.3.0 decorator = 4.3.0
funcsigs = 1.0.2 funcsigs = 1.0.2
...@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ importlib-metadata = 1.7.0 ...@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ importlib-metadata = 1.7.0
inotify-simple = 1.1.1 inotify-simple = 1.1.1
itsdangerous = 0.24 itsdangerous = 0.24
lock-file = 2.0 lock-file = 2.0
lxml = 4.4.3 lxml = 4.6.2
meld3 = 1.0.2 meld3 = 1.0.2
more-itertools = 5.0.0 more-itertools = 5.0.0
netaddr = 0.7.19 netaddr = 0.7.19
...@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ pathlib2 = 2.3.5 ...@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ pathlib2 = 2.3.5
pbr = 2.0.0 pbr = 2.0.0
plone.recipe.command = 1.1 plone.recipe.command = 1.1
prettytable = 0.7.2 prettytable = 0.7.2
psutil = 5.6.3 psutil = 5.8.0
pluggy = 0.13.1 pluggy = 0.13.1
py = 1.9.0 py = 1.9.0
pyOpenSSL = 19.1.0 pyOpenSSL = 19.1.0
...@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ slapos.rebootstrap = 4.5 ...@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ slapos.rebootstrap = 4.5 = 0.46 = 0.46
slapos.recipe.cmmi = 0.16 slapos.recipe.cmmi = 0.16
slapos.recipe.template = 4.5 slapos.recipe.template = 4.5
slapos.toolbox = 0.115 slapos.toolbox = 0.116
stevedore = 1.21.0 stevedore = 1.21.0
subprocess32 = 3.5.3 subprocess32 = 3.5.3
unicodecsv = 0.14.1 unicodecsv = 0.14.1
...@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ msgpack = 0.6.2 ...@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ msgpack = 0.6.2
# Required by: # Required by:
# slapos.core==1.5.0 # slapos.core==1.5.0
Flask = 0.12 Flask = 1.1.2
# Required by: # Required by:
# slapos.toolbox==0.94 # slapos.toolbox==0.94
...@@ -251,8 +251,6 @@ croniter = 0.3.25 ...@@ -251,8 +251,6 @@ croniter = 0.3.25
# slapos.toolbox==0.94 # slapos.toolbox==0.94
dnspython = 1.16.0 dnspython = 1.16.0
# Required by:
# cryptography==1.8.1
enum34 = 1.1.10 enum34 = 1.1.10
# Required by: # Required by:
...@@ -279,8 +277,6 @@ pyrsistent = 0.14.5 ...@@ -279,8 +277,6 @@ pyrsistent = 0.14.5
# jsonschema==3.0.2 # jsonschema==3.0.2
setuptools-scm = 3.5.0 setuptools-scm = 3.5.0
# Required by:
# cryptography==1.8.1
ipaddress = 1.0.23 ipaddress = 1.0.23
# Required by: # Required by:
...@@ -296,8 +292,6 @@ lockfile = 0.12.2 ...@@ -296,8 +292,6 @@ lockfile = 0.12.2
# XXX 'slapos node format' raises an exception with netifaces 0.10.5. # XXX 'slapos node format' raises an exception with netifaces 0.10.5.
netifaces = 0.10.7 netifaces = 0.10.7
# Required by:
# cryptography==1.8.1
packaging = 16.8 packaging = 16.8
# Required by: # Required by:
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