Commit a6e3cc76 authored by Bryton Lacquement's avatar Bryton Lacquement :door:

patches/CMFCoreSkinnable: do not use getSkinsFolderName

It is no longer supported in CMF 2.3, see Products.CMFCore
parent 15e48beb
......@@ -141,9 +141,7 @@ def CMFCoreSkinnableSkinnableObjectManager_changeSkin(self, skinname, REQUEST=No
Patched not to call getSkin.
if skinname is None:
sfn = self.getSkinsFolderName()
if sfn is not None:
sf = getattr(self, sfn, None)
sf = getattr(self, "portal_skins", None)
if sf is not None:
skinname = sf.getDefaultSkin()
tid = get_ident()
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