Commit a30c6d53 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

No source code modification. Just improve indentation because the file was near inreadable.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 085a8dee
......@@ -100,10 +100,9 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
tal:attributes="class string:my_span">\n
tal:attributes="class string:page_${pagenum}"\n
><img src="test_object_page_0.png"\n
<div class="my_page_class"\n
tal:attributes="class string:page_${pagenum}">\n
<img src="test_object_page_0.png"\n
tal:attributes="src string:${object_name}_background_${pagenum};\n
......@@ -115,17 +114,16 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
<span tal:repeat="field python:form.get_fields_in_group(groups[pagenum])"\n
><!--get a field-->\n
tal:omit-tag=""><!--get a field-->\n
<span tal:condition="python:field.meta_type != \'HiddenStringField\'"\n
tal:define="name python:str(;\n
value python:request.get(,None);\n
class_base string:${name}"\n
><div tal:omit-tag=""\n
tal:define="struct python:field.render(value,request)"\n
><span tal:omit-tag=""\n
<div tal:omit-tag=""\n
tal:define="struct python:field.render(value,request)">\n
<span tal:omit-tag=""\n
tal:define="struct python:struct.replace(\'&nbsp;;\',\'\');\n
struct_input_div python:struct.split(\'<input\');\n
struct_input_len python:len(struct_input_div);\n
......@@ -135,8 +133,8 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
struct_selec_len python:len(struct_selec_div);\n
struct_selec_range python:range(struct_selec_len);\n
struct_selec_test python:int(struct_selec_len) == 1;\n
struct_test python:struct_selec_test and struct_input_test"\n
><span tal:replace="nothing">\n
struct_test python:struct_selec_test and struct_input_test">\n
<span tal:replace="nothing">\n
- rendering final output string through \'field.render\'.\n
- replacing all \'&nbsp\' with \'\' to prevent error in rendering\n
- making two tests : first one (struct_input_test) is used to test if\n
......@@ -147,32 +145,29 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
Second one takes care of the RelationStrinField item when it is filled\n
as it is composed of 1 input field + 1 select field\n
<span tal:omit-tag=""\n
><!-- begining single field processing --><span tal:replace="nothing">\n
<span tal:omit-tag="" \n
tal:condition="struct_test"><!-- begining single field processing -->\n
<span tal:replace="nothing">\n
this bloc has been implemented to take care of the textarea\n
and single inputfield renderings. this just process the\n
output rendering as a single field.\n
UPDATE : with xhtml_style, this \n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has no error -->\n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("><!-- field has no error -->\n
<span tal:replace="structure struct"\n
tal:attributes="class string:${name}_class;\n
title field/title"\n
<div tal:condition="python: field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has errors-->\n
title field/title"/>\n
<div tal:condition="python: field_errors.has_key("><!-- field has errors-->\n
<span tal:replace="structure struct"\n
tal:attributes="class string:${name}_class_error;\n
title string:${field/title}"\n
title string:${field/title}"/>\n
<!-- end single field processing-->\n
<span tal:omit-tag=""\n
><!-- begining multi-input processing -->\n
tal:condition="not:struct_input_test"><!-- begining multi-input processing -->\n
<span tal:replace="nothing">\n
this bloc is designed to process standard multi-input fields such as\n
DateTimeFields and RelationStringFields. (and checkbox field in\n
......@@ -184,8 +179,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: \'hidden\' not in struct_input_div[1]">\n
<span tal:define="struct_range python:range(struct_input_len)"\n
tal:repeat="struct_ind python:struct_range[1:]">\n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has no error 1-->\n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("><!-- field has no error 1-->\n
<span tal:define="struct_content python:struct_input_div[struct_ind];\n
struct_final python:\'%s %s\' %\n
(\'<input \', struct_content);\n
......@@ -193,11 +187,9 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
(class_base,\'_class_\', struct_ind)"\n
tal:replace="structure struct_final"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
title field/title"/>\n
<div tal:condition="python:field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has errors 1-->\n
<div tal:condition="python:field_errors.has_key("><!-- field has errors 1-->\n
<span tal:define="struct_content python:struct_input_div[struct_ind];\n
struct_final python:\'%s %s\' %\n
(\'<input \', struct_content);\n
......@@ -206,16 +198,16 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
tal:replace="structure struct_final"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
title field/title"/>\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: \'hidden\' in struct_input_div[1]">\n
<!-- processing CheckBoxField in xhtml_style -->\n
<span tal:define="struct_range python:range(struct_input_len)"\n
tal:repeat="struct_ind python:struct_range[1:]">\n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has no error 2-->\n
<div tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key(">\n
<!-- field has no error 2-->\n
<span tal:define="struct_content python:struct_input_div[struct_ind];\n
struct_final python:\'%s %s\' %\n
(\'<input \', struct_content);\n
......@@ -223,11 +215,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
tal:replace="structure struct_final"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
title field/title"/>\n
<div tal:condition="python:field_errors.has_key("\n
><!-- field has errors 2-->\n
<div tal:condition="python:field_errors.has_key(">\n
<!-- field has errors 2-->\n
<span tal:define="struct_content python:struct_input_div[struct_ind];\n
struct_final python:\'%s %s\' %\n
(\'<input \', struct_content);\n
......@@ -235,14 +226,14 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
tal:replace="structure struct_final"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
title field/title"/>\n
<span tal:omit-tag=""\n
><!-- start select-field rendering -->\n
<!-- start select-field rendering -->\n
<span tal:replace="nothing">\n
this bloc is here to process special multi-fields rendering based on\n
input + select (for RelationStringFields when user can select element\n
......@@ -255,28 +246,27 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
struct_selec_div python:[\'\',struct_content0, struct_content1];\n
struct_range python:range(struct_selec_len +1)"\n
tal:repeat="struct_ind python:struct_range[1:]"\n
><!-- field has no errors-->\n
tal:repeat="struct_ind python:struct_range[1:]">\n
<div><!-- field has no errors-->\n
<span tal:condition="python:(not field_errors.has_key("\n
tal:define="class_final python:\'%s%s%s\' %\n
(class_base,\'_class_\', struct_ind)"\n
tal:replace="structure python:struct_selec_div[struct_ind]"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
/><!-- field has no errors -->\n
title field/title"/>\n
<!-- field has no errors -->\n
<span tal:condition="python:field_errors.has_key("\n
tal:define="class_final python:\'%s%s%s%s\' %\n
(class_base,\'_class_\', struct_ind, \'_error\')"\n
tal:replace="structure python:struct_selec_div[struct_ind]"\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title field/title"\n
title field/title"/>\n
<span tal:omit-tag=""\n
><!-- rendering error text -->\n
<!-- rendering error text -->\n
<span tal:replace="nothing">\n
once all the field have been rendered, just need to add error text\n
if necessary on the rigth side of the page.\n
......@@ -287,13 +277,17 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n
tal:attributes="class class_final;\n
title string:${field/title}"\n
title string:${field/title}">\n
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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