Commit e718f238 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

bt5_prototype: Add InstallationTree class

parent e67a065e
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import fnmatch, re, gc
import hashlib
import transaction
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import defaultdict
......@@ -292,46 +293,53 @@ class PathTemplatePackageItem(Implicit, Persistent):
container._setObject(object_id, obj)
obj = container._getOb(object_id)
# Regenerate local roles for all paths in this business template
p = context.getPortalObject()
portal_type_role_list_len_dict = {}
update_dict = defaultdict(list)
for path in self._objects:
obj = p.unrestrictedTraverse(path, None)
# Ignore any object without PortalType (non-ERP5 objects)
portal_type = aq_base(obj).getPortalType()
except Exception, e:
def createInstallationData(package_list):
Create installation object as well as adds new node on the installation tree
from the installed state
data = {}
path_list = []
# Create path_list to be installed by the installation
for package in package_list:
path_list = list(set(path_list))
for package in package_list:
obj_dict = package._path_item._objects
for path in path_list:
if not data.has_key(path):
data[path] = [obj_dict[path]]
if portal_type not in p.portal_types:
LOG("BusinessTemplate", WARNING,
"Could not update Local Roles as Portal Type '%s' could not "
"be found" % portal_type)
# Compare the objects which are present in multiple numbers in data_list
for path, obj_list in data_list.iteritems():
# We use iteritems so that it'd be okay while we change the values
if len(obj_list) == 1:
data[path] = obj_list[0]
hash_func = hashlib.sha1
hash_list = [hash_fuc(obj.asXML()).hexdigest() for obj in obj_list]
hash_list = set(hash_list)
if not len(hash_list) == 1:
raise ValueError('There is a conflict')
data[path] = obj_list[0]
if portal_type not in portal_type_role_list_len_dict:
portal_type_role_list_len_dict[portal_type] = \
if portal_type_role_list_len_dict[portal_type]:
if update_dict:
def updateLocalRolesOnDocument():
for portal_type, obj_list in update_dict.iteritems():
update = p.portal_types[portal_type].updateLocalRolesOnDocument
for obj in obj_list:
LOG("BusinessTemplate", INFO,
"Updated Local Roles for '%s' (%s)"
% (portal_type, obj.getRelativeUrl()))
class InstallationState(object):
return data
class InstallationTree(object):
Tree implemetation to manage install/update/remove between states.
This is a very rough code to explain what can be achieved. In real case,
this class should be a well defined ERP5 object and most possibly act as a
portal tool, cause there should be one installation tree per site(agree ??)
Data at every node:
('_path_item': PathTemplateItem, }
State Number:
1) ERP5Site
......@@ -342,6 +350,9 @@ class InstallationState(object):
Leaf node: OFS State(with some default BP installed)
Trying to install a new BT5 should be like adding new node to the tree
Will show if faced by any conflict between states, but mostly will try to
solve by itself
How to pickle:
......@@ -350,27 +361,25 @@ class InstallationState(object):
def __init__(self, state):
self.root_status = False # Installtion status of the combined packages
self.data_list = [] # To be installed/update/deleted list of packages
self.current_level = 1
def __init__(self, data): = data # To be installed/update/deleted list of packages
self.children = [] # List of child nodes
def setNewState(self, state):
def addNewState(self, state):
In tree language, should act as setNext node to the tree
In tree language, should act as set next node to the tree
This should add package list after comparing the states of
packages with the installed state. So even if we try to install multiple
packages at a time, it should be counted as one state being implented on
another installed state, i.e, the state of ERP5Site
def install_package_list(self, package_list):
def mapToERP5Site(self):
Create a new state by comparing all BP combined built and the ERP5Site,
then calls setNewState to update the state
# No need to save sha here, save it in business package itself
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