Commit c612430d authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

JIO scripts upgrade + Unit tests

All commands are now complete. But some errors may occur
with unexpected metadata type.
parent 25dcd0f5
......@@ -51,14 +51,13 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string>import json\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log\n
#from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log\n
# use JSON.parse as json.loads and JSON.stringify as json.dumps\n
context.REQUEST.response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")\n
jio = context.JIO_class()\n
try: option = jio.jsonUtf8Loads(context.REQUEST.form["option"])\n
except KeyError:\n
option = {}\n
......@@ -52,8 +52,47 @@
<key> <string>_body</string> </key>
<value> <string encoding="cdata"><![CDATA[
import json, hashlib\n
#from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log\n
import json\n
from DateTime import DateTime\n
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import SimpleQuery, ComplexQuery\n
from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log\n
def dictGetKeyFromValue(obj, value, *args):\n
for k, v in obj.items():\n
if v == value:\n
return k\n
if len(args) == 0:\n
raise ValueError(\'value not found\')\n
return args[0]\n
def UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(obj):\n
# string -> unicode -> str\n
if isinstance(obj, unicode):\n
return obj.encode("UTF-8")\n
# array -> list\n
if isinstance(obj, list):\n
for i in xrange(len(obj)):\n
obj[i] = UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(obj[i])\n
return obj\n
# object -> dict\n
if isinstance(obj, dict):\n
for k, v in obj.items():\n
v = UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(v)\n
del obj[k]\n
obj[UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(k)] = v\n
return obj\n
# number (int) -> int, long\n
# true -> True\n
# false -> False\n
# null -> None\n
return obj\n
def json_loads(string):\n
return UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(json.loads(string))\n
def jsonDeepCopy(json_dict):\n
"Clones the JSON object in deep and returns the clone"\n
return json_loads(json.dumps(json_dict))\n
class FakeDocument():\n
def getObject(self): return self\n
......@@ -84,32 +123,39 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
def __init__(self):\n
self.simple_conversion_dict = {\n
"content_type": "format",\n
"effective_date": "posted_date",\n
"portal_type": "type",\n
"contributor_list": "contributor",\n
"subject_list": "subject",\n
"categories_list": "category"\n
"categories_list": "category",\n
"creation_date": "created",\n
"modification_date": "modified"\n
# order deny, allow\n
# deny from all\n
self.allowed_property_id_dict = ["title", "short_title", "description",\n
self.allowed_property_id_list = ["title", "short_title", "description",\n
"language", "reference", "version",\n
"format", "posted_date", "type",\n
"format", "type",\n
"effective_date", "expiration_date",\n
"contributor", "subject", "category"]\n
self.type_attachment_key = {\n
"Web Page": "text_content",\n
"Image": "data"\n
self.allowed_portal_type_list = ["Web Page", "Image"]\n
self.local_attachment_key = "local_attachment_dict"\n
# self.local_attachment_key = "local_attachment_dict"\n
def getDocumentAttachment(self, metadata_json):\n
try: document = tool.getDocumentFromUrl(metadata_json.get("_id"))\n
except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Bad document id")\n
except ValueError: raise LookupError("Missing document")\n
except KeyError: raise LookupError("Missing document")\n
except (ValueError, KeyError): raise LookupError("Missing document")\n
document_dict = tool.getDocumentProperties(document)\n
attachment_key = self.type_attachment_key.get(document.getPortalType())\n
if metadata_json.get("_attachment") == "body" and \\\n
"text_content" in document_dict:\n
return document_dict["text_content"]\n
attachment_key in document_dict:\n
data = document_dict[attachment_key]\n
if data is not None:\n
return data\n
# elif document_dict.get(self.local_attachment_key) is not None and \\\n
# metadata_json.get("_attachment") in \\\n
# document_dict.get(self.local_attachment_key):\n
......@@ -126,11 +172,13 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
document_dict = tool.getDocumentProperties(document)\n
real_document_dict = {}\n
# get attachments metas\n
if document_dict.get("text_content") is not None:\n
attachment_key = self.type_attachment_key.get(document.getPortalType())\n
if attachment_key is not None and \\\n
document_dict.get(attachment_key) is not None:\n
real_document_dict["_attachments"] = tool.dictFusion(\n
real_document_dict.get("_attachments"), {\n
"body": {\n
"length": len(document_dict["text_content"]),\n
"length": len(document_dict[attachment_key]),\n
"content_type": document_dict.get("content_type")\n
......@@ -153,11 +201,10 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
if k in self.simple_conversion_dict:\n
k = self.simple_conversion_dict.get(k)\n
if k in self.allowed_property_id_dict:\n
try: v.time\n
except AttributeError: pass\n
else: v = str(v)\n
if k == "text_content":\n
if k in self.allowed_property_id_list:\n
if isinstance(v, DateTime):\n
v = v.ISO8601()\n
if k == attachment_key:\n
real_document_dict["_attachments"] = {\n
"body": {\n
"length": len(v)\n
......@@ -173,6 +220,9 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
real_document_dict["relation"] = relation_list\n
real_document_dict[k] = v\n
real_document_dict["_id"] = metadata_json["_id"]\n
real_document_dict["date"] = document.getCreationDate().ISO8601()\n
real_document_dict["created"] = document.getCreationDate().ISO8601()\n
real_document_dict["modified"] = document.getModificationDate().ISO8601()\n
real_document_dict["type"] = document.getPortalType()\n
return real_document_dict\n
......@@ -188,7 +238,7 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
if jio_key == meta_key:\n
doc_key = erp5_key\n
if meta_key in self.allowed_property_id_dict:\n
if meta_key in self.allowed_property_id_list:\n
if meta_value is None and document.hasProperty(doc_key) or \\\n
meta_value is not None:\n
edit_kw[doc_key] = meta_value\n
......@@ -202,8 +252,10 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
def putDocumentAttachment(self, metadata_json):\n
document = tool.getDocumentFromUrl(metadata_json["_id"]).getObject()\n
attachment_key = self.type_attachment_key.get(document.getPortalType())\n
if metadata_json.get("_attachment") == "body":\n
edit_kw = {attachment_key: metadata_json.get("_data")}\n
raise ValueError("Unauthorized attachment id")\n
# edit_kw = {self.local_attachment_key:\n
......@@ -232,9 +284,11 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
**self.updateDocumentMetadataEditKw(metadata_json, document=document))\n
if "_id" in metadata_json:\n
except KeyError: raise KeyError("Bad document id")\n
elif "type" in metadata_json:\n
document = tool.newDocumentFromType(\n
......@@ -263,30 +317,161 @@ class JioGeneric():\n
except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Bad document id")\n
except ValueError: raise LookupError("Missing document")\n
except KeyError: raise LookupError("Missing document")\n
edit_kw = {}\n
attachment_key = self.type_attachment_key.get(document.getPortalType())\n
if metadata_json.get("_attachment") == "body":\n
if document.getTextContent() == None:\n
raise LookupError("Missing attachment")\n
document.edit(text_content = None)\n
edit_kw = {attachment_key: None}\n
raise ValueError("Unauthorized attachment id")\n
return {"ok": True, "id": metadata_json["_id"],\n
"attachment": metadata_json.get("_attachment")}\n
def parseQuery(self, query_dict):\n
def rec(query_dict):\n
if query_dict.get("type") == "simple":\n
# if query_dict.get("key") not in self.allowed_property_id_list:\n
# return None\n
for erp5_key, jio_key in self.simple_conversion_dict.items():\n
if query_dict["key"] == jio_key:\n
query_dict["key"] = erp5_key\n
return SimpleQuery(comparison_operator=query_dict[\'operator\'],\n
**{query_dict[\'key\']: query_dict[\'value\']})\n
if query_dict.get("type") == "complex":\n
tool.listMapReplace(rec, query_dict[\'query_list\'])\n
while True: query_dict[\'query_list\'].remove(None)\n
except ValueError: pass\n
return ComplexQuery(operator=query_dict[\'operator\'],\n
return None\n
return rec(query_dict)\n
def getAllDocuments(self, option_json):\n
response = {"rows":[]}\n
for portal_type in self.allowed_portal_type_list:\n
for document in context.portal_catalog(portal_type=portal_type):\n
url = tool.getUrlFromDocument(document)\n
row = {"id": url, "key": url, "values": {}}\n
if option_json.get(\'include_docs\') is True:\n
row["doc"] = self.getDocumentMetadata({"_id": url})\n
kw = {}\n
if isinstance(option_json.get(\'query\'), dict):\n
kw[\'query\'] = self.parseQuery(option_json["query"])\n
kw[\'query\'] = ComplexQuery(\n
*[SimpleQuery(comparison_operator="=", portal_type=x) \\\n
for x in self.allowed_portal_type_list]\n
kw[\'query\'] = ComplexQuery(\n
*[SimpleQuery(comparison_operator="=", portal_type=x) \\\n
for x in self.allowed_portal_type_list]\n
if isinstance(option_json.get(\'limit\'), list):\n
kw[\'limit\'] = tuple(option_json[\'limit\'])\n
c = self.simple_conversion_dict\n
if isinstance(option_json.get(\'sort_on\'), list):\n
for i in range(len(option_json[\'sort_on\'])):\n
s = option_json[\'sort_on\'][i]\n
option_json[\'sort_on\'][i] = dictGetKeyFromValue(c, s[0], s[0])\n
kw[\'sort_on\'] = option_json[\'sort_on\']\n
if not isinstance(option_json.get(\'select_list\'), list):\n
option_json[\'select_list\'] = []\n
if option_json[\'select_list\'] != []:\n
id_list = context.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().getColumnIds()\n
i = len(option_json[\'select_list\']) - 1\n
while i >= 0:\n
s = option_json[\'select_list\'][i]\n
option_json[\'select_list\'][i] = dictGetKeyFromValue(c, s, s)\n
if option_json[\'select_list\'][i] not in id_list:\n
i -= 1\n
kw[\'select_list\'] = option_json[\'select_list\']\n
for document in context.portal_catalog(**kw):\n
url = tool.getUrlFromDocument(document)\n
row = {"id": url, "key": url, "value": {}}\n
for erp5_meta in option_json[\'select_list\']:\n
jio_meta = c.get(erp5_meta, erp5_meta)\n
row[\'value\'][jio_meta] = getattr(document, erp5_meta, None)\n
if isinstance(row[\'value\'][jio_meta], DateTime):\n
row[\'value\'][jio_meta] = row[\'value\'][jio_meta].ISO8601()\n
if option_json.get(\'include_docs\') is True:\n
row["doc"] = self.getDocumentMetadata({"_id": url})\n
response["total_rows"] = len(response["rows"])\n
return response\n
# def getAllDocuments(self, option_json):\n
# response = {"rows":[]}\n
# editkw = {}\n
# if "query" in option_json:\n
# editkw[\'query\'] = self.parseQuery(option_json["query"])\n
# editkw[\'query\'] = ComplexQuery(\n
# editkw[\'query\'],\n
# ComplexQuery(\n
# operator=\'or\',\n
# *[SimpleQuery(comparison_operator="=", portal_type=x) \\\n
# for x in self.allowed_portal_type_list]\n
# ),\n
# comparison_operator=\'and\'\n
# )\n
# # if isinstance(option_json.get(\'limit\'), list):\n
# # editkw[\'limit\'] = tuple(option_json[\'limit\'])\n
# # if isinstance(option_json.get(\'select_list\'), list):\n
# # for sub_list in option_json[\'select_list\']:\n
# # sub_list = tuple(sub_list)\n
# # editkw[\'select_list\'] = option_json[\'select_list\']\n
# for document in context.portal_catalog(query=query):\n
# url = tool.getUrlFromDocument(document)\n
# row = {"id": url, "key": url, "values": {}}\n
# if option_json.get(\'include_docs\') is True:\n
# row["doc"] = self.getDocumentMetadata({"_id": url})\n
# response["rows"].append(row)\n
# else:\n
# for portal_type in self.allowed_portal_type_list:\n
# for document in context.portal_catalog(portal_type=portal_type):\n
# url = tool.getUrlFromDocument(document)\n
# row = {"id": url, "key": url, "values": {}}\n
# if option_json.get(\'include_docs\') is True:\n
# row["doc"] = self.getDocumentMetadata({"_id": url})\n
# response["rows"].append(row)\n
# response["total_rows"] = len(response["rows"])\n
# return response\n
# def getAllDocuments(self, option_json):\n
# response = {"rows":[]}\n
# for portal_type in self.allowed_portal_type_list:\n
# for document in context.portal_catalog(portal_type=portal_type):\n
# url = tool.getUrlFromDocument(document)\n
# row = {"id": url, "key": url, "values": {}}\n
# if option_json.get(\'include_docs\') is True:\n
# row["doc"] = self.getDocumentMetadata({"_id": url})\n
# response["rows"].append(row)\n
# response["total_rows"] = len(response["rows"])\n
# return response\n
class JioTool():\n
# TODO doc strings\n
def listMapReplace(self, function, li):\n
"""listMapReplace(function, list)\n
li = [1, 2, 3]\n
listFilter(lambda x: x + 1, li)\n
print(li) -> [2, 3, 4]\n
for i in range(len(li)):\n
li[i] = function(li[i])\n
def createBadRequestDict(self, message, reason):\n
return {\n
"status": 405,\n
......@@ -295,6 +480,15 @@ class JioTool():\n
"message": message,\n
"reason": reason\n
def createForbiddenDict(self, message, reason):\n
return {\n
"status": 403,\n
"statusText": "Forbidden",\n
"error": "forbidden",\n
"message": message,\n
"reason": reason\n
def createNotFoundDict(self, message, reason):\n
return {\n
......@@ -313,10 +507,6 @@ class JioTool():\n
"message": message,\n
"reason": reason\n
def jsonDeepCopy(self, json_dict):\n
"Clones the JSON object in deep and returns the clone"\n
return json.loads(json.dumps(json_dict))\n
def checkMetadata(self, metadata_json):\n
"Check if the id of the metadata is good"\n
......@@ -357,28 +547,14 @@ class JioTool():\n
property_id = property_definition["id"]\n
document_dict[property_id] = document.getProperty(property_id)\n
return document_dict\n
def recursiveEncodeToUtf8(self, obj):\n
if isinstance(obj, (str, unicode)):\n
return obj.encode("utf-8")\n
elif isinstance(obj, list):\n
return [self.recursiveEncodeToUtf8(x) for x in obj]\n
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):\n
return tuple((self.recursiveEncodeToUtf8(x) for x in obj))\n
elif isinstance(obj, dict):\n
return dict(((k.encode("utf-8"), self.recursiveEncodeToUtf8(v)) \\\n
for k, v in obj.iteritems()))\n
return obj\n
def jsonUtf8Loads(self, json_str):\n
return self.recursiveEncodeToUtf8(json.loads(json_str))\n
return json_loads(json_str)\n
def stringifyDictDateValue(self, obj_dict):\n
for k, v in obj_dict.items():\n
try: v.time\n
except AttributeError: pass\n
else: obj_dict[k] = str(v)\n
if isinstance(v, DateTime):\n
obj_dict[k] = v.ISO8601()\n
def formatMetadataToPut(self, metadata_json):\n
for k, v in metadata_json.iteritems():\n
......@@ -410,11 +586,13 @@ class JioTool():\n
def getDocumentAttachment(self, metadata_json):\n
def putDocumentMetadata(self, metadata_json, overwrite=True):\n
self.jsonDeepCopy(metadata_json))), overwrite=overwrite)\n
def putDocumentMetadata(self, metadata_json, overwrite=True, need_id=False):\n
metadata = self.formatMetadataToPut(\n
if need_id:\n
if not isinstance(metadata.get("_id"), str) or metadata.get("_id") == "":\n
raise ValueError("Document id needed")\n
return, overwrite=overwrite)\n
def putDocumentAttachment(self, attachment_json):\n
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ jio.setMode(mode)\n
metadata_json = jio.getDocumentMetadata(doc)\n
except ValueError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot get document", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot get document", str(e)))\n
except LookupError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createNotFoundDict("Cannot get document", str(e)))\n
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ jio.setMode(mode)\n
attachment_data = jio.getDocumentAttachment(doc)\n
except ValueError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot get attachment", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot get attachment", str(e)))\n
except LookupError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createNotFoundDict("Cannot get attachment", str(e)))\n
......@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ jio = context.JIO_class()\n
try: doc = jio.jsonUtf8Loads(context.REQUEST.form["doc"])\n
except KeyError:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot get document", "No document information received"))\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict(\n
"Cannot get document", "No document information received"))\n
try: mode = str(context.REQUEST.form["mode"])\n
except KeyError: mode = "generic"\n
......@@ -68,10 +69,12 @@ jio.setMode(mode)\n
response_json = jio.putDocumentMetadata(doc, overwrite=False)\n
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot post document", str(e)))\n
except LookupError as e:\n
except (ValueError, TypeError, LookupError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot post document", str(e)))\n
# except KeyError as e:\n
# return jio.sendError(jio.createForbiddenDict("Cannot post document", str(e)))\n
# except LookupError as e:\n
# return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot post document", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendSuccess(response_json)\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -67,9 +67,11 @@ except KeyError: mode = "generic"\n
response_json = jio.putDocumentMetadata(doc)\n
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot put document", str(e)))\n
response_json = jio.putDocumentMetadata(doc, need_id=True)\n
except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot put document", str(e)))\n
# except KeyError as e:\n
# return jio.sendError(jio.createForbiddenDict("Cannot put document", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendSuccess(response_json)\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ jio.setMode(mode)\n
response_json = jio.putDocumentAttachment(doc)\n
except ValueError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot put attachment", str(e)))\n
except TypeError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot put attachment", str(e)))\n
except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot put attachment", str(e)))\n
# except TypeError as e:\n
# return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot put attachment", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendSuccess(response_json)\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ jio.setMode(mode)\n
response_json = jio.removeAttachment(doc)\n
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createBadRequestDict("Cannot remove attachment", str(e)))\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createConflictDict("Cannot remove attachment", str(e)))\n
except LookupError as e:\n
return jio.sendError(jio.createNotFoundDict("Cannot remove attachment", str(e)))\n
......@@ -26,42 +26,698 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from Products.ERP5Type.Log import log
import json
import re
import random
def UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(obj):
# string -> unicode -> str
if isinstance(obj, unicode):
return obj.encode("UTF-8")
# array -> list
if isinstance(obj, list):
for i in xrange(len(obj)):
obj[i] = UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(obj[i])
return obj
# object -> dict
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
v = UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(v)
del obj[k]
obj[UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(k)] = v
return obj
# number (int) -> int, long
# true -> True
# false -> False
# null -> None
return obj
def json_loads(string):
return UTF8DeepJsonEncoder(json.loads(string))
class TestJIO(ERP5TypeTestCase):
A Sample Test Class
A JIO Test Class
def getTitle(self):
return "SampleTest"
return "JIO Test"
def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
Tuple of Business Templates we need to install
return ('erp5_base',
return (
DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1 = "Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests"
DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE2 = "Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests Tests"
WRONG_MODULE_NAME = "bah_blue_module"
def afterSetUp(self):
This is ran before anything, used to set the environment
# here, you can create the categories and objects your test will depend on
def test_01_sampleTest(self):
def findFreeWebPageId(self):
web_page_module = self.getPortalObject()["web_page_module"]
while True:
i = str(random.randint(0, 99999999))
if i not in web_page_module:
return i
def assertStatusCode(self, result, expected):
"""Check the error status code of an erp5 jio script result
- `result`: The jio script result, can be a parsable json string or a dict
- `expected`: The expected status code
A Sample Test
For the method to be called during the test,
its name must start with 'test'.
The '_01_' part of the name is not mandatory,
it just allows you to define in which order the tests are to be launched.
Tests methods (self.assert... and self.failIf...)
are defined in /usr/lib/python/
if isinstance(result, str): result = json_loads(result)
message = "Expected error status code: " + str(expected)
def assertWrongStatusCode():
return self.assertEqual(result, expected, message)
try: err = result["err"]
except KeyError: return assertWrongStatusCode()
if err is None: return assertWrongStatusCode()
try: status = err["status"]
except KeyError: return assertWrongStatusCode()
return self.assertEqual(status, expected, message)
def assertResponse(self, result, expected):
"""Check the response of an erp5 jio script result
- `result`: The jio script result, can be a parsable json string or a dict
- `expected`: The expected response json dict
if isinstance(result, str): result = json_loads(result)
message = "Expected response: " + json.dumps(expected)
def assertWrongResponse():
return self.assertEqual(json.dumps(result), message)
try: response = result["response"]
except KeyError: return assertWrongResponse()
if response is None: return assertWrongResponse()
return self.assertEqual(response, expected)
# def test_01_sampleTest(self):
# """
# A Sample Test
# For the method to be called during the test,
# its name must start with 'test'.
# The '_01_' part of the name is not mandatory,
# it just allows you to define in which order the tests are to be launched.
# Tests methods (self.assert... and self.failIf...)
# are defined in /usr/lib/python/
# """
# # portal = self.getPortalObject()
# # portal.JIO_getClass(foo='bar')
# self.assertEqual(1, 1)
def test_01_jioGenericPost(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# post document without id nor type
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
# "type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_post(), 409)
# post document without id, with type
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
result = json_loads(portal.JIO_post())
response = result["response"]
["", "web_page_module"])
self.assertResponse(result, {"ok": True, "id": response["id"]})
# check new document object
split_id = response["id"].split("/")
_, module_id, document_id = response["id"].split("/")
document = portal[split_id[1]][split_id[2]]
self.assertEqual(document.getPortalType(), "Web Page")
self.assertEqual(document.getCategoriesList(), ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"])
# post with wrong id, with type
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_post(), 409)
# post document with id, with type
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_post(), {
"ok": True, "id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
# check new document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getPortalType(), "Web Page")
self.assertEqual(document.getCategoriesList(), ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"])
# post document with same id, with same type
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_post(), 409)
def test_02_jioGenericPutAttachment(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# post a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1
# put a new attachment with random document id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "aeousaoechu",
"_data": "<p>pouet</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_putAttachment(), 409)
# put a new attachment with random id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "aeousaoechu",
"_data": "<p>pouet</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_putAttachment(), 409)
# put a new attachment with correct id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body",
"_data": "<p>pouet</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_putAttachment(), {
"ok": True,
"id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"attachment": "body"
# check new document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getData(), "<p>pouet</p>")
# put a new attachment with 'body' as id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body",
"_data": "<p>yeah</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_putAttachment(), {
"ok": True,
"id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"attachment": "body"
# check new document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getData(), "<p>yeah</p>")
def test_03_jioGenericGet(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# get an wrong document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_get(), 404) # TODO should be 409
# get an inexistent document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_get(), 404)
# post a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
# get the document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
result = json_loads(portal.JIO_get())
if result.get("response") is not None:
response = result["response"]
# date, created and modified must exist
del response["date"]
del response["created"]
del response["modified"]
self.assertResponse(result, {
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
"format": "text/html"
# put an attachment
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body",
"_data": "<p>yeah</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
# get the document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
result = json_loads(portal.JIO_get())
if result.get("response") is not None:
response = result["response"]
# date, created and modified must exist
del response["date"]
del response["created"]
del response["modified"]
self.assertResponse(result, {
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
"format": "text/html",
"_attachments": {
"body": {
"length": 11,
# "digest": "md5-xxx", # TODO
"content_type": "text/html"
def test_04_jioGenericGetAttachment(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# get an attachment from an inexistent document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_getAttachment(), 404) # TODO should be 409
# get an attachment from an inexistent document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_getAttachment(), 404)
# post a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
# get an inexistent attachment from a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "aoercuha"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_getAttachment(), 404) # TODO should be 409
# get an inexistent attachment from a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_getAttachment(), 404)
# put an attachment
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body",
"_data": "<p>yeah</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
# get an attachment with 'body' as id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_getAttachment(), "<p>yeah</p>")
def test_05_jioGenericPut(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# put without id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_put(), 409)
# put with wrong id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_put(), 409)
# put with correct id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_put(), {
"ok": True, "id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
# check new document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getPortalType(), "Web Page")
self.assertEqual(document.getTitle(), self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1)
self.assertEqual(document.getCategoriesList(), ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"])
# put with same id, different title
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE2,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_put(), {
"ok": True, "id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
# check new document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getPortalType(), "Web Page")
self.assertEqual(document.getTitle(), self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE2)
self.assertEqual(document.getCategoriesList(), ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"])
def test_06_jioGenericRemoveAttachment(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
self.assertEqual(0, 1)
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# remove attachment from bad document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_removeAttachment(), 404) # TODO should be 409
# remove attachment from inexistent document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_removeAttachment(), 404)
# put a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE2,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
# remove bad attachment from document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "aoeucrh"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_removeAttachment(), 409)
# remove inexistent attachment from document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_removeAttachment(), 404)
# put an attachment
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body",
"_data": "<p>yeah</p>",
"_mimetype": "text/html"
# remove attachment
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"_attachment": "body"
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_removeAttachment(), {
"ok": True, "id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"attachment": "body"
# check document object
document = portal["web_page_module"][web_page_id]
self.assertEqual(document.getData(), None)
def test_07_jioGenericRemove(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
# remove document with bad id
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/" + self.WRONG_MODULE_NAME + "/" + web_page_id
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_remove(), 404) # TODO should be 409
# remove inexistent document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_remove(), 404)
# put a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": self.DOCUMENT_TEST_TITLE1,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
# remove document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_remove(), {
"ok": True, "id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
# remove document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
self.assertStatusCode(portal.JIO_remove(), 404)
def test_08_jioGenericAllDocs(self):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
web_page_id = self.findFreeWebPageId()
title = "My very specific title from the JIO allDocs unit test"
# put and commit a document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id,
"type": "Web Page",
"title": title,
"category": ["a/b/c", "d/e/f"],
posted_document_found = False
# get allDocs, then filter to get only web pages and sort
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": {}})
expected = {}
expected["rows"] = [{
"id": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"key": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"value": {}
} for document in portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Web Page")]
expected["total_rows"] = len(expected["rows"])
expected["rows"].sort(key=lambda e: e["id"])
result = json_loads(portal.JIO_allDocs())
if result.get("response") is not None:
response = result["response"]
# filter to get only web pages
i = 0
while i < response["total_rows"]:
if response["rows"][i]["id"].startswith("/web_page_module/"):
if not posted_document_found and \
response["rows"][i]["id"] == "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id:
posted_document_found = True
i += 1
del response["rows"][i]
response["total_rows"] -= 1
# sort
response["rows"].sort(key=lambda e: e["id"])
self.assertEqual(posted_document_found, True,
"Just posted document not found in the allDocs response")
self.assertResponse(result, expected)
# get allDocs with a filter to get only web pages and sort
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"option": json.dumps({
"query": {
"type": "simple",
"operator": "=",
"key": "type",
"value": "Web Page"
"sort_on": [["created", "ascending"]]
expected["rows"] = [{
"id": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"key": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"value": {}
} for document in portal.portal_catalog(
portal_type="Web Page",
sort_on=[('creation_date', 'ascending')]
expected["total_rows"] = len(expected["rows"])
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_allDocs(), expected)
# # get specific documents with a query
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"option": json.dumps({
"query": {
"type": "simple",
"operator": "=",
"key": "title",
"value": title
expected["rows"] = [{
"id": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"key": "/web_page_module/" + document.getId(),
"value": {}
} for document in portal.portal_catalog(
expected["total_rows"] = len(expected["rows"])
self.assertResponse(portal.JIO_allDocs(), expected)
# remove posted document
portal.REQUEST.form.update({"doc": json.dumps({
"_id": "/web_page_module/" + web_page_id
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