Commit 035f3382 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

headless-chromium: fix access permission for some installed files

Installed files are owned by slapsoft but some folders has rx permission
for group which cause permission denied when slapuserXX try to access
parent 6db6993a
No related merge requests found
......@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ environment =
# Fix permission for group, slapuserXX should be able to access subfolders
# in headless-chromium location.
post-install =
find ${:fake-location} -type d -exec chmod g+xr {} \;
# Expose devtools frontend location.
devtools-frontend = ${:fake-location}/gen/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/front_end
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