Commit 5f91e8b6 authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

Fix type call evaluation

parent d3d93dac
# coding: utf-8
import argparse
from os import system, environ
from pathlib import Path
......@@ -10,7 +11,13 @@ from dotenv import load_dotenv
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-c", "--compile", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
def run_tests():
for path in Path('tests').glob('*.py'):
......@@ -22,9 +29,12 @@ def run_tests():
name_cpp = path.with_suffix('.cpp')
with open(name_cpp, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fcpp:
print(".cpp generated")
if args.compile:
name_bin = path.with_suffix('').as_posix()
commands = [
f"bash -c 'PYTHONPATH=stdlib python3 ./{path.as_posix()}'",
# f"bash -c 'PYTHONPATH=stdlib python3 ./{path.as_posix()}'",
if alt := environ.get("ALT_RUNNER"):
commands.append(alt.format(name_bin=name_bin, name_cpp_posix=name_cpp.as_posix()))
......@@ -34,7 +44,6 @@ def run_tests():
if system(cmd) != 0:
print(f"Error running command: {cmd}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import ast
from pathlib import Path
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import VarKind, VarDecl, ScopeKind
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import VarKind, VarDecl, ScopeKind, Scope
from transpiler.phases.typing.stdlib import PRELUDE, StdlibVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import TY_TYPE, TY_INT, TY_STR, TY_BOOL, TY_COMPLEX, TY_NONE, FunctionType, \
TypeVariable, TY_MODULE, CppType, PyList, TypeType, Forked, Task, Future, PyIterator, TupleType
TypeVariable, CppType, PyList, TypeType, Forked, Task, Future, PyIterator, TupleType, TypeOperator, BaseType, \
ModuleType, TY_BYTES
# "int": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TY_TYPE, TY_INT),
......@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ PRELUDE.vars.update({
# "list": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TY_TYPE, PyList),
"int": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_INT)),
"str": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_STR)),
"bytes": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_BYTES)),
"bool": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_BOOL)),
"complex": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_COMPLEX)),
"None": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TY_NONE)),
......@@ -29,27 +31,39 @@ PRELUDE.vars.update({
"Task": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(Task)),
"Future": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(Future)),
"Iterator": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(PyIterator)),
"Tuple": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TupleType)),
"tuple": VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TypeType(TupleType)),
typon_std = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent / "stdlib"
def make_module(name: str, scope: Scope) -> BaseType:
ty = ModuleType([], f"module${name}")
for n, v in scope.vars.items():
ty.members[n] = v.type
return ty
def discover_module(path: Path, scope):
for child in path.iterdir():
for child in sorted(path.iterdir()):
if child.is_dir():
mod_scope = PRELUDE.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL)
discover_module(child, mod_scope)
scope.vars[] = VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TY_MODULE, {k: v.type for k, v in mod_scope.vars.items()})
scope.vars[] = make_mod_decl(child, mod_scope)
elif == "":
print(f"Visited {child}")
elif child.suffix == ".py":
mod_scope = PRELUDE.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL)
scope.vars[child.stem] = VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, TY_MODULE, {k: v.type for k, v in mod_scope.vars.items()})
scope.vars[child.stem] = make_mod_decl(child, mod_scope)
print(f"Visited {child}")
def make_mod_decl(child, mod_scope):
return VarDecl(VarKind.MODULE, make_module(, mod_scope), {k: v.type for k, v in mod_scope.vars.items()})
discover_module(typon_std, PRELUDE)
print("Stdlib visited!")
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ class ScoperExprVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
def visit_function_call(self, ftype: BaseType, arguments: List[BaseType]):
if isinstance(ftype, TypeType):# and isinstance(ftype.type_object, UserType):
init: FunctionType = self.visit_getattr(ftype.type_object, "__init__")
init: FunctionType = self.visit_getattr(ftype, "__init__").remove_self()
init.return_type = ftype.type_object
return self.visit_function_call(init, arguments)
if not isinstance(ftype, FunctionType):
raise IncompatibleTypesError(f"Cannot call {ftype}")
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