Commit b738512a authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

Builtin things work

parent 85f54768
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ public:
return sync_wrapper(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
struct method {};
......@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ template <PySmartPtr T> struct RealType<T> {
using type = typename T::element_type;
namespace typon {
//template <typename T> using TyObj = std::shared_ptr<typename RealType<T>::type>;
template<typename T>
......@@ -135,6 +137,11 @@ template <typename T, typename... Args> auto pyobj_agg(Args &&...args) -> TyObj<
return std::make_shared<typename RealType<T>::type>((typename RealType<T>::type) { std::forward<Args>(args)... });
class TyNone {
// typon_len
template <typename T>
......@@ -199,6 +206,7 @@ static constexpr auto PyNone = std::nullopt;
#include "builtins/bool.hpp"
#include "builtins/complex.hpp"
#include "builtins/dict.hpp"
#include "builtins/int.hpp"
#include "builtins/list.hpp"
#include "builtins/print.hpp"
#include "builtins/range.hpp"
......@@ -307,7 +315,7 @@ typon::Task<typon::PyFile> open(const TyStr &path, std::string_view mode) {
std::cerr << path << "," << flags << std::endl;
system_error(-fd, "openat()");
co_return tyObj<typon::PyFile>(fd, len);
co_return typon::tyObj<typon::PyFile>(fd, len);
#include <typon/generator.hpp>
......@@ -349,9 +357,9 @@ template<PySmartPtr T>
auto& iter_fix_ref(T& obj) { return *obj; }
namespace std {
template <class T> auto begin(std::shared_ptr<T> &obj) { return dotp(obj, begin)(); }
template <class T> auto begin(std::shared_ptr<T> &obj) { return dot(obj, begin)(); }
template <class T> auto end(std::shared_ptr<T> &obj) { return dotp(obj, end)(); }
template <class T> auto end(std::shared_ptr<T> &obj) { return dot(obj, end)(); }
template <typename T>
......@@ -365,18 +373,33 @@ struct ValueTypeEx {
using type = decltype(*std::begin(std::declval<Seq&>()));
// (2)
template <typename Map, typename Seq, typename Filt = AlwaysTrue<typename ValueTypeEx<Seq>::type>>
auto mapFilter(Map map, Seq seq, Filt filt = Filt()) {
/*template <typename Map, typename Seq, typename Filt = AlwaysTrue<typename ValueTypeEx<Seq>::type>>
typon::Task< mapFilter(Map map, Seq seq, Filt filt = Filt()) {
//typedef typename Seq::value_type value_type;
using value_type = typename ValueTypeEx<Seq>::type;
using return_type = decltype(map(std::declval<value_type>()));
std::vector<return_type> result{};
for (auto i : seq | std::views::filter(filt)
| std::views::transform(map)) result.push_back(i);
for (auto i : seq) {
if (co_await filt(i)) {
result.push_back(co_await map(i));
return typon::TyList(std::move(result));
#define MAP_FILTER(item, seq, map, filter) ({\
using value_type = typename ValueTypeEx<decltype(seq)>::type;\
value_type item;\
std::vector<decltype(map)> result{};\
for (auto item : seq) {\
if (filter) {\
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE {
namespace detail {
// Created by Tom on 08/03/2023.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std::literals;
#include "bytes.hpp"
#include "print.hpp"
#include "slice.hpp"
// #include <format>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <pybind11/cast.h>
namespace typon {
/*template <typename _Base0 = object>
class TyInt__oo : classtype<_Base0, Integer__oo<>> {
struct : method {
auto operator()(auto self, int value) const {
self->value = value;
} static constexpr oo__init__oo {};
struct : method {
auto operator()(auto self, auto other) const {
return Integer(dot(self, value) + dot(other, value));
} static constexpr oo__add__oo {};
auto operator () (int value) const {
struct Obj : instance<Integer__oo<>, Obj> {
int value;
auto obj = rc(Obj{});
dot(obj, oo__init__oo)(value);
return obj;
constexpr TyInt(int value) : value(value) {}
constexpr TyInt() : value(0) {}
operator int() const { return value; }
// operators
template <typename T> TyInt operator+(T x) const { return value + x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator-(T x) const { return value - x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator*(T x) const { return value * x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator/(T x) const { return value / x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator%(T x) const { return value % x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator&(T x) const { return value & x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator|(T x) const { return value | x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator^(T x) const { return value ^ x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator<<(T x) const { return value << x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator>>(T x) const { return value >> x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator&&(T x) const { return value && x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator||(T x) const { return value || x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator==(T x) const { return value == x; }
template <typename T> TyInt operator<(T x) const { return value < x; }
TyInt operator-() const { return -value; }
int value;
using namespace referencemodel;
template <typename _Base0 = object>
struct Integer__oo : classtype<_Base0, Integer__oo<>> {
static constexpr std::string_view name = "Integer";
struct : method {
auto operator()(auto self, int value) const {
self->value = value;
} static constexpr oo__init__oo {};
struct : method {
auto operator()(auto self, auto other) const {
return TyInt(dot(self, value) + dot(other, value));
} static constexpr oo__add__oo {};
struct Obj : value<Integer__oo<>, Obj> {
int value;
Obj(int value=0) : value(value) {}
operator int() const { return value; }
auto operator () (int value) const {
auto obj = rc(Obj{});
dot(obj, oo__init__oo)(value);
return obj;
static constexpr Integer__oo<> TyInt {};
inline auto operator ""_pi(unsigned long long int v) noexcept {
return typon::TyInt(v);
template <> struct std::hash<decltype(0_pi)> {
std::size_t operator()(const decltype(0_pi) &s) const noexcept {
return std::hash<int>()(s);
namespace PYBIND11_NAMESPACE {
namespace detail {
struct type_caster<decltype(0_pi)>
: type_caster<int> {};
template <> void repr_to(const decltype(0_pi) &x, std::ostream &s) {
s << x;
template <> void print_to<decltype(0_pi)>(const decltype(0_pi) &x, std::ostream &s) { s << x; }
#endif // TYPON_INT_HPP
......@@ -86,13 +86,14 @@ typon::Task<void> print(T const &head, Args const &...args) {
struct {
void operator()() { std::cout << '\n'; }
typon::TyNone operator()() { std::cout << '\n'; return {}; }
template <Printable T, Printable... Args>
void operator()(T const &head, Args const &...args) {
typon::TyNone operator()(T const &head, Args const &...args) {
print_to(head, std::cout);
(((std::cout << ' '), print_to(args, std::cout)), ...);
std::cout << '\n';
return {};
} print;
// typon::Task<void> print() { std::cout << '\n'; co_return; }
......@@ -18,11 +18,7 @@ auto stride = [](int n) {
// todo: proper range support
struct range_s : TyBuiltin<range_s>
template <typename T>
auto sync(T stop) { return sync(0, stop); }
template <typename T>
auto sync(T start, T stop, T step = 1) {
auto sync(int start, int stop, int step = 1) {
if(step == 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Step cannot be 0");
......@@ -36,6 +32,10 @@ struct range_s : TyBuiltin<range_s>
return start < stop ? i : stop - (i - start);
auto sync(int stop) { return sync(0, stop); }
} range;
......@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ struct object;
template <typename T, typename O>
struct instance;
template <typename T, typename O>
struct value;
template <typename B, typename T>
struct classtype;
......@@ -168,6 +171,10 @@ using unwrap_pack = typename unwrap_pack_s<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::type;
/* Meta-programming utilities for object model */
template <typename T>
concept object = std::derived_from<unwrap_all<T>, referencemodel::object>;
template <typename T>
concept instance = std::derived_from<
......@@ -215,7 +222,26 @@ concept boundmethod = boundmethod_s<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value;
template <typename T>
concept value = !instance<T> && !boundmethod<T>;
struct value_s {
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <instance T>
struct value_s<T> {
static constexpr bool value = std::derived_from<
referencemodel::value<typename unwrap_all<T>::type, unwrap_all<T>>
template <typename S, typename F>
struct value_s<referencemodel::boundmethod<S, F>> {
static constexpr bool value = value_s<S>::value;
template <typename T>
concept value = value_s<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value;
/* Meta-programming utilities: wrapped and unwrapped */
......@@ -963,6 +989,10 @@ struct instance : T {
template <typename T, typename O>
struct value : instance<T, O> {};
template <typename B, typename T>
struct classtype : B {
using base = B;
......@@ -1193,14 +1223,58 @@ decltype(auto) bind(S &&, const A & attr, T...) {
return attr;
} // namespace referencemodel
#define dot(OBJ, NAME)\
[](auto && obj) -> decltype(auto) {\
return referencemodel::bind(std::forward<decltype(obj)>(obj), obj->NAME);\
/* Operators */
namespace meta {
/* + */
template <typename Left, typename Right>
concept LeftAddable = requires (Left left, Right right) {
// note: using dot here would cause hard failure instead of invalid constraint
left->oo__add__oo(left, right);
template <typename Left, typename Right>
concept RightAddable = requires (Left left, Right right) {
// note: using dot here would cause hard failure instead of invalid constraint
right->oo__radd__oo(right, left);
template <typename Left, typename Right>
concept Addable = LeftAddable<Left, Right> || RightAddable<Left, Right>;
/* + */
template <meta::object Left, meta::object Right>
requires meta::Addable<Left, Right>
auto operator + (Left && left, Right && right) {
if constexpr (meta::LeftAddable<Left, Right>) {
return dot(std::forward<Left>(left), oo__add__oo)(
else {
if constexpr (meta::RightAddable<Left, Right>) {
return dot(std::forward<Right>(right), oo__radd__oo)(
} // namespace referencemodel
Subproject commit 79677d125f915f7c61492d8d1d8cde9fc6a11875
Subproject commit 26c320d77d368d0f482684ebd653d1702c75a7f2
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ from typing import Self, Protocol, Optional
assert 5
class object:
def __eq__(self, other: Self) -> bool: ...
def __ne__(self, other: Self) -> bool: ...
def __eq__[T](self, other: T) -> bool: ...
def __ne__[T](self, other: T) -> bool: ...
class int:
def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self: ...
......@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ assert [].__getitem__
assert [4].__getitem__
assert [1, 2, 3][1]
class set[U]:
def __len__(self) -> int: ...
def __contains__(self, item: U) -> bool: ...
def iter[U](x: Iterable[U]) -> Iterator[U]:
......@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
Protocol = BuiltinFeature["Protocol"]
Self = BuiltinFeature["Self"]
Optional = BuiltinFeature["Optional"]
Callable = BuiltinFeature["Callable"]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ def run_test(path, quiet=True):
if args.compile:
return TestStatus.SUCCESS
execute_str = "true" if (execute and not args.generate) else "false"
name_bin = path.with_suffix("").as_posix() + ("$(python3-config --extension-suffix)" if extension else ".exe")
if exec_cmd(f'bash -c "export PYTHONPATH=stdlib; if {execute_str}; then python3 ./{path.as_posix()}; fi"') != 0:
name_bin = path.with_suffix("").as_posix() + ("$(python3.12-config --extension-suffix)" if extension else ".exe")
if exec_cmd(f'bash -c "export PYTHONPATH=stdlib; if {execute_str}; then echo python3.12 ./{path.as_posix()}; fi"') != 0:
return TestStatus.PYTHON_ERROR
if compile and (alt := environ.get("ALT_RUNNER")):
if (code := exec_cmd(alt.format(
test_exec=f"python3 {path.with_suffix('').as_posix()}" if extension else name_bin,
test_exec=f"python3.12 {path.with_suffix('').as_posix()}" if extension else name_bin,
bonus_flags="-e" if extension else ""
))) != 0:
return TestStatus(code)
......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ from typon import is_cpp
import sys as sis
from sys import stdout as truc
foo = 123
test = (2 + 3) * 4
glob = 5
# foo = 123
# test = (2 + 3) * 4
# glob = 5
# def g():
# a = 8
......@@ -20,32 +20,37 @@ glob = 5
# e = d + 1
# print(e)
def f(x):
return x + 1
def fct(param: int):
loc = f(456)
global glob
loc = 789
glob = 123
def fct2():
global glob
glob += 5
# def f(x):
# return x + 1
# def fct(param: int):
# loc = f(456)
# global glob
# loc = 789
# glob = 123
# def fct2():
# global glob
# glob += 5
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("is c++:", is_cpp())
# TODO: doesn't compile under G++ 12.2, fixed in trunk on March 15
sum = 0
for i in range(15):
sum += i
sum = sum + i
a = [n for n in range(10)]
b = [x for x in a if x % 2 == 0]
c = [y * y for y in b]
#b = [x for x in a if x % 2 == 0]
#c = [y * y for y in b]
print("C++ " if is_cpp() else "Python",
"res=", 5, ".", True, [4, 5, 6], {7, 8, 9}, [1, 2] + [3, 4], [5, 6] * 3, {1: 7, 9: 3}, 0x55 & 7 == 5,
3j, sum, a, b, c)
"res=", 5, ".", True, [4, 5, 6], {7, 8, 9},
#[1, 2] + [3, 4], [5, 6] * 3, {1: 7, 9: 3},
#0x55 & 7 == 5,
......@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@
import ast
import builtins
import importlib
import inspect
import sys
import traceback
import colorful as cf
from transpiler.exceptions import CompileError
from transpiler.utils import highlight
def exception_hook(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
print = lambda *args, **kwargs: builtins.print(*args, **kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
last_node = None
......@@ -49,8 +54,12 @@ def exception_hook(exc_type, exc_value, tb):
print(f"In file {cf.white(last_file)}:{last_node.lineno}")
#print(f"From {last_node.lineno}:{last_node.col_offset} to {last_node.end_lineno}:{last_node.end_col_offset}")
with open(last_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
code =
except Exception:
hg = (str(highlight(code, True))
.replace("\x1b[04m", "")
.replace("\x1b[24m", "")
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ DUNDER = {
class DesugarOp(ast.NodeTransformer):
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp):
lnd = linenodata(node)
return ast.Call(
res = ast.Call(
......@@ -35,16 +35,19 @@ class DesugarOp(ast.NodeTransformer):
res.orig_node = node
return res
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node: ast.UnaryOp):
lnd = linenodata(node)
if type(node.op) == ast.Not:
return ast.UnaryOp(
res = ast.UnaryOp(
return ast.Call(
res = ast.Call(
......@@ -55,6 +58,8 @@ class DesugarOp(ast.NodeTransformer):
res.orig_node = node
return res
# def visit_AugAssign(self, node: ast.AugAssign):
# return
import ast
from typing import Iterable
def emit_class(clazz) -> Iterable[str]:
def emit_class(node: ast.ClassDef) -> Iterable[str]:
yield f"template <typename _Base0 = referencemodel::object>"
yield f"struct {}__oo : referencemodel::classtype<_Base0, {}__oo<>> {{"
yield f"static constexpr std::string_view name = \"{}\";"
......@@ -5,8 +5,35 @@ from typing import Iterable
from transpiler.phases.emit_cpp.visitors import NodeVisitor, CoroutineMode, join
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import Scope
from transpiler.phases.utils import make_lnd
from transpiler.utils import linenodata
ast.Eq: "==",
ast.NotEq: '!=',
ast.Pass: '/* pass */',
ast.Mult: '*',
ast.Add: '+',
ast.Sub: '-',
ast.Div: '/',
ast.FloorDiv: '/', # TODO
ast.Mod: '%',
ast.Lt: '<',
ast.Gt: '>',
ast.GtE: '>=',
ast.LtE: '<=',
ast.LShift: '<<',
ast.RShift: '>>',
ast.BitXor: '^',
ast.BitOr: '|',
ast.BitAnd: '&',
ast.Not: '!',
ast.IsNot: '!=',
ast.USub: '-',
ast.And: '&&',
ast.Or: '||'
"""Mapping of Python AST nodes to C++ symbols."""
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
......@@ -33,7 +60,7 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
yield str(node.value).lower()
elif isinstance(node.value, int):
# TODO: bigints
yield str(node.value)
yield str(node.value) + "_pi"
elif isinstance(node.value, float):
yield repr(node.value)
elif isinstance(node.value, complex):
......@@ -44,7 +71,7 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
raise NotImplementedError(node, type(node))
def visit_Slice(self, node: ast.Slice) -> Iterable[str]:
yield "TySlice("
yield "typon::TySlice("
yield from join(", ", (self.visit(x or ast.Constant(value=None)) for x in (node.lower, node.upper, node.step)))
yield ")"
......@@ -79,22 +106,22 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
# yield from self.visit_binary_operation(op, left, right, make_lnd(left, right))
def visit_BoolOp(self, node: ast.BoolOp) -> Iterable[str]:
raise NotImplementedError()
# if len(node.values) == 1:
# yield from self.visit(node.values[0])
# return
# cpp_op = {
# ast.And: "&&",
# ast.Or: "||"
# }[type(node.op)]
# with self.prec_ctx(cpp_op):
# yield from self.visit_binary_operation(cpp_op, node.values[0], node.values[1], make_lnd(node.values[0], node.values[1]))
# for left, right in zip(node.values[1:], node.values[2:]):
# yield f" {cpp_op} "
# yield from self.visit_binary_operation(cpp_op, left, right, make_lnd(left, right))
if len(node.values) == 1:
yield from self.visit(node.values[0])
cpp_op = {
ast.And: "&&",
ast.Or: "||"
yield "("
yield from self.visit_binary_operation(cpp_op, node.values[0], node.values[1], make_lnd(node.values[0], node.values[1]))
for left, right in zip(node.values[1:], node.values[2:]):
yield f" {cpp_op} "
yield from self.visit_binary_operation(cpp_op, left, right, make_lnd(left, right))
yield ")"
def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> Iterable[str]:
yield "co_await"
yield "("
yield from self.visit(node.func)
yield ")("
......@@ -158,6 +185,8 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
templ, args, _ = self.process_args(node.args)
yield templ
yield args
yield "->"
yield from self.visit(node.type.deref().return_type)
yield "{"
yield "return"
yield from self.reset().visit(node.body)
......@@ -165,14 +194,20 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
yield "}"
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> Iterable[str]:
raise NotImplementedError()
yield from self.visit_binary_operation(node.op, node.left, node.right, linenodata(node))
def visit_Compare(self, node: ast.Compare) -> Iterable[str]:
raise NotImplementedError()
yield from self.visit_binary_operation(node.ops[0], node.left, node.comparators[0], linenodata(node))
def visit_binary_operation(self, op, left: ast.AST, right: ast.AST, lnd: dict) -> Iterable[str]:
yield "(co_await ("
yield from self.visit(left)
yield " "
yield SYMBOLS[type(op)]
yield " "
yield from self.visit(right)
yield "))"
raise NotImplementedError()
# if type(op) == ast.In:
# call = ast.Call(ast.Attribute(right, "__contains__", **lnd), [left], [], **lnd)
......@@ -205,7 +240,7 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def visit_List(self, node: ast.List) -> Iterable[str]:
if node.elts:
yield "typon::TyList{"
yield from join(", ", map(self.reset().visit, node.elts))
yield from join(", ", map(self.visit, node.elts))
yield "}"
yield from self.visit(node.type)
......@@ -214,7 +249,7 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def visit_Set(self, node: ast.Set) -> Iterable[str]:
if node.elts:
yield "typon::TySet{"
yield from join(", ", map(self.reset().visit, node.elts))
yield from join(", ", map(self.visit, node.elts))
yield "}"
yield from self.visit(node.type)
......@@ -223,9 +258,9 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def visit_Dict(self, node: ast.Dict) -> Iterable[str]:
def visit_item(key, value):
yield "std::pair {"
yield from self.reset().visit(key)
yield from self.visit(key)
yield ", "
yield from self.reset().visit(value)
yield from self.visit(value)
yield "}"
if node.keys:
......@@ -256,12 +291,13 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
yield from self.prec("unary").visit(operand)
def visit_IfExp(self, node: ast.IfExp) -> Iterable[str]:
with self.prec_ctx("?:"):
yield "("
yield from self.visit(node.test)
yield " ? "
yield from self.visit(node.body)
yield " : "
yield from self.visit(node.orelse)
yield ")"
def visit_Yield(self, node: ast.Yield) -> Iterable[str]:
#if CoroutineMode.GENERATOR in self.generator:
......@@ -279,8 +315,23 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
if len(node.generators) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Multiple generators not handled yet")
gen: ast.comprehension = node.generators[0]
yield "MAP_FILTER("
yield from self.visit(
yield ","
yield from self.visit(gen.iter)
yield ", "
yield from self.visit(node.elt)
yield ", "
if gen.ifs:
yield from self.visit(gen.ifs_node)
yield "true"
yield ")"
yield "mapFilter([]("
yield from self.visit(node.input_item_type)
#yield from self.visit(node.input_item_type)
yield "auto"
yield from self.visit(
yield ") { return "
yield from self.visit(node.elt)
......@@ -289,9 +340,12 @@ class ExpressionVisitor(NodeVisitor):
if gen.ifs:
yield ", "
yield "[]("
yield from self.visit(node.input_item_type)
#yield from self.visit(node.input_item_type)
yield "auto"
yield from self.visit(
yield ") { return "
yield ") -> typon::Task<"
yield from self.visit(gen.ifs_node.type)
yield "> { return "
yield from self.visit(gen.ifs_node)
yield "; }"
yield ")"
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Iterable, Optional
from transpiler.phases.emit_cpp.expr import ExpressionVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing.common import IsDeclare
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import Scope
from transpiler.phases.emit_cpp.visitors import NodeVisitor, flatmap, CoroutineMode
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import CallableInstanceType, BaseType
......@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ from transpiler.phases.typing.types import CallableInstanceType, BaseType
def emit_function(name: str, func: CallableInstanceType) -> Iterable[str]:
yield f"struct : referencemodel::function {{"
yield "typon::Task<void> operator()("
yield "typon::Task<typon::TyNone> operator()("
for arg, ty in zip(func.block_data.node.args.args, func.parameters):
yield "auto "
......@@ -151,32 +152,36 @@ class BlockVisitor(NodeVisitor):
# yield "}"
# def visit_lvalue(self, lvalue: ast.expr, declare: bool | list[bool] = False) -> Iterable[str]:
# if isinstance(lvalue, ast.Tuple):
def visit_lvalue(self, lvalue: ast.expr, declare: IsDeclare) -> Iterable[str]:
if isinstance(lvalue, ast.Tuple):
raise NotImplementedError()
# for name, decl, ty in zip(lvalue.elts, declare, lvalue.type.args):
# if decl:
# yield from self.visit_lvalue(name, True)
# yield ";"
# yield f"std::tie({', '.join(flatmap(self.visit_lvalue, lvalue.elts))})"
# elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Name):
# if == "_":
# if not declare:
# yield "std::ignore"
# return
# name = self.fix_name(
# # if name not in self._scope.vars:
# # if not self.scope.exists_local(name):
# # yield self.scope.declare(name, (" ".join(self.expr().visit(val)), val) if val else None,
# # getattr(val, "is_future", False))
# if declare:
# yield from self.visit(lvalue.type)
# yield name
# elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Subscript):
# yield from self.expr().visit(lvalue)
# elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Attribute):
# yield from self.expr().visit(lvalue)
# else:
# raise NotImplementedError(lvalue)
elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Name):
if == "_":
if not declare:
yield "std::ignore"
name = self.fix_name(
# if name not in self._scope.vars:
# if not self.scope.exists_local(name):
# yield self.scope.declare(name, (" ".join(self.expr().visit(val)), val) if val else None,
# getattr(val, "is_future", False))
if declare:
yield "decltype("
yield from self.expr().visit(declare.initial_value)
yield ")"
#yield from self.visit(lvalue.type)
yield name
elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Subscript):
yield from self.expr().visit(lvalue)
elif isinstance(lvalue, ast.Attribute):
yield from self.expr().visit(lvalue)
raise NotImplementedError(lvalue)
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> Iterable[str]:
if len(node.targets) != 1:
......@@ -192,3 +197,27 @@ class BlockVisitor(NodeVisitor):
yield " = "
yield from self.expr().visit(node.value)
yield ";"
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For) -> Iterable[str]:
if not isinstance(, ast.Name):
raise NotImplementedError(node)
if node.orelse:
yield "auto"
yield node.orelse_variable
yield "= true;"
yield f"for (auto {} : "
yield from self.expr().visit(node.iter)
yield ")"
yield from self.emit_block(node.inner_scope, node.body) # TODO: why not reuse the scope used for analysis? same in while
if node.orelse:
yield "if ("
yield node.orelse_variable
yield ")"
yield from self.emit_block(node.inner_scope, node.orelse)
def emit_block(self, scope: Scope, items: Iterable[ast.stmt]) -> Iterable[str]:
yield "{"
for child in items:
yield from BlockVisitor(scope, generator=self.generator).visit(child)
yield "}"
......@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ class UniversalVisitor:
__TB__ = f"emitting C++ code for {highlight(node)}"
# __TB_SKIP__ = True
if orig := getattr(node, "orig_node", None):
node = orig
if type(node) == list:
for n in node:
yield from self.visit(n)
......@@ -56,17 +59,28 @@ class NodeVisitor(UniversalVisitor):
match node:
case types.TY_INT:
yield "int"
yield "decltype(0_pi)"
case types.TY_FLOAT:
yield "double"
case types.TY_BOOL:
yield "bool"
case types.TY_NONE:
yield "void"
yield "typon::TyNone"
case types.TY_STR:
yield "TyStr"
yield "typon::TyStr"
case types.TypeVariable(name):
raise UnresolvedTypeVariableError(node)
case types.GenericInstanceType():
yield from self.visit(node.generic_parent)
yield "<"
yield from join(",", map(self.visit, node.generic_args))
yield ">"
case types.TY_LIST:
yield "typon::TyList"
case types.TY_DICT:
yield "typon::TyDict"
case types.TY_SET:
yield "typon::TySet"
case _:
raise NotImplementedError(node)
# coding: utf-8
import ast
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from transpiler.phases.typing import FunctionType, ScopeKind, VarDecl, VarKind, TY_NONE
from transpiler.phases.typing.common import ScoperVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import PromiseKind, Promise, BaseType, MemberDef
class ScoperClassVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
fdecls: list[(ast.FunctionDef, BaseType)] = field(default_factory=list)
def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign):
assert node.value is None, "Class field should not have a value"
assert node.simple == 1, "Class field should be simple (identifier, not parenthesized)"
assert isinstance(, ast.Name)
self.scope.obj_type.fields[] = MemberDef(self.visit_annotation(node.annotation))
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign):
assert len(node.targets) == 1, "Can't use destructuring in class static member"
assert isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name)
node.is_declare = True
valtype = self.expr().visit(node.value)
node.targets[0].type = valtype
self.scope.obj_type.fields[node.targets[0].id] = MemberDef(valtype, node.value)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef):
ftype = self.parse_function(node)
inner = ftype.return_type
if != "__init__":
ftype.return_type = Promise(ftype.return_type, PromiseKind.TASK)
ftype.is_method = True
self.scope.obj_type.fields[] = MemberDef(ftype, node)
return (node, inner)
# import ast
# from dataclasses import dataclass, field
# from transpiler.phases.typing import FunctionType, ScopeKind, VarDecl, VarKind, TY_NONE
# from transpiler.phases.typing.common import ScoperVisitor
# from transpiler.phases.typing.types import PromiseKind, Promise, BaseType, MemberDef
# @dataclass
# class ScoperClassVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
# fdecls: list[(ast.FunctionDef, BaseType)] = field(default_factory=list)
# def visit_AnnAssign(self, node: ast.AnnAssign):
# assert node.value is None, "Class field should not have a value"
# assert node.simple == 1, "Class field should be simple (identifier, not parenthesized)"
# assert isinstance(, ast.Name)
# self.scope.obj_type.fields[] = MemberDef(self.visit_annotation(node.annotation))
# def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign):
# assert len(node.targets) == 1, "Can't use destructuring in class static member"
# assert isinstance(node.targets[0], ast.Name)
# node.is_declare = True
# valtype = self.expr().visit(node.value)
# node.targets[0].type = valtype
# self.scope.obj_type.fields[node.targets[0].id] = MemberDef(valtype, node.value)
# def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef):
# ftype = self.parse_function(node)
# ftype.parameters[0].unify(self.scope.obj_type)
# inner = ftype.return_type
# if != "__init__":
# ftype.return_type = Promise(ftype.return_type, PromiseKind.TASK)
# ftype.is_method = True
# self.scope.obj_type.fields[] = MemberDef(ftype, node)
# return (node, inner)
import ast
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Optional
from typing import Dict, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from transpiler.phases.typing.expr import ScoperExprVisitor
from transpiler.utils import highlight
from transpiler.phases.typing.annotations import TypeAnnotationVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import Scope, ScopeKind, VarDecl, VarKind
......@@ -10,6 +12,7 @@ from transpiler.phases.utils import NodeVisitorSeq, AnnotationName
PRELUDE = Scope.make_global()
class ScoperVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
scope: Scope = field(default_factory=lambda: PRELUDE.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL))
......@@ -93,10 +96,11 @@ class ScoperVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
elif len(visitor.fdecls) == 1:
fnode, frtype = visitor.fdecls[0]
self.visit_function_definition(fnode, frtype)
#del node.inner_scope.vars[]
# del node.inner_scope.vars[]
visitor.visit_assign_target(ast.Name(, fnode.type)
b.decls = decls
if not node.inner_scope.diverges and not (isinstance(node.type.return_type, Promise) and node.type.return_type.kind == PromiseKind.GENERATOR):
if not node.inner_scope.diverges and not (
isinstance(node.type.return_type, Promise) and node.type.return_type.kind == PromiseKind.GENERATOR):
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import TypeMismatchError
......@@ -104,21 +108,28 @@ class ScoperVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import MissingReturnError
raise MissingReturnError(node) from e
def get_iter(seq_type):
def get_iter(self, seq_type):
iter_type = seq_type.fields["__iter__"].type.return_type
return self.expr().visit_function_call(self.expr().visit_getattr(seq_type, "__iter__"), [])
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import NotIterableError
raise NotIterableError(seq_type)
return iter_type
def get_next(iter_type):
def get_next(self, iter_type):
next_type = iter_type.fields["__next__"].type.return_type
return self.expr().visit_function_call(self.expr().visit_getattr(iter_type, "__next__"), [])
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import NotIteratorError
raise NotIteratorError(iter_type)
return next_type
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import NotIterableError
raise NotIterableError(iter_type)
def is_builtin(x, feature):
return isinstance(x, BuiltinFeatureType) and x.feature() == feature
class DeclareInfo:
initial_value: Optional[ast.expr] = None
IsDeclare = None | DeclareInfo
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import inspect
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import List
from transpiler.phases.typing.common import ScoperVisitor, get_iter, get_next, is_builtin
from transpiler.phases.typing.common import ScoperVisitor, is_builtin
from transpiler.phases.typing.exceptions import ArgumentCountMismatchError, TypeMismatchKind, TypeMismatchError
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import BaseType, TY_STR, TY_BOOL, TY_INT, TY_COMPLEX, TY_FLOAT, TY_NONE, \
ClassTypeType, ResolvedConcreteType, GenericType, CallableInstanceType, TY_LIST, TY_SET, TY_DICT, RuntimeValue, \
......@@ -141,7 +141,12 @@ class ScoperExprVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
if not a.try_assign(b):
raise TypeMismatchError(a, b, TypeMismatchKind.DIFFERENT_TYPE)
return ftype.return_type
if not ftype.is_native:
from transpiler.phases.typing.block import ScoperBlockVisitor
vis = ScoperBlockVisitor(ftype.block_data.scope)
for stmt in ftype.block_data.node.body:
return ftype.return_type.resolve()
# if isinstance(ftype, TypeType):# and isinstance(ftype.type_object, UserType):
# init: FunctionType = self.visit_getattr(ftype, "__init__").remove_self()
# init.return_type = ftype.type_object
......@@ -176,6 +181,10 @@ class ScoperExprVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
node.body.decls = decls
return ftype
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> BaseType:
left, right = map(self.visit, (node.left, node.right))
return TypeVariable() # TODO
# def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> BaseType:
# left, right = map(self.visit, (node.left, node.right))
# return self.make_dunder([left, right], DUNDER[type(node.op)])
......@@ -300,14 +309,15 @@ class ScoperExprVisitor(ScoperVisitor):
if len(node.generators) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError("Multiple generators not handled yet")
gen: ast.comprehension = node.generators[0]
iter_type = get_iter(self.visit(gen.iter))
node.input_item_type = get_next(iter_type)
iter_type = self.get_iter(self.visit(gen.iter))
node.input_item_type = self.get_next(iter_type)
virt_scope = self.scope.child(ScopeKind.FUNCTION_INNER)
from transpiler import ScoperBlockVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing.block import ScoperBlockVisitor
visitor = ScoperBlockVisitor(virt_scope)
visitor.visit_assign_target(, node.input_item_type)
node.item_type = visitor.expr().visit(node.elt)
for if_ in gen.ifs:
# for if_ in gen.ifs:
# visitor.expr().visit(if_)
gen.ifs_node = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), gen.ifs, **linenodata(node))
return TyList(node.item_type)
\ No newline at end of file
return TY_LIST.instantiate([node.item_type])
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from logging import debug
from transpiler.phases.typing import PRELUDE
from transpiler.phases.typing.scope import Scope, VarKind, VarDecl, ScopeKind
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import MemberDef, ResolvedConcreteType, UniqueTypeMixin
from transpiler.phases.typing.types import MemberDef, ResolvedConcreteType, UniqueTypeMixin, BlockData
class ModuleType(UniqueTypeMixin, ResolvedConcreteType):
......@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ def make_module(name: str, scope: Scope) -> ModuleType:
visited_modules = {}
def parse_module(mod_name: str, python_path: Path, scope=None, preprocess=None):
path = python_path / mod_name
def parse_module(mod_name: str, python_path: list[Path], scope=None, preprocess=None) -> ModuleType:
for path in python_path:
path = path / mod_name
if not path.exists():
path = path.with_suffix(".py")
......@@ -31,29 +32,33 @@ def parse_module(mod_name: str, python_path: Path, scope=None, preprocess=None):
path = path.with_stem(mod_name + "_")
if not path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {path}")
if path.is_dir():
real_path = path / ""
real_path = path
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find {mod_name}")
if mod := visited_modules.get(real_path.as_posix()):
return mod
if path.is_dir():
path = path / ""
if mod := visited_modules.get(path.as_posix()):
return mod.type
mod_scope = scope or PRELUDE.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL)
if real_path.suffix == ".py":
if path.suffix != ".py":
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported file type {path.suffix}")
from transpiler.phases.typing.stdlib import StdlibVisitor
node = ast.parse(real_path.read_text())
node = ast.parse(path.read_text())
if preprocess:
node = preprocess(node)
StdlibVisitor(python_path, mod_scope).visit(node)
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported file type {path.suffix}")
from transpiler.transpiler import TYPON_STD
StdlibVisitor(python_path, mod_scope, is_native=TYPON_STD in path.parents).visit(node)
mod = make_module(mod_name, mod_scope)
visited_modules[real_path.as_posix()] = VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, mod, {k: v.type for k, v in mod_scope.vars.items()})
mod.block_data = BlockData(node, mod_scope)
visited_modules[path.as_posix()] = VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, mod)
return mod
# def process_module(mod_path: Path, scope):
......@@ -75,9 +75,10 @@ def visit_generic_item(
class StdlibVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
python_path: Path
python_path: list[Path]
scope: Scope = field(default_factory=lambda: PRELUDE)
cur_class: Optional[ResolvedConcreteType] = None
is_native: bool = False
def resolve_module_import(self, name: str):
# tries = [
......@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ class StdlibVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
# if path.exists():
# return path
# raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find module {name}")
return parse_module(name, self.python_path)
return parse_module(name, self.python_path, self.scope.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL))
def expr(self) -> ScoperExprVisitor:
return ScoperExprVisitor(self.scope)
......@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ class StdlibVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
for alias in node.names:
mod = self.resolve_module_import(
alias.module_obj = mod
self.scope.vars[alias.asname or] = mod
self.scope.vars[alias.asname or] = VarDecl(VarKind.LOCAL, mod)
def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef):
if existing := self.scope.get(
......@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ class StdlibVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
cl_scope = scope.child(ScopeKind.CLASS)
cl_scope.declare_local("Self", output.type_type())
output.block_data = BlockData(node, scope)
visitor = StdlibVisitor(self.python_path, cl_scope, output)
visitor = StdlibVisitor(self.python_path, cl_scope, output, self.is_native)
bases = [self.anno().visit(base) for base in node.bases]
match bases:
case []:
......@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ class StdlibVisitor(NodeVisitorSeq):
output.return_type = arg_visitor.visit(node.returns)
output.optional_at = len(node.args.args) - len(node.args.defaults)
output.is_variadic = args.vararg is not None
output.is_native = self.is_native
@dataclass(eq=False, init=False)
class InstanceType(CallableInstanceType):
......@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@ class BaseType(ABC):
return (needle is haystack) or haystack.contains_internal(needle)
def try_assign(self, other: "BaseType") -> bool:
return self.resolve().try_assign_internal(other.resolve())
target, value = self.resolve(), other.resolve()
if type(value) == TypeVariable:
return BaseType.try_assign_internal(target, other)
return target.try_assign_internal(other)
def try_assign_internal(self, other: "BaseType") -> bool:
......@@ -489,6 +492,7 @@ class CallableInstanceType(GenericInstanceType, MethodType):
return_type: ConcreteType
optional_at: int = None
is_variadic: bool = False
is_native: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
if self.optional_at is None and self.parameters is not None:
......@@ -560,6 +564,8 @@ def make_builtin_feature(name: str):
case "Union":
return TY_UNION
case "Callable":
case _:
class CreatedType(BuiltinFeatureType):
def name(self):
# coding: utf-8
import ast
from pathlib import Path
import colorama
......@@ -14,14 +15,16 @@ from transpiler.phases.emit_cpp.module import emit_module
from transpiler.phases.if_main import IfMainVisitor
from transpiler.phases.typing import PRELUDE
from transpiler.phases.typing.modules import parse_module
from transpiler.phases.typing.stdlib import StdlibVisitor
TYPON_STD = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "stdlib"
def init():
typon_std = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "stdlib"
#discover_module(typon_std, PRELUDE.child(ScopeKind.GLOBAL))
parse_module("builtins", typon_std, PRELUDE)
parse_module("builtins", [TYPON_STD], PRELUDE)
......@@ -35,7 +38,7 @@ def transpile(source, name: str, path: Path):
node = DesugarOp().visit(node)
return node
module = parse_module(path.stem, path.parent, preprocess=preprocess)
module = parse_module(path.stem, [path.parent, TYPON_STD], preprocess=preprocess)
def disp_scope(scope, indent=0):
debug(" " * indent, scope.kind)
......@@ -44,6 +47,8 @@ def transpile(source, name: str, path: Path):
for var in scope.vars.items():
debug(" " * (indent + 1), var)
StdlibVisitor([], module.block_data.scope).expr().visit(ast.parse("main()", mode="eval").body)
def main_module():
yield from emit_module(module)
yield "#ifdef TYPON_EXTENSION"
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