Commit 68b6fa0a authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Fix testnode watching repositories when HEAD is a merge commit

and a few cleanups in test suite

See merge request !1126
parents a8f32683 42cd1159
......@@ -331,16 +331,17 @@ shared = true
It could happen that the branch is changed for a repository. Testnode must
be able to reset correctly the branch
commit_dict = self.generateTestRepositoryList(add_third_repository=True)
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
self.updateNodeTestSuiteData(node_test_suite, add_third_repository=True)
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.assertEqual(3, len(rev_list))
self.assertEqual(3, len(node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list))
rep2_clone_path = [x['repository_path'] for x in \
node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list \
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep2")][0]
rep2_clone_path = next(
for x in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep2"))
call = self.getCaller(cwd=rep2_clone_path)
output = call("git branch".split()).strip()
self.assertTrue("* foo" in output.split('\n'))
......@@ -376,7 +377,7 @@ shared = true
change of username and password). testnode must be able to erase and clone
again the repository
commit_dict = self.generateTestRepositoryList(add_third_repository=True)
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
......@@ -395,9 +396,10 @@ shared = true
# change the url of the first repository
vcs_repository_info = node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list[0]
vcs_repository_info["url"] = self.remote_repository2
rep0_clone_path = [x['repository_path'] for x in \
node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list \
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0")][0]
rep0_clone_path = next(
for x in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0"))
call = self.getCaller(cwd=rep0_clone_path)
self.assertEqual(call("git config --get remote.origin.url".split()).strip(),
......@@ -415,16 +417,17 @@ shared = true
Testnode must be able reset the repository to make sure we have no failures
when updating repository
commit_dict = self.generateTestRepositoryList(add_third_repository=True)
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.assertEqual(2, len(rev_list))
self.assertEqual(2, len(node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list))
rep0_clone_path = [x['repository_path'] for x in \
node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list \
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0")][0]
rep0_clone_path = next(
for x in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0"))
my_file = open(os.path.join(rep0_clone_path, 'first_file'), 'w')
......@@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ shared = true
crendentials), the testnode should not block forever and should work on
other test suites. This method should be able to run
commit_dict = self.generateTestRepositoryList()
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
self.updateNodeTestSuiteData(node_test_suite, add_broken_repository=True)
......@@ -460,19 +463,28 @@ shared = true
repository's index, then we call updateRevisionList to check that it can
recover from this corruption.
commit_dict = self.generateTestRepositoryList()
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.assertTrue(rev_list is not None)
rep0_clone_path = [x['repository_path'] for x in \
node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list \
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0")][0]
rep0_clone_path = next(
for x in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list
if x['repository_path'].endswith("rep0"))
# simulate a data corruption on rep0's index
with open(os.path.join(rep0_clone_path, '.git', 'index'), 'ab') as index_file:, os.SEEK_END)
with open(os.path.join(rep0_clone_path, '.git', 'index'), 'wb') as index_file:
# magic
# version
# number of entries (1)
# nothing more, the index entry is missing from this corrupted file.
# we get rev list with corrupted repository, we get None, but in the same
# time the bad repository is deleted
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
......@@ -481,6 +493,49 @@ shared = true
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.assertTrue(rev_list is not None)
def test_update_revision_with_head_at_merge(self):
"""Test update revision when the head of the branch is a merge commit.
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
self.updateNodeTestSuiteData(node_test_suite, add_third_repository=True)
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.assertEqual(3, len(rev_list))
self.assertEqual(3, len(node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list))
rep2_remote_path = next(
for x in node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list
if x['url'].endswith("rep2"))
call = self.getCaller(cwd=rep2_remote_path)
# make a branch and merge it, to have a topology like this:
# o1 -- o2 -- o4
# \ /
# o3
call("git checkout -b test_branch".split())
with open(os.path.join(rep2_remote_path, 'test_file'), 'w') as test_file:
test_file.write("test file !")
call("git add test_file".split())
call("git commit -m added".split())
call("git checkout master".split())
call("git merge --no-ff test_branch".split())
expected_revision = call("git rev-parse HEAD".split()).strip()
# Including the merge, we have 4 commits on this branch, because master is at o4
call('git rev-list --topo-order --count HEAD'.split()).strip())
vcs_repository_info = node_test_suite.vcs_repository_list[0]
vcs_repository_info['branch'] = 'master'
rev_list = [
rev.split('=') for rev
in self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)]
["4-" + expected_revision],
[revision for (repository, revision) in rev_list if repository == 'rep2'])
def test_06_checkRevision(self):
Check if we are able to restore older commit hash if master decide so
......@@ -489,7 +544,7 @@ shared = true
test_node = self.getTestNode()
node_test_suite = test_node.getNodeTestSuite('foo')
rev_list = self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
self.getAndUpdateFullRevisionList(test_node, node_test_suite)
def getRepInfo(count=0, hash=0):
assert count or hash
info_list = []
......@@ -693,7 +748,7 @@ shared = true
def test_11_run(self, my_test_type='UnitTest', grade='master'):
def doNothing(self, *args, **kw):
# Used in case of 'ScalabilityTest'
def patch_getTestType(self, *args, **kw):
return my_test_type
......@@ -763,7 +818,7 @@ shared = true
return TestResultProxy(self._proxy, self._retry_time,
logger, test_result_path, node_title, revision)
def patch_runTestSuite(self, *argv, **kw):
return {'status_code':0}
return {'status_code': 0}
original_sleep = time.sleep
time.sleep = doNothing
......@@ -801,7 +856,7 @@ shared = true
test_node = self.getTestNode()
# Modify class UnitTestRunner(or more after) method
def patch_prepareSlapOS(*args, **kw):
return {'status_code':0}
return {'status_code': 0}
original_prepareSlapOS = RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS
original_runTestSuite = RunnerClass.runTestSuite
RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = patch_prepareSlapOS
......@@ -876,7 +931,6 @@ shared = true
return "Certificate"
def patch_getSlaposUrl(self, *args, **kw):
return "http://Foo"
return "Certificate"
def patch_getSlaposHateoasUrl(self, *args, **kw):
return "http://Foo"
def patch_generateConfiguration(self, *args, **kw):
......@@ -906,12 +960,12 @@ shared = true
return TestResultProxy(self._proxy, self._retry_time,
logger, test_result_path, node_title, revision)
def patch_runTestSuite(self,*argv, **kw):
return {'status_code':0}
return {'status_code': 0}
def checkTestSuite(test_node):
rand_part_set = set()
self.assertEqual(2, len(test_node.node_test_suite_dict))
for ref, suite in test_node.node_test_suite_dict.items():
for suite in test_node.node_test_suite_dict.values():
self.assertTrue('var/log/testnode/%s' % suite.reference in \
"Incorrect suite log path : %r" % suite.suite_log_path)
......@@ -970,7 +1024,7 @@ shared = true
RunnerClass.runTestSuite = doNothing
def patch_prepareSlapOS(*args, **kw):
return {'status_code':0}
return {'status_code': 0}
RunnerClass._prepareSlapOS = patch_prepareSlapOS
SlapOSControler.initializeSlapOSControler = doNothing
......@@ -1072,7 +1126,7 @@ shared = true
self.assertRaises(SubprocessError, callPrepareSlapOS)
self.assertEqual(node_test_suite.retry_software_count, 0)
for x in range(11):
for _ in range(11):
self.assertEqual(len(init_call_kw_list), 11)
self.assertEqual(init_call_kw_list[-1]['reset_software'], False)
......@@ -1139,11 +1193,11 @@ shared = true
def patch_isMasterTestnode(self, *args, **kw):
return True
def patch_generateConfiguration(self, *args, **kw):
return json.dumps({"configuration_list": [{"ok":"ok"}], "involved_nodes_computer_guid"\
return json.dumps({"configuration_list": [{"ok": "ok"}], "involved_nodes_computer_guid"\
: ["COMP1", "COMP2", "COMP3"], "error_message": "No error.", "launcher_nodes_computer_guid": ["COMP1"], \
"launchable": True, "randomized_path" : "azertyuiop"})
def doNothing(self, *args, **kw):
def patch_getSlaposAccountKey(self, *args, **kw):
return "key"
def patch_getSlaposAccountCertificate(self, *args, **kw):
......@@ -1155,7 +1209,7 @@ shared = true
def patch_getTestType(self, *args, **kw):
return "ScalabilityTest"
def patch_runTestSuite(self, *args, **kw):
return {'status_code':0}
return {'status_code': 0}
def patch_generateProfilePasswordAccess(self, *args, **kw):
return "user", "pass"
def patch_getDictionaryFromFile(self, *args, **kw):
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class Updater(object):
if not path_list:
path_list = self._path_list
if self.getRepositoryType() == GIT_TYPE:
h = self._git('log', '-1', '--format=%H', '--', *path_list)
h = self._git('log', '-1', '--format=%H', '--full-history', '--', *path_list)
return self._git_find_rev(h)
elif self.getRepositoryType() == SVN_TYPE:
stdout = self.spawn('svn', 'info', *path_list)['stdout']
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