//code executed when drone is touched<br>
<h5class="item-param-1">Drones collision</h5>
The collision between 2 drones is determined by a calculation based on each drone direction, exact position and collision angle, and resolves if one drone bumps the other of if both drones are set down.
The simulator engine checks if the drone control masks intersect, and then based on drones directions it calculates the collision angle between them. If the angle is too wide, both drones will fall. If not, the fastest drone will knockdown the slowest one.
<pclass="item-descr">Get drone yaw angle (angle between north and the projection of the aircraft longitudinal axis onto the horizontal plane, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_flight_dynamics) in degrees (value is in [-180; 180]).<br>
Yaw angle can be different of heading (angle between north and the horizontal component of the velocity vector, which describes which direction the aircraft is moving relative to cardinal directions) when there is wind.<br>