Commit 9a2d584f authored by Thomas Lechauve's avatar Thomas Lechauve

Create target tarball to compress website.

parent 0ed49aff
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
NAME = build
TARBALL = slapos.tar.gz
TARBALL = slapos
JSLINT = jslint
JSLINTOPTIONS = --maxerr=5
......@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.html: js/tests/%_test.html
$(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.js: js/tests/%_test.js
@mkdir -p $(@D)
cp $< $@
cp $< $@)
$(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.html.ok: $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.html $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.js $(DEVDIR)/js/%.js
xvfb-run phantomjs js/tests/run-qunit.js $<
......@@ -160,8 +160,10 @@ $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.html.ok: $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_test.html $(DEVDIR)/tests/%_te
#@mkdir -p $(@D)
#cat $^ | uglifyjs > $@
#tarball: $(DEVDIR)/$(FINALJS) $(DEVDIR)/index.html
#tar -czf $(TARBALL) $^
$(TARBALL).tar.gz: $(wildcard $(APPDIR)/*)
cd $(APPDIR); tar -czvf $@ *
tarball: $(TARBALL).tar.gz
#export: tarball
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