Commit 3a93658b authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

client: comment TransactionContainer and drop duplicate 'object_base_serial_dict'

parent 9eb06ff1
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ if SignalHandler:
class TransactionContainer(dict):
# IDEA: Drop this container and use the new set_data/data API on
# transactions (requires transaction >= 1.6).
def pop(self, txn):
return dict.pop(self, id(txn), None)
......@@ -74,17 +76,24 @@ class TransactionContainer(dict):
'queue': SimpleQueue(),
'txn': txn,
'ttid': None,
# data being stored
'data_dict': {},
'data_size': 0,
# data stored: this will go to the cache on tpc_finish
'cache_dict': {},
'cache_size': 0,
'object_base_serial_dict': {},
'object_serial_dict': {},
'object_stored_counter_dict': {},
'conflict_serial_dict': {},
'resolved_conflict_serial_dict': {},
'involved_nodes': set(),
'checked_nodes': set(),
# serial being stored
'object_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: serial}
# track successful stores/checks
'object_stored_counter_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial: {storage_id}}}
# conflicts to resolve
'conflict_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial}}
# resolved conflicts
'resolved_conflict_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial}}
# nodes with at least 1 store (object or transaction)
'involved_nodes': set(), # {node}
# nodes with at least 1 check
'checked_nodes': set(), # {node}
return context
......@@ -443,7 +452,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
txn_context['data_dict'][oid] = data
# Store data on each node
txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid] = {}
txn_context['object_base_serial_dict'].setdefault(oid, serial)
txn_context['object_serial_dict'][oid] = serial
queue = txn_context['queue']
involved_nodes = txn_context['involved_nodes']
......@@ -478,7 +486,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
append = result.append
# Check for conflicts
data_dict = txn_context['data_dict']
object_base_serial_dict = txn_context['object_base_serial_dict']
object_serial_dict = txn_context['object_serial_dict']
conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'].copy()
......@@ -559,8 +566,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
# Mark this conflict as resolved
# Base serial changes too, as we resolved a conflict
object_base_serial_dict[oid] = conflict_serial
# Try to store again
self._store(txn_context, oid, conflict_serial, new_data)
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