Commit aeb8549b authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

client: simplify handling of conflicts

parent 8bf149d0
......@@ -80,14 +80,12 @@ class TransactionContainer(dict):
# data stored: this will go to the cache on tpc_finish
'cache_dict': {},
'cache_size': 0,
# serial being stored
'object_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: serial}
# track successful stores/checks
'object_stored_counter_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial: {storage_id}}}
# conflicts to resolve
'conflict_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial}}
'conflict_dict': {}, # {oid: (base_serial, serial)}
# resolved conflicts
'resolved_conflict_serial_dict': {}, # {oid: {serial}}
'resolved_dict': {}, # {oid: serial}
# nodes with at least 1 store (object or transaction)
'involved_nodes': set(), # {node}
# nodes with at least 1 check
......@@ -441,7 +439,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
txn_context['data_dict'][oid] = data
# Store data on each node
txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid] = {}
txn_context['object_serial_dict'][oid] = serial
queue = txn_context['queue']
involved_nodes = txn_context['involved_nodes']
add_involved_nodes = involved_nodes.add
......@@ -461,19 +458,17 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
self._waitAnyTransactionMessage(txn_context, False)
def _handleConflicts(self, txn_context, tryToResolveConflict):
result = []
append = result.append
# Check for conflicts
data_dict = txn_context['data_dict']
object_serial_dict = txn_context['object_serial_dict']
conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict'].copy()
resolved_conflict_serial_dict = txn_context[
for oid, conflict_serial_set in conflict_serial_dict.iteritems():
conflict_serial = max(conflict_serial_set)
serial = object_serial_dict[oid]
if ZERO_TID in conflict_serial_set:
pop_conflict = txn_context['conflict_dict'].popitem
resolved_dict = txn_context['resolved_dict']
while 1:
# We iterate over conflict_dict, and clear it,
# because new items may be added by calls to _store.
oid, (serial, conflict_serial) = pop_conflict()
except KeyError:
if conflict_serial == ZERO_TID:
if 1:
# XXX: disable deadlock avoidance code until it is fixed'Deadlock avoidance on %r:%r',
......@@ -484,6 +479,7 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
data = data_dict[oid]
except KeyError:
# succesfully stored on another storage node
data = txn_context['cache_dict'][oid]
# Storage refused us from taking object lock, to avoid a
......@@ -505,13 +501,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
# TODO: data can be None if a conflict happens during undo
if data:
txn_context['data_size'] -= len(data)
resolved_serial_set = resolved_conflict_serial_dict.setdefault(
oid, set())
if resolved_serial_set and conflict_serial <= max(
# A later serial has already been resolved, skip.
if self.last_tid < conflict_serial:
self.sync() # possible late invalidation (very rare)
......@@ -526,16 +515,14 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
'%r:%r with %r', dump(oid), dump(serial),
# Mark this conflict as resolved
resolved_dict[oid] = conflict_serial
# Try to store again
self._store(txn_context, oid, conflict_serial, new_data)
# With recent ZODB, get_pickle_metadata (from ZODB.utils) does
# not support empty values, so do not pass 'data' in this case.
raise ConflictError(oid=oid, serials=(conflict_serial,
serial), data=data or None)
return result
def waitResponses(self, queue):
"""Wait for all requests to be answered (or their connection to be
......@@ -546,24 +533,17 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
def waitStoreResponses(self, txn_context, tryToResolveConflict):
result = []
append = result.append
resolved_oid_set = set()
update = resolved_oid_set.update
_handleConflicts = self._handleConflicts
queue = txn_context['queue']
conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict']
conflict_dict = txn_context['conflict_dict']
pending = self.dispatcher.pending
_waitAnyTransactionMessage = self._waitAnyTransactionMessage
while pending(queue) or conflict_serial_dict:
while pending(queue) or conflict_dict:
# Note: handler data can be overwritten by _handleConflicts
# so we must set it for each iteration.
if conflict_serial_dict:
conflicts = _handleConflicts(txn_context,
if conflicts:
if conflict_dict:
_handleConflicts(txn_context, tryToResolveConflict)
# Check for never-stored objects, and update result for all others
for oid, store_dict in \
......@@ -571,9 +551,10 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
if not store_dict:
logging.error('tpc_store failed')
raise NEOStorageError('tpc_store failed')
elif oid in resolved_oid_set:
append((oid, ResolvedSerial) if OLD_ZODB else oid)
return result
return [(oid, ResolvedSerial)
for oid in txn_context['resolved_dict']]
return txn_context['resolved_dict']
def tpc_vote(self, transaction, tryToResolveConflict):
"""Store current transaction."""
......@@ -950,7 +931,6 @@ class Application(ThreadedApplication):
def _checkCurrentSerialInTransaction(self, txn_context, oid, serial):
ttid = txn_context['ttid']
txn_context['object_serial_dict'][oid] = serial
# Placeholders
queue = txn_context['queue']
txn_context['object_stored_counter_dict'][oid] = {}
......@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ class StorageAnswersHandler(AnswerBaseHandler):
# receive the conflict answer from the first store on S2.'%r report a conflict for %r with %r',
conn, dump(oid), dump(conflict))
if conflict != ZERO_TID:
# If this conflict is not already resolved, mark it for
# resolution.
if conflict not in txn_context[
'resolved_conflict_serial_dict'].get(oid, ()):
if ZERO_TID != conflict in object_stored_counter_dict:
if conflict <= txn_context['resolved_dict'].get(oid, ZERO_TID):
if conflict in object_stored_counter_dict:
raise NEOStorageError('Storages %s accepted object %s'
' for serial %s but %s reports a conflict for it.' % (
map(dump, object_stored_counter_dict[conflict]),
dump(oid), dump(conflict), dump(conn.getUUID())))
conflict_serial_dict = txn_context['conflict_serial_dict']
conflict_serial_dict.setdefault(oid, set()).add(conflict)
txn_context['conflict_dict'][oid] = serial, conflict
uuid_set = object_stored_counter_dict.get(serial)
if uuid_set is None: # store to first storage node
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