Commit b375e9a6 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ERP5: remove Converter and Tool.ConversionTool

This skeleton became cloudooo several years ago and we don't need this
here anymore.

/reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!966
parent 71b862ff
master ERP5ify-portal_workfow_yusei_20210303 UpdateValidationStateFromConsistency addToDate_implicit_localtime arnau arnau-RD-Components-CacheTool arnau-RD-Components-ERP5Form-ERP5Report arnau-RD-Components-ERP5Form-SelectionTool-MemcachedTool arnau-RD-Components-ERP5OOo arnau-RD-Components-PreferenceTool-Preference arnau-RD-Components-Products-import-compat arnau-RD-Components-astroid_cache_per_component_reset arnau-RD-Components-erp5_crm arnau-RD-Components-erp5_trade-TODO-Interactor arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-1-seb-merged-with-recent-master arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-2-do-not-rename-erp5_workflow-portal_types arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-BAK arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-WIP arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-WITHOUT-MIGRATION arnau-RD-ERP5ify-portal_workflow-WORKFLOWS-NOT-MIGRATED arnau-TM-WIP arnau-TM-newContent-temp_object arnau-WIP cache-control-304-response cribjs-bootloader display_tools_in_erp5js enhance_scalability_testing erp5-component erp5-vifib erp5_payslip_migration feat/dms_implicit_predecessor_successor_fields feat/erp5_ide feat/inventory_api_group_by_time_interval_list feat/notification-message-ignore-missing feat/python_language_support feat/show_user_on_logout_page feat/slapos-computer-partition-capabilities feat/trim_username feat/update-ckeditor fix/ZMI_editor_preference fix/advance_ecommerce_coding_crimes fix/business-template-update-tool fix/cmf_activity_global_request fix/component-editor fix/getParent fix/organisation_jump fix/workflow_method_security fix_web_illustration for_testrunner_1 for_testrunner_2 for_testrunner_3 limit_accelerated_http_cache_manager lle-bout/metadata-modules mr1362 my2to3 notebook_roque override_cache_control_header_by_caching_policy_manager restore-from-trashbin rjs_listbox_sort_icon scalability_crash_mariadb shop-box-rebase support_relative_url_in_hyperlink_field support_request test-renderjs-float-field-step testnode_shorter_paths trustable-x-forwarded-for unify_predicate_edit yusei_20210303 nexedi-erp5-vifib-20201105 erp5.util-0.4.69 erp5.util-0.4.68 erp5.util-0.4.67 erp5.util-0.4.66 erp5-vifib-20201229 erp5-vifib-20200129
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class Converter:
Converter classes implement document conversion
from a given format to another format.
ARCHITECTURE: because most document processing
software, and potentially libraries, are unstable,
do not always support multithreading and may lead
to memory leaks, the recommend approach to create
a Converter is to simply execute a command with
popenX in a separate process and return the result.
# Introspection API Implementation
def getSourceFormatItemList(self):
Return the list of supported input format
(format, name)
raise NotImplementedError
def getDestinationFormatItemList(self):
Return the list of supported output format
(format, name)
raise NotImplementedError
# Conversion API Implementation
def convertFile(self, file, source_format, destination_format):
raise NotImplementedError
def getFileMetadataItemList(self, file, source_format):
raise NotImplementedError
def updateFileMetadata(self, file, source_format, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
class OpenOffice:
# Private methods
def _getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort(self):
This method starts a collection of
headless OpenOffice in bacground and attaches
them to the server process. Each time
a headless Openoffice is returned, a counter
is incremented. After MAX_LAUNCH times,
the server is closed and recreated.
The method returns a port number
def _getCommand(self, param):
return "/usr/bin/openoffice.convert %s"
# Introspection API Implementation
def getSourceFormatItemList(self):
Return the list of supported input format
(format, name)
port = self._getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort()
def getDestinationFormatItemList(self):
Return the list of supported output format
(format, name)
port = self._getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort()
# Conversion API Implementation
def convertFile(self, file, source_format, destination_format):
# XXX - just call a command line (python script)
# which does all the work
port = self._getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort()
input, output = popen(self._getCommand('--convert'), file)
def getFileMetadataItemList(self, file, source_format):
# XXX - just call a command line (python script)
# which does all the work
port = self._getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort()
input, output = popen(self._getCommand('--metadata'), file)
def updateFileMetadata(self, file, source_format, **kw):
# XXX - just call a command line (python script)
# which does all the work
port = self._getAvailableOpenOfficeInstancePort()
input, output = popen(self._getCommand('--update'), file)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pyuno
# Invoke OpenOffice with appropriate port number provided by OpenOffice converter
# Return result
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass, DTMLFile
from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool
from Products.ERP5 import _dtmldir
from zLOG import LOG
class ConversionTool(BaseTool):
The ConversionTool class will provide in the future an
API to unify file conversion and metadata handling in ERP5.
The first version consists of a tool which acts both as central
point for conversion services and metadata handling services
for all ERP5 Document classes and scripts, as well as a Web
Service for external applications.
The Tool calls itself, through XML-RPC protocol. A dedicated
Zope instance can be setup for handling conversions.
In the future, the tool will be splitted in 2 parts:
- a Tool
- a WSGI service
The tool reuses the portal_web_services to connect through
XML-RPC to the conversion server.
ARCHITECTURE PHASE 1: all Converter classes are stored
in the Converter directory part of ERP5 Product. The tool
serves both as caller and recipient, and calls itself
through XML-RPC.
ARCHITECTURE PHASE 2: all Converter classes are moved to
a dedicated directory in /usr/share/oood/converter
(or new name). The Web Service API is moved away from
ConverterTool class and turned to a WSGI independent service
NOTE: this class is experimental and is subject to be removed
NOTE2: the code is only pseudo-code
id = 'portal_conversions'
meta_type = 'ERP5 Conversion Tool'
portal_type = 'Conversion Tool'
allowed_types = ()
# Declarative Security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# ZMI methods
security.declareProtected( Permissions.ManagePortal, 'manage_overview' )
manage_overview = DTMLFile( 'explainConversionTool', _dtmldir )
def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None):
# Filters the list of available meta types.
all = BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('filtered_meta_types')(self)
meta_types = []
for meta_type in self.all_meta_types():
if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types:
return meta_types
def tpValues(self):
""" show the content in the left pane of the ZMI """
return self.objectValues()
# Internal API - called by Document classes and scripts
def convert(self, file, source_format, destination_format, zip=False):
Returns the converted file in the given format
zip parameter can be specified to return the result of conversion
in the form of a zip archive (which may contain multiple parts).
This can be useful to convert a single ODF file to HMTL
and png images.
# Just call XML-RPC
preference_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences')
web_service_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_web_services')
conversion_url = preference_tool.getPreferredConversionServiceUrl()
conversion_service = web_service_tool.connect(conversion_url)
# XXX - no exception handling - wrong
return conversion_service.convertFile(file, source_format, destination_format)
def getMetadataDict(self, file, source_format):
Returns a dict of metadata values for the
document. The structure of this dict is "unpredictable"
and follows the convention of each file.
# Just call XML-RPC
preference_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences')
web_service_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_web_services')
conversion_url = preference_tool.getPreferredConversionServiceUrl()
conversion_service = web_service_tool.connect(conversion_url)
# XXX - no exception handling - wrong
return conversion_service.getFileMetadataItemList(file, source_format)
def updateMetadata(self, file, source_format, **kw):
Updates the file in the given source_format
with provided metadata and return the resulting new file
# Just call XML-RPC
preference_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_preferences')
web_service_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_web_services')
conversion_url = preference_tool.getPreferredConversionServiceUrl()
conversion_service = web_service_tool.connect(conversion_url)
# XXX - no exception handling - wrong
return conversion_service.updateFileMetadata(file, source_format, **kw)
# Web Service API - called by any application through XML-RPC
# Will be removed in the future and moved to WSGI service
def convertFile(self, file, source_format, destination_format, zip=False):
Returns the converted file in the given format
converter = self._findConverter(source_format, destination_format)
return converter.convertFile(file, source_format, destination_format, zip=zip)
def getFileMetadataItemList(self, file, source_format):
Returns a list key, value pairs representing the
metadata values for the document. The structure of this
list is "unpredictable" and follows the convention of each file.
converter = self._findConverter(source_format, destination_format)
return converter.getFileMetadataItemList(file, source_format)
def updateFileMetadata(self, file, source_format, **kw):
Updates the file in the given source_format
with provided metadata and return the resulting new file
converter = self._findConverter(source_format, destination_format)
return converter.updateFileMetadata(file, source_format, destination_format, zip=zip)
# Private methods
def _findConverter(self, source_format, destination_format):
Browses all converter classes, initialised the repository of
converters and finds the appropriate class
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ from Tool import CategoryTool, SimulationTool, RuleTool, IdTool, TemplateTool,\
TrashTool, ContributionTool, NotificationTool, PasswordTool,\
GadgetTool, ContributionRegistryTool, IntrospectionTool,\
AcknowledgementTool, SolverTool, SolverProcessTool,\
ConversionTool, RoundingTool, UrlRegistryTool, InterfaceTool,\
RoundingTool, UrlRegistryTool, InterfaceTool,\
CertificateAuthorityTool, InotifyTool, TaskDistributionTool
import ERP5Site
from Document import PythonScript, SQLMethod
......@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ portal_tools = ( CategoryTool.CategoryTool,
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