Commit dfc31234 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Rename second* and pystone* to time*InSecond and time*InPystone respectively

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 55ca5028
No related merge requests found
......@@ -49,43 +49,44 @@ def measurementMetaClass(prefix):
class MeasurementMetaClass(type):
Meta class to define automatically C{second*} and C{pystone*}
methods automatically according to given C{prefix}, and also to
define C{lastRequestSeconds} and C{lastRequestPystones} on other
classes besides of Browser.
Meta class to define automatically C{time*InSecond} and
C{time*InPystone} methods automatically according to given
C{prefix}, and also to define C{lastRequestSeconds} and
C{lastRequestPystones} on other classes besides of Browser.
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dictionary):
def applyMeasure(method):
Inner function to add the C{second} and C{pystone} methods to
the dictionary of newly created class.
Inner function to add the C{time*InSecond} and C{time*InPystone}
methods to the dictionary of newly created class.
For example, if the method name is C{submitSave} then
C{secondSubmitSave} and C{pystoneSubmitSave} will be added to
the newly created class.
C{timeSubmitSaveInSecond} and C{timeSubmitSaveInPystone} will
be added to the newly created class.
@param method: Instance method to be called
@type method: function
# Upper the first character
method_name_suffix = method.func_name[0].upper() + method.func_name[1:]
method_name_prefix = 'time' + method.func_name[0].upper() + \
def innerSecond(self, *args, **kwargs):
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self.lastRequestSeconds
innerSecond.func_name = 'second' + method_name_suffix
innerSecond.func_name = method_name_prefix + 'InSecond'
dictionary[innerSecond.func_name] = innerSecond
def innerPystone(self, *args, **kwargs):
method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self.lastRequestPystones
innerPystone.func_name = 'pystone' + method_name_suffix
innerPystone.func_name = method_name_prefix + 'InPystone'
dictionary[innerPystone.func_name] = innerPystone
# Create second* and pystone* methods only for the methods
# prefixed by the given prefix
# Create time*InSecond and time*InPystone methods only for the
# methods prefixed by the given prefix
for attribute_name, attribute in dictionary.items():
if attribute_name.startswith(prefix) and callable(attribute):
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def benchmarkAddPerson(result_dict):
# Create a new person and record the time elapsed in seconds
result_dict.setdefault('Create new person', []).append(browser.mainForm.secondSubmitNew())
result_dict.setdefault('Create new person', []).append(browser.mainForm.timeSubmitNewInSecond())
# Check whether it has been successfully created
assert browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Object created.'
......@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ def benchmarkAddPerson(result_dict):
browser.mainForm.getControl(name='field_my_last_name').value = 'Bar'
# Submit the changes, record the time elapsed in seconds
result_dict.setdefault('Save', []).append(browser.mainForm.secondSubmitSave())
result_dict.setdefault('Save', []).append(browser.mainForm.timeSubmitSaveInSecond())
# Check whether the changes have been successfully updated
assert browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Data updated.'
# Validate the person and record confirmation
result_dict.setdefault('Validate', []).append(browser.mainForm.secondSubmitDialogConfirm())
result_dict.setdefault('Validate', []).append(browser.mainForm.timeSubmitDialogConfirmInSecond())
# Check whether it has been successfully validated
assert browser.getTransitionMessage() == 'Status changed.'
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