Commit bba28750 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

erp5storage.js uses '=' operator when its possible

......@@ -256,9 +256,8 @@ jIO.addStorageType("erp5", function (spec, my) {
priv.convertToErp5Query = function (option) {
option.query = complex_queries.QueryFactory.create(option.query || "");
if (option.wildcard_character === undefined ||
(option.wildcard_character !== null &&
typeof option.wildcard_character !== 'string')) {
if (option.wildcard_character !== null &&
typeof option.wildcard_character !== 'string') {
option.wildcard_character = '%';
} else {
option.wildcard_character = option.wildcard_character || '';
......@@ -266,24 +265,14 @@ jIO.addStorageType("erp5", function (spec, my) {
option.query.onParseSimpleQuery = function (object) {
if (option.wildcard_character.length === 1 &&
object.parsed.operator === '=') {
object.parsed.operator = 'like';
if (option.wildcard_character === '%') {
object.parsed.operator = 'like';
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/_/g, '\\_');
} else if (option.wildcard_character === '_') {
object.parsed.operator = 'like';
object.parsed.value =
object.parsed.value.replace(/%/g, '\\%').replace(/_/g, '%');
} else {
object.parsed.value =
new RegExp(complex_queries.stringEscapeRegexpCharacters(
), 'g'),
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