Commit fc2e7f50 authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

add missing variables and missing verification in workflow transition and fast input

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c7c33ae7
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
container_portal_type_list = ["Monetary Reception",]\n
resource_translated_title_dict = {}\n
base_price_dict = {}\n
if listbox is None:\n
......@@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ if listbox is None:\n
container_dict = {}\n
container_lines = cash_container.searchFolder(portal_type=\'Container Line\')\n
if len(container_lines) == 0:\n
context.log("CashMovementNewNotEmitted_generateCashContainerInputDialog", "No container line finf for cash container %s" %(cash_container.getRelativeUrl(),))\n
container_line = container_lines[0].getObject()\n
container_dict[\'reference\'] = cash_container.getReference()\n
......@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ if listbox is None:\n
......@@ -222,7 +223,6 @@ if listbox is None:\n
......@@ -71,19 +71,15 @@ source = context.getSource()\n
currency = context.Baobab_getPortalReferenceCurrencyID()\n
source_section = context.getSourceSection()\n
# We must not force another site, it is optionnal\n
# So I (Seb) remove this\n
#if source_section is None :\n
# redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url()\n
# , \'view\'\n
# , \'portal_status_message=Please+select+a+site.\'\n
# )\n
# return request.RESPONSE.redirect( redirect_url )\n
if source is None:\n
redirect_url = \'%s/%s?%s\' % ( context.absolute_url()\n
, \'view\'\n
, \'portal_status_message=Please+select+a+source.\'\n
return request.RESPONSE.redirect( redirect_url )\n
if \'serre\' in context.getSource():\n
if \'serre\' in source:\n
cash_status = [\'retired\',\'error\']\n
cash_status = [\'cancelled\',\'mutilated\', \'maculated\',\'error\']\n
......@@ -166,8 +162,9 @@ return context.CashDelivery_generateCashDetailInputDialog(listbox = None\n
......@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ date = transaction.getStartDate()\n
vault = transaction.getSource()\n
vaultDestination = transaction.getDestination()\n
if vault is None or vaultDestination is None:\n
msg = Message(domain="ui", message="You must define vaults.")\n
raise ValidationFailed, (msg,)\n
# use of the constraint : Test source and destination\n
vliste = transaction.checkConsistency()\n
transaction.log(\'vliste\', vliste)\n
......@@ -161,9 +165,10 @@ elif resource <> 0 :\n
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\ No newline at end of file
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