Unit tests to determine the time and cost of running [Mynij](https://lab.nexedi.com/ARogova/Mynij). The results and a quick analysis can be found [here](https://alpha.iodide.io/notebooks/3633/?viewMode=report).
Unit tests to determine the time and cost of running [Mynij](https://lab.nexedi.com/ARogova/Mynij) separated into different milestones :
* Milestone 1 : Memory usage, RAM usage and time for basic functions
* Milestone 2 : Parsing and searching quality
# Results
Our results and a quick analysis can be found here :
You can easily verify the results for yourself. Just follow these instructions :
@@ -11,13 +18,9 @@ All tests were built using [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/) (please follow the i
Simply clone this git, all necessary files (including nodejs modules) should be downloaded automatically.
## Running
You can now run the tests. Simply launch the selected file using nodejs.
# There are a lot of files here, what's going on?
* __node_modules__: folder automatically created by nodejs and where all the modules live
* __results__: folder with all the test results as CSV files
* __test_files__: the tests require a large amount of tests files which are all in this folder, separated by category (CSV files, RSS feeds, XML sitemaps, ...)
* __something_something_bench.js__: these are the files that launch the actual tests and record the information to create the result files
* __everything else__: actual test files! If launched separately, require arguments (look at the corresponding bench to see examples of use)
* Executing all tests : for each milestone, launch Milestone[X]/all.js (May take a long time !)
* Executing a specific bench : launch Milestone1/bench_files/your_bench.js
* Executing a specific test : launch Milestone[X]/unit_tests/your_test.js with corresponding arguments
## Adding test cases/files
Add your file to the corresponding folder in Milestone[X]/files and the bench should test it automatically.