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Commit 5892dd0e authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

SQLCatalog: Cleanup manage_importProperties method

Its bad to access file from filesystem.
parent e1fa7611
......@@ -765,61 +765,6 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
return f.getvalue()
security.declareProtected(import_export_objects, 'manage_importProperties')
def manage_importProperties(self, file):
Import properties from an XML file.
with open(file) as f:
doc = parse(f)
root = doc.documentElement
for prop in root.getElementsByTagName("property"):
id = prop.getAttribute("id")
type = prop.getAttribute("type")
if not id or not hasattr(self, id):
raise CatalogError, 'unknown property id %r' % (id,)
if type not in ('str', 'tuple'):
raise CatalogError, 'unknown property type %r' % (type,)
if type == 'str':
value = ''
for text in prop.childNodes:
if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
value = str(
value = []
for item in prop.getElementsByTagName("item"):
item_type = item.getAttribute("type")
if item_type != 'str':
raise CatalogError, 'unknown item type %r' % (item_type,)
for text in item.childNodes:
if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
value = tuple(value)
setattr(self, id, value)
if not hasattr(self, 'filter_dict'):
self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
for filt in root.getElementsByTagName("filter"):
id = str(filt.getAttribute("id"))
expression = filt.getAttribute("expression")
if id not in self.filter_dict:
self.filter_dict[id] = PersistentMapping()
self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 1
self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = []
if expression:
expr_instance = Expression(expression)
self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = expression
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = ""
self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = None
security.declareProtected(manage_zcatalog_entries, 'manage_historyCompare')
def manage_historyCompare(self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST,
......@@ -229,15 +229,6 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
if catalog is not None:
return catalog.manage_exportProperties(REQUEST=REQUEST, RESPONSE=RESPONSE)
security.declareProtected(import_export_objects, 'manage_catalogImportProperties')
def manage_catalogImportProperties(self, file, sql_catalog_id=None):
Import properties from an XML file.
catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id)
if catalog is not None:
return catalog.manage_importProperties(file)
def __len__(self):
catalog = self.getSQLCatalog()
if catalog is None:
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