will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 76d48cc0 authored by Vivek's avatar Vivek

added ckeditor files

parent a0f9a500
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CKEditor 4\n
Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. \n - See for license information.\n
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It\'s not a replacement\n
for desktop text editors like Word or OpenOffice, but a component to be used as\n
part of web applications and websites.\n
## Documentation\n
The full editor documentation is available online at the following address:\n\n
## Installation\n
Installing CKEditor is an easy task. Just follow these simple steps:\n
1. **Download** the latest version from the CKEditor website:\n You should have already completed this step, but be\n
sure you have the very latest version.\n
2. **Extract** (decompress) the downloaded file into the root of your website.\n
**Note:** CKEditor is by default installed in the `ckeditor` folder. You can\n
place the files in whichever you want though.\n
## Checking Your Installation\n
The editor comes with a few sample pages that can be used to verify that\n
installation proceeded properly. Take a look at the `samples` directory.\n
To test your installation, just call the following page at your website:\n
\thttp://<your site>/<CKEditor installation path>/samples/index.html\n
For example:\n
]]></string> </value>
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Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\n
For licensing, see or\n
(function(a){if("undefined"==typeof a)throw Error("jQuery should be loaded before CKEditor jQuery adapter.");if("undefined"==typeof CKEDITOR)throw Error("CKEditor should be loaded before CKEditor jQuery adapter.");CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal="undefined"==typeof CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal?!0:CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal;a.extend(a.fn,{ckeditorGet:function(){var a=this.eq(0).data("ckeditorInstance");if(!a)throw"CKEditor is not initialized yet, use ckeditor() with a callback.";return a},\n
ckeditor:function(g,d){if(!CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible)throw Error("The environment is incompatible.");if(!a.isFunction(g))var k=d,d=g,g=k;var i=[],d=d||{};this.each(function(){var b=a(this),"ckeditorInstance"),"_ckeditorInstanceLock"),h=this,j=new a.Deferred;i.push(j.promise());if(c&&!f)g&&g.apply(c,[this]),j.resolve();else if(f)c.once("instanceReady",function(){setTimeout(function(){c.element?(c.element.$==h&&g&&g.apply(c,[h]),j.resolve()):setTimeout(arguments.callee,100)},0)},null,\n
null,9999);else{if(d.autoUpdateElement||"undefined"==typeof d.autoUpdateElement&&CKEDITOR.config.autoUpdateElement)d.autoUpdateElementJquery=!0;d.autoUpdateElement=!1;"_ckeditorInstanceLock",!0);c=a(this).is("textarea")?CKEDITOR.replace(h,d):CKEDITOR.inline(h,d);"ckeditorInstance",c);c.on("instanceReady",function(d){var e=d.editor;setTimeout(function(){if(e.element){d.removeListener();e.on("dataReady",function(){b.trigger("dataReady.ckeditor",[e])});e.on("setData",function(a){b.trigger("setData.ckeditor",\n
[e,])});e.on("getData",function(a){b.trigger("getData.ckeditor",[e,])},999);e.on("destroy",function(){b.trigger("destroy.ckeditor",[e])});e.on("save",function(){a(h.form).submit();return!1},null,null,20);if(e.config.autoUpdateElementJquery&&"textarea")&&a(h.form).length){var c=function(){b.ckeditor(function(){e.updateElement()})};a(h.form).submit(c);a(h.form).bind("form-pre-serialize",c);b.bind("destroy.ckeditor",function(){a(h.form).unbind("submit",c);a(h.form).unbind("form-pre-serialize",\n
c)})}e.on("destroy",function(){b.removeData("ckeditorInstance")});b.removeData("_ckeditorInstanceLock");b.trigger("instanceReady.ckeditor",[e]);g&&g.apply(e,[h]);j.resolve()}else setTimeout(arguments.callee,100)},0)},null,null,9999)}});var f=new a.Deferred;this.promise=f.promise();a.when.apply(this,i).then(function(){f.resolve()});this.editor=this.eq(0).data("ckeditorInstance");return this}});CKEDITOR.config.jqueryOverrideVal&&(,function(g){return function(d){if(arguments.length){var k=\n
this,i=[],f=this.each(function(){var b=a(this),"ckeditorInstance");if("textarea")&&c){var f=new a.Deferred;c.setData(d,function(){f.resolve()});i.push(f.promise());return!0}return,d)});if(i.length){var b=new a.Deferred;a.when.apply(this,i).done(function(){b.resolveWith(k)});return b.promise()}return f}var f=a(this).eq(0),"ckeditorInstance");return"textarea")&&c?c.getData()}}))})(window.jQuery);
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<value> <string>/**\r\n
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r\n
* For licensing, see or\r\n
* This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder.\r\n
* You may re-use it at any time to build CKEditor again.\r\n
* If you would like to build CKEditor online again\r\n
* (for example to upgrade), visit one the following links:\r\n
* (1)\r\n
* Visit online builder to build CKEditor from scratch.\r\n
* (2)\r\n
* Visit online builder to build CKEditor, starting with the same setup as before.\r\n
* (3)\r\n
* Straight download link to the latest version of CKEditor (Optimized) with the same setup as before.\r\n
* NOTE:\r\n
* This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it.\r\n
* Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration.\r\n
\tskin: \'moono\',\r\n
\tpreset: \'full\',\r\n
\tignore: [\r\n
\tplugins : {\n
\t\t\'a11yhelp\' : 1,\n
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\t\t\'iframe\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'image\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'indentblock\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'indentlist\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'justify\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'language\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'link\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'list\' : 1,\n
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\t\t\'magicline\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'maximize\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'newpage\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pagebreak\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pastefromword\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pastetext\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'preview\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'print\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'removeformat\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'resize\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'save\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'scayt\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'selectall\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'showblocks\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'showborders\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'smiley\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sourcearea\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'specialchar\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'stylescombo\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'tab\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'table\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'tabletools\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'templates\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'toolbar\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'undo\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'wsc\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'wysiwygarea\' : 1\n
\tlanguages : {\n
\t\t\'af\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ar\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'bg\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'bn\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'bs\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ca\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'cs\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'cy\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'da\' : 1,\n
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\t\t\'el\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'en\' : 1,\n
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\t\t\'en-ca\' : 1,\n
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\t\t\'et\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'eu\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'fa\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'fi\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'fo\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'fr\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'fr-ca\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'gl\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'gu\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'he\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'hi\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'hr\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'hu\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'id\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'is\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'it\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ja\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ka\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'km\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ko\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ku\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'lt\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'lv\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'mk\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'mn\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ms\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'nb\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'nl\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'no\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pl\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pt\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'pt-br\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ro\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ru\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'si\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sk\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sl\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sq\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sr\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sr-latn\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'sv\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'th\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'tr\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'tt\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'ug\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'uk\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'vi\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'zh\' : 1,\n
\t\t\'zh-cn\' : 1\n
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<value> <string>/**\n
* @license Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\n
* For licensing, see or\n
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {\n
\t// Define changes to default configuration here. For example:\n
\t// config.language = \'fr\';\n
\t// config.uiColor = \'#AADC6E\';\n
config.resize_dir = \'both\';\n
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Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.\r\n
For licensing, see or\r\n
\t/* Font */\r\n
\tfont-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, "Trebuchet MS";\r\n
\tfont-size: 12px;\r\n
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\t/* Remove the background color to make it transparent */\r\n
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\tline-height: 1.6;\r\n
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\tfont-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;\r\n
\tpadding: 2px 0;\r\n
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\tborder-color: #ccc;\r\n
\tborder-width: 0;\r\n
.cke_contents_ltr blockquote\r\n
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\tpadding-right: 8px;\r\n
\tborder-left-width: 5px;\r\n
.cke_contents_rtl blockquote\r\n
\tpadding-left: 8px;\r\n
\tpadding-right: 20px;\r\n
\tborder-right-width: 5px;\r\n
\tcolor: #0782C1;\r\n
\t/* IE7: reset rtl list margin. (#7334) */\r\n
\t*margin-right: 0px;\r\n
\t/* preserved spaces for list items with text direction other than the list. (#6249,#8049)*/\r\n
\tpadding: 0 40px;\r\n
\tfont-weight: normal;\r\n
\tline-height: 1.2;\r\n
\tborder: 0px;\r\n
\tborder-top: 1px solid #ccc;\r\n
\tborder: 1px solid #ccc;\r\n
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\tpadding: 5px;\r\n
\tborder: 1px solid #ccc;\r\n
\tfloat: left;\r\n
\tmargin-right: 15px;\r\n
\tpadding: 5px;\r\n
\twhite-space: pre-wrap; /* CSS 2.1 */\r\n
\tword-wrap: break-word; /* IE7 */\r\n
\t-moz-tab-size: 4;\r\n
\ttab-size: 4;\r\n
\tbackground-color: Yellow;\r\n
\tfont-style: italic;\r\n
\ttext-align: center;\r\n
\tborder: solid 1px #ccc;\r\n
\tborder-radius: 2px;\r\n
\tbackground: rgba(0,0,0,0.05);\r\n
\tpadding: 10px;\r\n
\tmargin: 10px 20px;\r\n
\tdisplay: inline-block;\r\n
figure > figcaption\r\n
\ttext-align: center;\r\n
\tdisplay: block; /* For IE8 */\r\n
a > img {\r\n
\tpadding: 1px;\r\n
\tmargin: 1px;\r\n
\tborder: none;\r\n
\toutline: 1px solid #0782C1;\r\n
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