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Commit ce9726c9 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

bt5_config: Use properties of BM while updating Installation State

parent b544ece2
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
_properties = (
{'id': 'manager_path_list',
{'id': 'template_path_list',
'type': 'lines',
'default': 'python: ()',
'acquisition_base_category': (),
......@@ -214,26 +214,16 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
def edit(self, manager_path_list=[], **kw):
def edit(self, template_path_list=[], **kw):
Explicilty edit the class instance
XXX: No need of this class ? as we already have _edit from ERP5Type.Folder
super(BusinessManager, self).edit(manager_path_list=manager_path_list, **kw)
def getTemplatePathList(self):
return self.getProperty('manager_path_list')
super(BusinessManager, self).edit(template_path_list=template_path_list, **kw)
def getPathItemList(self):
return self.objectValues()
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, '_getTemplatePathList')
def _getTemplatePathList(self):
result = self.getTemplatePathList()
if not isinstance(result, tuple):
result = tuple(result)
return result
# XXX: Change into property
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getTemplateFormatVersion')
def getTemplateFormatVersion(self):
......@@ -289,15 +279,15 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
self.title = imported_manager.title
for obj in imported_manager.objectValues():
self._setObject(obj.getId(), obj)
self.setProperty('manager_path_list', obj.getTemplatePathList())
self.setProperty('template_path_list', imported_manager.getProperty('template_path_list'))
def __add__(self, other):
Adds the Business Item objects for the given Business Manager objects
manager_path_list = list(self.manager_path_list)+list(other.manager_path_list)
self.manager_path_list = manager_path_list
template_path_list = list(self.template_path_list)+list(other.template_path_list)
self.template_path_list = template_path_list
return self
__radd__ = __add__
......@@ -330,7 +320,9 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Storing Manager Data')
path_item_list = self.getTemplatePathList()
path_item_list = self.getProperty('template_path_list')
if not path_item_list:
path_item_list = ()
# Delete all the older Business Item objects while rebuilding
exisiting_path_item_id_list = [l for l in self.objectIds()]
......@@ -381,7 +373,7 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
if isBuild:
# If build process, update the path list of the Business Manager
self.setProperty('manager_path_list', new_path_item_list)
self.setProperty('template_path_list', new_path_item_list)
def _resolvePath(self, folder, relative_url_list, id_list):
......@@ -417,21 +409,14 @@ class BusinessManager(Folder):
def getPathList(self):
path_list = []
for item in self.objectValues():
return path_list
def getPathShaDict(self):
path_sha_dict = {}
# TODO: Handle error for BM with multiple items at same path
for item in self.objectValues():
path_sha_dict[item.getProperty('path')] = item.getProperty('sha')
return path_item_dict
def getPathItemDict(self):
path_item_dict = {}
# TODO: Handle error for BM with multiple items at same path
for item in self._path_item_list:
path_item_dict[item.path] = item
for item in self.objectValues():
path_item_dict[item.getProperty('item_path')] = item
return path_item_dict
def getBusinessItemByPath(self, path):
......@@ -794,9 +779,9 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
# Create a new object only if sign is +1
# If sign is +1, set the new object on the container
if self.sign == 1:
if int(self.getProperty('item_sign')) == 1:
# install object
obj = self.getProperty('item_value')
obj = self.objectValues()[0]
obj = obj._getCopy(container)
container._setObject(object_id, obj)
obj = container._getOb(object_id)
......@@ -1692,14 +1692,15 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
installed_bm_list = self.getInstalledBusinessManagerList()
combined_installed_path_item = [item for bm
in installed_bm_list
for item in bm._path_item_list]
for item in bm.objectValues()]
# Create BM for old installation state and update its path item list
old_installation_state = self.newContent(
portal_type='Business Manager',
title='Old Installation State',
old_installation_state._path_item_list = combined_installed_path_item
for item in combined_installed_path_item:
old_installation_state._setObject(item.getId(), item)
forbidden_bm_title_list = ['Old Installation State',]
for bm in bm_list:
......@@ -1712,14 +1713,15 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
combined_new_path_item = [item for bm
in new_installed_bm_list
for item in bm._path_item_list]
for item in bm.objectValues()]
# Create BM for new installation state and update its path item list
new_installation_state = self.newContent(
portal_type='Business Manager',
title='New Installation State',
new_installation_state._path_item_list = combined_new_path_item
for item in combined_new_path_item:
new_installation_state._setObject(item.getId(), item)
# Create installation process, which have the changes to be made in the
# OFS during installation. Importantly, it should also be a Business Manager
......@@ -1742,29 +1744,34 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# Add the removed path with negative sign in the to_install_path_item_list
for path in removed_path_list:
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
old_item.sign = -1
old_item.setProperty('item_sign', '-1')
# XXX: At this point, we expect all the Business Manager objects as 'reduced',
# thus all the BusinessItem sub-objects should have single value
# Update hashes of item in old state before installation
for item in old_installation_state._path_item_list:
print item.value
if item.value:
item.sha = self.calculateComparableHash(item.value)
for item in old_installation_state.objectValues():
value_list = item.objectValues()
if value_list:
item.setProperty('item_sha', self.calculateComparableHash(value_list[0]))
# Path Item List for installation_process should be the difference between
# old and new installation state
for item in new_installation_state._path_item_list:
for item in new_installation_state.objectValues():
# If the path has been removed, then add it with sign = -1
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(item.path)
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(item.getProperty('item_path'))
# Calculate sha for the items in new_insatallation_state
item.setProperty('item_sha', self.calculateComparableHash(item.objectValues()[0]))
if old_item:
# If the old_item exists, we match the hashes and if it differs, then
# add the new item
if old_item.sha != item.sha:
if old_item.getProperty('item_sha') != item.getProperty('item_sha'):
installation_process._path_item_list = to_install_path_item_list
for item in to_install_path_item_list:
installation_process._setObject(item.getId(), item)
error_list = self.compareOldStateToOFS(installation_process, old_installation_state)
......@@ -1796,8 +1803,12 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if attr.startswith('_v')]
for attr in removable_attributes:
del obj_dict[attr]
del obj_dict[attr]
except KeyError:
obj_sha = hash(pprint.pformat(obj_dict))
return obj_sha
......@@ -1844,13 +1855,13 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if old_item:
# Compare hash with ZODB
if old_item.sha == obj_sha:
if old_item.getProperty('item_sha') == obj_sha:
# No change at ZODB on old item, so get the new item
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Compare new item hash with ZODB
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.sign == -1:
if new_item.getProperty('item_sha') == obj_sha:
if int(new_item.getProperty('item_sign')) == -1:
# If the sign is negative, remove the value from the path
......@@ -1866,7 +1877,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Compare new item hash with ZODB
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.getProperty('item_sha') == obj_sha:
# If same hash, do nothing
......@@ -1879,7 +1890,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# Compare with the new_item
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.getProperty('item_sha') == obj_sha:
# If same hash, do nothing
......@@ -1898,17 +1909,18 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Check sign of new_item
if new_item.sign == 1:
if int(new_item.getProperty('item_sign')) == 1:
error_list.append('Object at %s removed by user' % path)
# If there is no item at old state, install the new_item
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# XXX: Hack for not trying to install the sub-objects from zexp,
# This should rather be implemneted while exportign the object,
# This should rather be implemented while exporting the object,
# where we shouldn't export sub-objects in the zexp
value = new_item.value
if value is None:
value = new_item.objectValues()[0]
except IndexError:
if getattr(value, '_tree', None):
# This check is required cause only after first access we get the
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