Commit 3ffda553 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

Clean up and drop workarround on PersonConfiguratorItem.

The objects are always created, so it is not required to
check if transition is possible.
parent d7fd8b84
......@@ -66,28 +66,23 @@ class PersonConfiguratorItem(XMLObject, ConfiguratorItemMixin):
site_id = getattr(aq_base(self), 'site_id', None)
if getattr(aq_base(self), 'organisation_id', None) is not None:
person.setCareerSubordination('organisation_module/%s' %self.organisation_id)
person.setCareerSubordination('organisation_module/%s' % \
# save
person_dict = {'default_email_text': self.getDefaultEmailText(),
person.edit(**{'default_email_text': self.getDefaultEmailText(),
'default_telephone_text': self.getDefaultTelephoneText(),
'first_name': self.getFirstName(),
'career_function': self.getFunction(),
'last_name': self.getLastName(),
'reference': self.getReference(),
'password': self.getPassword(),
# explicitly use direct mutator to avoid uniqueness checks in Person.setReference
# which work in main ERP5 site context (uses catalog and cache)
# this is a problem when customer's entered reference is the same as
# already exisitng one in main ERP5 site one
assignment = person.newContent(portal_type="Assignment")
assignment = person.newContent(portal_type="Assignment",
function = self.getFunction(),
group = group_id,
site = site_id)
# Set dates are required to create valid assigments.
now = DateTime()
......@@ -96,11 +91,8 @@ class PersonConfiguratorItem(XMLObject, ConfiguratorItemMixin):
# Define valid for 10 years.
assignment.setStopDate(now + (365*10))
# Validate the Person if possible
if self.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(person, 'validate'):
# Validate the Person and Assigment
person.validate(comment="Validated by Configurator")
if self.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(assignment, 'open'):"Open by Configuration")
## add to customer template
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