Commit 237b4650 authored by Boxiang Sun's avatar Boxiang Sun

handle the situation which provide a directory to pyston

parent 67973cf6
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <readline/history.h>
#include <readline/readline.h>
#include <stdint.h>
......@@ -265,6 +266,29 @@ static int RunModule(const char* module, int set_argv0) {
return 0;
static int RunMainFromImporter(const char* filename) {
PyObject* argv0 = NULL, * importer = NULL;
if ((argv0 = PyString_FromString(filename)) && (importer = PyImport_GetImporter(argv0))
&& (importer->cls != null_importer_cls)) {
/* argv0 is usable as an import source, so
put it in sys.path[0] and import __main__ */
PyObject* sys_path = NULL;
if ((sys_path = PySys_GetObject("path")) && !PyList_SetItem(sys_path, 0, argv0)) {
sys_path = NULL;
return RunModule("__main__", 0) != 0;
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return 1;
return -1;
static int main(int argc, char** argv) {
argv0 = argv[0];
......@@ -431,9 +455,14 @@ static int main(int argc, char** argv) {
main_module = createModule(boxString("__main__"), "<string>");
rtncode = (RunModule(module, 1) != 0);
} else {
main_module = createModule(boxString("__main__"), fn);
rtncode = 0;
if (fn != NULL) {
llvm::SmallString<128> path;
rtncode = RunMainFromImporter(fn);
if (rtncode == -1 && fn != NULL) {
llvm::SmallString<PATH_MAX> path;
if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(fn)) {
fprintf(stderr, "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '%s'\n", fn);
......@@ -455,10 +484,10 @@ static int main(int argc, char** argv) {
main_module = createModule(boxString("__main__"), fn);
try {
AST_Module* ast = caching_parse_file(fn, /* future_flags = */ 0);
compileAndRunModule(ast, main_module);
rtncode = 0;
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
......@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ namespace pyston {
static const std::string all_str("__all__");
static const std::string name_str("__name__");
static const std::string package_str("__package__");
static BoxedClass* null_importer_cls;
static void removeModule(BoxedString* name) {
BoxedDict* d = getSysModulesDict();
......@@ -266,6 +265,18 @@ SearchResult findModule(const std::string& name, BoxedString* full_name, BoxedLi
return SearchResult("", SearchResult::SEARCH_ERROR);
PyObject* PyImport_GetImporter(PyObject* path) noexcept {
PyObject* importer = NULL, * path_importer_cache = NULL, * path_hooks = NULL;
if ((path_importer_cache = PySys_GetObject("path_importer_cache"))) {
if ((path_hooks = PySys_GetObject("path_hooks"))) {
importer = get_path_importer(path_importer_cache, path_hooks, path);
Py_XINCREF(importer); /* get_path_importer returns a borrowed reference */
return importer;
/* Return the package that an import is being performed in. If globals comes
from the module (not itself a package), this returns the
sys.modules entry for If globals is from a package's,
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
namespace pyston {
extern "C" PyObject* PyImport_GetImporter(PyObject* path) noexcept;
extern "C" Box* import(int level, Box* from_imports, llvm::StringRef module_name);
extern Box* importModuleLevel(llvm::StringRef module_name, Box* globals, Box* from_imports, int level);
BoxedModule* importCExtension(BoxedString* full_name, const std::string& last_name, const std::string& path);
......@@ -1541,9 +1541,9 @@ void BoxedClosure::gcHandler(GCVisitor* v, Box* b) {
extern "C" {
BoxedClass* object_cls, *type_cls, *none_cls, *bool_cls, *int_cls, *float_cls,
* str_cls = NULL, *function_cls, *instancemethod_cls, *list_cls, *slice_cls, *module_cls, *dict_cls, *tuple_cls,
*file_cls, *member_descriptor_cls, *closure_cls, *generator_cls, *complex_cls, *basestring_cls, *property_cls,
*staticmethod_cls, *classmethod_cls, *attrwrapper_cls, *pyston_getset_cls, *capi_getset_cls,
*builtin_function_or_method_cls, *attrwrapperiter_cls, *set_cls, *frozenset_cls;
*file_cls, *member_descriptor_cls, *closure_cls, *generator_cls, *null_importer_cls, *complex_cls,
*basestring_cls, *property_cls, *staticmethod_cls, *classmethod_cls, *attrwrapper_cls, *pyston_getset_cls,
*capi_getset_cls, *builtin_function_or_method_cls, *attrwrapperiter_cls, *set_cls, *frozenset_cls;
BoxedTuple* EmptyTuple;
......@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ extern "C" BoxedString* EmptyString;
extern "C" {
extern BoxedClass* object_cls, *type_cls, *bool_cls, *int_cls, *long_cls, *float_cls, *str_cls, *function_cls,
*none_cls, *instancemethod_cls, *list_cls, *slice_cls, *module_cls, *dict_cls, *tuple_cls, *file_cls,
*enumerate_cls, *xrange_cls, *member_descriptor_cls, *method_cls, *closure_cls, *generator_cls, *complex_cls,
*basestring_cls, *property_cls, *staticmethod_cls, *classmethod_cls, *attrwrapper_cls, *pyston_getset_cls,
*capi_getset_cls, *builtin_function_or_method_cls, *set_cls, *frozenset_cls, *code_cls, *frame_cls, *capifunc_cls,
*wrapperdescr_cls, *wrapperobject_cls;
*enumerate_cls, *xrange_cls, *member_descriptor_cls, *null_importer_cls, *method_cls, *closure_cls, *generator_cls,
*complex_cls, *basestring_cls, *property_cls, *staticmethod_cls, *classmethod_cls, *attrwrapper_cls,
*pyston_getset_cls, *capi_getset_cls, *builtin_function_or_method_cls, *set_cls, *frozenset_cls, *code_cls,
*frame_cls, *capifunc_cls, *wrapperdescr_cls, *wrapperobject_cls;
#define unicode_cls (&PyUnicode_Type)
#define memoryview_cls (&PyMemoryView_Type)
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