Commit 3b7f4b16 authored by Marius Wachtler's avatar Marius Wachtler

make functools.wrap() work

parent a3a12bb6
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Box* getattrFunc(Box* obj, Box* _str, Box* default_value) {
Box* rtn = NULL;
try {
rtn = getattrInternal(obj, str->s, NULL);
rtn = getattr(obj, str->s.c_str());
} catch (ExcInfo e) {
if (!e.matches(AttributeError))
throw e;
......@@ -951,6 +951,23 @@ public:
HCAttrs* attrs = self->b->getHCAttrsPtr();
return boxInt(attrs->hcls->attr_offsets.size());
static Box* update(Box* _self, Box* _container) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(_self->cls == attrwrapper_cls, "");
AttrWrapper* self = static_cast<AttrWrapper*>(_self);
if (_container->cls == attrwrapper_cls) {
AttrWrapper* container = static_cast<AttrWrapper*>(_container);
HCAttrs* attrs = container->b->getHCAttrsPtr();
for (const auto& p : attrs->hcls->attr_offsets) {
self->b->setattr(p.first, attrs->attr_list->attrs[p.second], NULL);
} else {
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "not implemented");
return None;
Box* makeAttrWrapper(Box* b) {
......@@ -1285,6 +1302,7 @@ void setupRuntime() {
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("values", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)AttrWrapper::values, LIST, 1)));
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("items", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)AttrWrapper::items, LIST, 1)));
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("__len__", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)AttrWrapper::len, BOXED_INT, 1)));
attrwrapper_cls->giveAttr("update", new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)AttrWrapper::update, NONE, 2)));
// sys is the first module that needs to be set up, due to modules
......@@ -3,3 +3,18 @@ import functools
f = functools.partial(lambda *args: args, 1, 23)
print f("hello")
print f("world", 5)
def foo(x=1, y=2):
print ' inside foo:', x, y
def wrapper(f):
def decorated(x=2, y=3):
f(x, y)
return decorated
for f in [foo, wrapper(foo)]:
print f.__name__
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