Commit 578f9b6a authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Misc support for cffi and bcrypt

- Py_FatalError() has to be an expression (previously was multi-line macro)
- Add definitions of some PyObject_GC_* functions
- imp.load_dynamic

With these changes, bcrypt installs and runs
parent b7097770
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ add_test(NAME analysis_unittest COMMAND analysis_unittest)
add_test(NAME pyston_defaults COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -R ./pyston -j${TEST_THREADS} -a=-S -k ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/tests)
# we pass -I to cpython tests and skip failing ones b/c they are slooow otherwise
add_test(NAME pyston_defaults_cpython_tests COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -R ./pyston -j${TEST_THREADS} -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t30 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/cpython)
add_test(NAME pyston_defaults_integration_tests COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -R ./pyston -j${TEST_THREADS} -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t120 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/integration)
add_test(NAME pyston_defaults_integration_tests COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -R ./pyston -j${TEST_THREADS} -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t180 ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/integration)
add_test(NAME pyston_max_compilation_tier COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -R ./pyston -j${TEST_THREADS} -a=-O -a=-S -k ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/tests)
add_test(NAME pyston_old_parser COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXE} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ -a=-x -R ./pyston -j1 -a=-n -a=-S -k ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/test/tests)
......@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ check:
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_dbg -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
@# we pass -I to cpython tests & skip failing ones because they are sloooow otherwise
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_dbg -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t30 $(TEST_DIR)/cpython $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_dbg -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t120 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_dbg -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t180 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_dbg -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-n -a=-x -a=-S $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
@# skip -O for dbg
......@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ check:
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_release -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
@# we pass -I to cpython tests and skip failing ones because they are sloooow otherwise
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_release -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing $(TEST_DIR)/cpython $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_release -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t60 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_release -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t120 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
@# skip -n for dbg
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston_release -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-O -a=-x -a=-S $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
......@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ check$1 test$1: $(PYTHON_EXE_DEPS) pyston$1 ext_pyston
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
@# we pass -I to cpython tests and skip failing ones because they are sloooow otherwise
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-S -k --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t30 $(TEST_DIR)/cpython $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t120 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -k -a=-S --exit-code-only --skip-failing -t180 $(TEST_DIR)/integration $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -a=-x -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-n -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
$(PYTHON) $(TOOLS_DIR)/ -R pyston$1 -j$(TEST_THREADS) -a=-O -a=-S -k $(TESTS_DIR) $(ARGS)
......@@ -36,13 +36,16 @@ PyAPI_DATA(int) Py_HashRandomizationFlag;
// Pyston change: make Py_FatalError a macro so that it can access linenumber info, similar to assert:
//PyAPI_FUNC(void) Py_FatalError(const char *message) __attribute__((__noreturn__)) PYSTON_NOEXCEPT;
PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_FatalError(const char *fmt, const char *function, const char *message)
#define Py_FatalError(message) \
do { \
fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ":" PYSTON_STRINGIFY(__LINE__) ": %s: Fatal Python error: %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, message); \
abort(); \
} while (0)
// Defer the real work of Py_FatalError to a function, since some users expect it to be a real function,
// ie can be used as an expression (a do-while(0) loop would fail that).
#define Py_FatalError(message) \
_Py_FatalError(__FILE__ \
":" PYSTON_STRINGIFY(__LINE__) ": %s: Fatal Python error: %s\n", \
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, message)
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -1336,6 +1336,44 @@ static Box* methodGetDoc(Box* b, void*) {
return None;
/* extension modules might be compiled with GC support so these
functions must always be available */
#undef PyObject_GC_Track
#undef PyObject_GC_UnTrack
#undef PyObject_GC_Del
#undef _PyObject_GC_Malloc
extern "C" PyObject* _PyObject_GC_Malloc(size_t basicsize) noexcept {
Box* r = ((PyObject*)PyObject_MALLOC(basicsize));
RELEASE_ASSERT(gc::isValidGCObject(r), "");
return r;
#undef _PyObject_GC_New
extern "C" PyObject* _PyObject_GC_New(PyTypeObject* tp) noexcept {
PyObject* op = _PyObject_GC_Malloc(_PyObject_SIZE(tp));
if (op != NULL)
op = PyObject_INIT(op, tp);
RELEASE_ASSERT(gc::isValidGCObject(op), "");
return op;
extern "C" PyVarObject* _PyObject_GC_NewVar(PyTypeObject* tp, Py_ssize_t nitems) noexcept {
const size_t size = _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(tp, nitems);
PyVarObject* op = (PyVarObject*)_PyObject_GC_Malloc(size);
if (op != NULL)
op = PyObject_INIT_VAR(op, tp, nitems);
RELEASE_ASSERT(gc::isValidGCObject(op), "");
return op;
extern "C" void _Py_FatalError(const char* fmt, const char* function, const char* message) {
fprintf(stderr, fmt, function, message);
fflush(stderr); /* it helps in Windows debug build */
void setupCAPI() {
new BoxedFunction(boxRTFunction((void*)BoxedCApiFunction::__repr__, UNKNOWN, 1)));
......@@ -690,7 +690,14 @@ Box* impFindModule(Box* _name, BoxedList* path) {
return BoxedTuple::create({ None, path, BoxedTuple::create({ mode, mode, boxInt(sr.type) }) });
if (sr.type == SearchResult::C_EXTENSION) {
Box* path = boxString(sr.path);
Box* mode = boxStrConstant("rb");
Box* f = runtimeCall(file_cls, ArgPassSpec(2), path, mode, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return BoxedTuple::create({ f, path, BoxedTuple::create({ boxStrConstant(".so"), mode, boxInt(sr.type) }) });
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "unknown type: %d", sr.type);
Box* impLoadModule(Box* _name, Box* _file, Box* _pathname, Box** args) {
......@@ -724,6 +731,26 @@ Box* impLoadModule(Box* _name, Box* _file, Box* _pathname, Box** args) {
Box* impLoadDynamic(Box* _name, Box* _pathname, Box* _file) {
RELEASE_ASSERT(_name->cls == str_cls, "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(_pathname->cls == str_cls, "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(_file == None, "");
BoxedString* name = (BoxedString*)_name;
BoxedString* pathname = (BoxedString*)_pathname;
const char* lastdot = strrchr(name->, '.');
const char* shortname;
if (lastdot == NULL) {
shortname = name->;
} else {
shortname = lastdot + 1;
return importCExtension(name->s, shortname, pathname->s);
Box* impGetSuffixes() {
BoxedList* list = new BoxedList;
// For now only add *.py
......@@ -772,9 +799,12 @@ void setupImport() {
CLFunction* load_module_func = boxRTFunction((void*)impLoadModule, UNKNOWN, 4,
ParamNames({ "name", "file", "pathname", "description" }, "", ""));
imp_module->giveAttr("load_module", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(load_module_func, "load_module"));
CLFunction* load_dynamic_func = boxRTFunction((void*)impLoadDynamic, UNKNOWN, 3, 1, false, false,
ParamNames({ "name", "pathname", "file" }, "", ""));
imp_module->giveAttr("load_dynamic", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(load_dynamic_func, "load_dynamic", { None }));
imp_module->giveAttr("get_suffixes", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(
boxRTFunction((void*)impGetSuffixes, UNKNOWN, 0), "get_suffixes"));
imp_module->giveAttr("acquire_lock", new BoxedBuiltinFunctionOrMethod(boxRTFunction((void*)impAcquireLock, NONE, 0),
# expected: fail
# - misc issues
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import shutil
VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/virtualenv/"
if os.path.exists("test_env"):
print "Removing the existing 'test_env/' directory"
subprocess.check_call(["rm", "-rf", "test_env"])
# shutil follows symlinks to directories, and deletes whatever those contain.
# shutil.rmtree("test_env")
args = [sys.executable, VIRTUALENV_SCRIPT, "-p", sys.executable, "test_env"]
print "Running", args
sh_script = """
set -e
. test_env/bin/activate
set -ux
python -c 'import __future__'
python -c 'import sys; print sys.executable'
pip install bcrypt==1.1.0
python -c 'import bcrypt; assert bcrypt.__version__ == "1.1.0"; assert bcrypt.hashpw("password1", "$2a$12$0123456789012345678901").endswith("I1hdtg4K"); print "bcrypt seems to work"'
# print sh_script
subprocess.check_call(["sh", "-c", sh_script])
......@@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ set -e
set -ux
python -c 'import __future__'
python -c 'import sys; print sys.executable'
pip install six==1.9.0 cffi==0.9.2 pycparser==2.12
python -c 'import six; print six.__version__'
pip install bcrypt==1.1.0
python -c 'import bcrypt; assert bcrypt.__version__ == "1.1.0"; assert bcrypt.hashpw("password1", "$2a$12$0123456789012345678901").endswith("I1hdtg4K"); print "bcrypt seems to work"'
# print sh_script
subprocess.check_call(["sh", "-c", sh_script])
print "PASSED"
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