Commit 6ddd0f97 authored by Rudi Chen's avatar Rudi Chen

Tests for finalization code.

New testing helper function ensures that objects are garbage
collected and their finalizers tested in a more strict order. This
reduces the chances that an object isn't collected because a reference
remains in the stack, but it's hard to fully solve this problem as long
as we have conservative stack scanning.
parent 847630cc
from testing_helpers import test_gc
unordered_finalize = {}
class ObjWithFinalizer(object):
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
def __del__(self):
unordered_finalize[self.index] = True
class ObjWithFinalizerAndRef(object):
def __init__(self, index, append_list):
self.index = index
self.ref = None
self.append_list = append_list
def __del__(self):
def scope1():
# No ordering guarantees.
objs1 = [ObjWithFinalizer(i) for i in xrange(20)]
items_in_list = 8
# We run several attempts in parallel and check that at least one of the works - because
# this test requires that a large number of objects is finalized, it's hard to make sure
# that none of them get retained for longer than they should due to conservative collection.
number_of_attempts = 10
def scope2():
increasing_lists = []
for _ in xrange(number_of_attempts):
increasing_list = []
objs = [ObjWithFinalizerAndRef(i, increasing_list) for i in xrange(items_in_list)]
for i in xrange(items_in_list - 1):
objs[i].ref = objs[i+1]
return increasing_lists
def scope3():
decreasing_lists = []
for _ in xrange(number_of_attempts):
decreasing_list = []
objs = [ObjWithFinalizerAndRef(i, decreasing_list) for i in xrange(items_in_list)]
for i in xrange(items_in_list - 1):
objs[i+1].ref = objs[i]
return decreasing_lists
print sorted(unordered_finalize.keys())
increasing_lists = test_gc(scope2, 25)
decreasing_lists = test_gc(scope3, 25)
for increasing_list in increasing_lists:
if increasing_list == range(items_in_list):
print "success! got "
print increasing_list
print "at least once"
for decreasing_list in decreasing_lists:
if decreasing_list == range(items_in_list):
print "success! got "
print decreasing_list
print "at least once"
# expected: fail
# - finalization not implemented yet
# Finalizers should be called before any objects are deallocated
# Note: the behavior here will differ from cPython and maybe PyPy
finalizers_run = []
class C(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n
self.x = None
def __del__(self):
finalizers_run.append((self.n, self.x.n if self.x else None))
def f():
x1 = C(1)
x2 = C(2)
x1.x = x2
x2.x = x1
print finalizers_run
import gc
finalized_at_least_once = False
class ObjWithFinalizerAndRef(object):
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
self.ref = None
def __del__(self):
global finalized_at_least_once
finalized_at_least_once = True
items_in_list = 100
# Make a lot of cycles
for _ in xrange(100):
# Create a finalizer cycle. We should break those arbitrarily.
objs = [ObjWithFinalizerAndRef(i) for i in xrange(items_in_list)]
for i in xrange(items_in_list):
objs[i].ref = objs[(i+1) % items_in_list]
print "finished"
if not finalized_at_least_once:
raise Exception("should gc at least once - consider creating more cycles?")
import sys
from testing_helpers import test_gc
class Writer(object):
def write(self, data):
print "something printed to stderr"
sys.stderr = Writer()
strs = []
class C(object):
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
def __del__(self):
strs.append("never do this %d" % self.index)
raise Exception("it's a bad idea")
def test():
cs = [C(i) for i in range(10)]
test_gc(test, 10)
print sorted(strs)
print "done"
from testing_helpers import test_gc
# __del__ does not get called because it doesn't fallback to getattr
# Note that this is an old-style class.
class C:
def __getattr__(self, name):
def foo():
return 0
print name
return foo
def foo():
c = C()
l = range(10)
# This should cause __index__ to be printed because it fallbacks to getattr
l[c] = 1
# Here, c goes out of scope.
from testing_helpers import test_gc
class C(object):
def __del__(self):
print "C del"
class D(C):
def __del__(self):
print "D del"
class E(C):
def __del__(self):
print "E del"
class F(D, E):
def __del__(self):
print "F del"
class G(D, E):
class H(C):
class I(H, E):
def scopeC():
c = C()
def scopeD():
d = D()
def scopeE():
e = E()
def scopeF():
f = F()
def scopeG():
g = G()
def scopeH():
h = H()
def scopeI():
i = I()
......@@ -4,21 +4,9 @@ import gc
# that both the class object and the instance object will be freed in the same
# garbage collection pass. Hope that this doesn't cause any problems.
def generateClassAndInstances():
for i in xrange(5000):
def method(self, x):
return x + self.i
NewType1 = type("Class1_" + str(i), (),
dict(a={}, b=range(10), i=1, f=method))
NewType2 = type("Class2_" + str(i), (object,),
dict(a={}, b=range(10), i=2, f=method))
NewType3 = type("Class3_" + str(i), (NewType2,), {})
NewType4 = type("Class4_" + str(i), (NewType3,), {})
NewType5 = type("Class5_" + str(i), (NewType4,), {})
obj1 = NewType1()
obj2 = NewType2()
obj3 = NewType3()
obj4 = NewType4()
obj5 = NewType5()
for i in xrange(12000):
NewType = type("Class" + str(i), (), {})
obj = NewType()
# expected: fail
# - finalization (let alone resurrection) not implemented yet
# Objects are allowed to resurrect other objects too, I guess
from testing_helpers import test_gc
class C(object):
def __init__(self, x):
......@@ -12,10 +10,10 @@ class C(object):
x = self.x
x = None
c = C([])
del c
import gc
def test():
c = C([])
print x
# This file isn't really meant to be run as a test, though it won't really
# make a difference.
import gc
# Sometimes pointer objects from popped stack frames remain up the stack
# and end up being marked when the GC conservatively scans the stack, but
# this causes flaky tests because we really want the object to be collected.
# By having a deep recursive function, we ensure that the object we want to
# collect is really far in the stack and won't get scanned.
def call_function_far_up_the_stack(fn, num_calls_left=200):
if num_calls_left == 0:
return fn()
return call_function_far_up_the_stack(fn, num_calls_left - 1)
# It's useful to call the GC at different locations in the stack in case that it's the
# call to the GC itself that left a lingering pointer (e.g. the pointer could be the
# __del__ attribute of an object we'd like to collect).
def call_gc_throughout_the_stack(number_of_gc_calls, num_calls_left=100):
if num_calls_left > 0:
call_gc_throughout_the_stack(number_of_gc_calls, num_calls_left - 1)
if number_of_gc_calls >= num_calls_left:
# test_gc takes in a function fn that presumably allocations some objects and
# attempts to collect those objects in order to trigger a call to the finalizers.
# The problem is that it's actually quite hard to guarantee finalizer calls
# because with conservative scanning, there can always be lingering pointers
# on the stack. This function has a bunch of hacks to attempt to clear those
# lingering pointers.
def test_gc(fn, number_of_gc_calls=3):
class DummyNewObject(object):
class DummyOldObject():
def dummyFunctionThatDoesSomeAllocation():
# Allocating a few objects on the heap seems to be helpful.
for _ in xrange(100):
n, o = DummyNewObject(), DummyOldObject()
objs = [DummyNewObject() for _ in xrange(100)]
# Call fn after a few recursive calls to get those allocations.
val = call_function_far_up_the_stack(fn)
# Call a dummy function in the same way as fn. By following the same
# code path, there is a better chance of clearing lingering references.
# Force garbage collection.
call_gc_throughout_the_stack(number_of_gc_calls - 1)
return val
......@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ def doStuff():
l = [doStuff() for i in xrange(5)]
assert num_destroyed >= 1
# test to ensure that weakref callbacks and finalizers get called in the
# right order
import weakref
from testing_helpers import test_gc
def callback(wr):
print "object was destroyed", wr()
def retainer(ref):
def cb(wr):
print "object was destroyed", ref, wr()
return cb
class OldStyle():
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
def __del__(self):
print "deleted", self.index
class NewStyle(object):
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
def __del__(self):
print "deleted", self.index
def scope_old1():
c1 = OldStyle(1)
return weakref.ref(c1, callback)
def scope_old2():
c2 = OldStyle(2)
return (weakref.ref(c2, callback), weakref.ref(c2, callback))
def scope_old3():
c3 = OldStyle(3)
adverserial_weakref = weakref.ref(c3, retainer(c3))
def scope_new1():
c1 = NewStyle(1)
return weakref.ref(c1, callback)
def scope_new2():
c2 = NewStyle(2)
return (weakref.ref(c2, callback), weakref.ref(c2, callback))
def scope_new3():
c3 = NewStyle(3)
adverserial_weakref = weakref.ref(c3, retainer(c3))
print ">> Test old style"
test_gc(scope_old3, 3)
print ">> Test new style"
test_gc(scope_new3, 3)
import weakref
import gc
from testing_helpers import test_gc
class C(object):
def foo(self):
print "inside foo()"
def fact(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return n * fact(n-1)
def getWR():
c = C()
wr = weakref.proxy(c)
......@@ -19,15 +14,7 @@ def getWR():
del c
return wr
wr = getWR()
fact(100) # try to clear some memory
def recurse(f, n):
if n:
return recurse(f, n - 1)
return f()
recurse(gc.collect, 50)
wr = test_gc(getWR)
# expected: fail
# It's hard to guarantee the order of weakref callbacks being called
# when we have a GC
import weakref
from testing_helpers import test_gc
def callback(wr):
print "object was destroyed", wr()
class C(object):
def __init__(self, index):
self.index = index
saved_wrs = []
def weak_retainer(to_be_resurrected):
def cb(wr):
global saved_wr
print "staying alive~", wr, to_be_resurrected
return cb
def foo1():
c1 = C(1)
c2 = C(2)
wr1 = weakref.ref(c1, callback)
wr2 = weakref.ref(c2, weak_retainer(wr1))
return (wr1, wr2)
def foo2():
c3 = C(3)
c4 = C(4)
wr4 = weakref.ref(c4, callback)
wr3 = weakref.ref(c3, weak_retainer(wr4))
return (wr3, wr4)
wr1, wr2 = test_gc(foo1, 5)
wr3, wr4 = test_gc(foo2, 5)
print wr1(), wr2()
print wr3(), wr4()
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