Commit 9dc01580 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Update to llvm trunk

parent c68ed51f
BasedOnStyle: WebKit
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: true # new in clang rev 222284
AlignTrailingComments: true
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Inline
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ COMMON_LDFLAGS := -B../tools/build_system -L/usr/local/lib -lpthread -lm -lunwin
COMMON_LDFLAGS += $(DEPS_DIR)/pypa-install/lib/libpypa.a
# Conditionally add libtinfo if available - otherwise nothing will be added
COMMON_LDFLAGS += `pkg-config tinfo && pkg-config tinfo --libs || echo ""`
COMMON_LDFLAGS += `pkg-config tinfo 2>/dev/null && pkg-config tinfo --libs || echo ""`
# Make sure that we put all symbols in the dynamic symbol table so that MCJIT can load them;
# TODO should probably do the linking before MCJIT
......@@ -96,7 +96,9 @@ MAKE_CHECK(Unicode, unicode_cls)
extern "C" { int Py_Py3kWarningFlag; }
extern "C" {
int Py_Py3kWarningFlag;
extern "C" PyObject* PyDict_New() {
return new BoxedDict();
......@@ -83,12 +83,16 @@ extern BoxedClass* object_cls, *type_cls, *bool_cls, *int_cls, *long_cls, *float
*member_cls, *method_cls, *closure_cls, *generator_cls, *complex_cls, *basestring_cls, *unicode_cls, *property_cls,
*staticmethod_cls, *classmethod_cls;
extern "C" { extern Box* None, *NotImplemented, *True, *False; }
extern "C" {
extern Box* None, *NotImplemented, *True, *False;
extern "C" {
extern Box* repr_obj, *len_obj, *hash_obj, *range_obj, *abs_obj, *min_obj, *max_obj, *open_obj, *id_obj, *chr_obj,
*ord_obj, *trap_obj;
} // these are only needed for functionRepr, which is hacky
extern "C" { extern BoxedModule* sys_module, *builtins_module, *math_module, *time_module, *thread_module; }
extern "C" {
extern BoxedModule* sys_module, *builtins_module, *math_module, *time_module, *thread_module;
extern "C" Box* boxBool(bool);
extern "C" Box* boxInt(i64);
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import sys
def test(rev, args):
subprocess.check_call(["make", "llvm_up", "USE_TEST_LLVM=1", "LLVM_REVISION=%d" % rev])
subprocess.check_call(["make", "llvm_release", "llvm_quick", "USE_TEST_LLVM=1", "LLVM_REVISION=%d" % rev])
code =["make", "USE_TEST_LLVM=1", "LLVM_REVISION=%d" % rev] + args)
code =["make", "USE_TEST_LLVM=1", "LLVM_REVISION=%d" % rev] + args, stdout=open("%s.out" % rev, "w"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
return code == 0
def efficiency(rid):
......@@ -129,7 +129,11 @@ bool updateTBAA(Function* f) {
LLVMContext &c = f->getContext();
for (auto it = inst_begin(f), end = inst_end(f); it != end; ++it) {
#if LLVMREV < 221024 || LLVMREV >= 221711
MDNode *tbaa = it->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa);
MDNode *tbaa = it->getMDNode(LLVMContext::MD_tbaa);
if (!tbaa)
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