Commit d8bdaa0c authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Handle simple assigning of constants in classdefs

Should probably give up on hacking it like this
and just handle classdef scopes for real.
parent d8dea9b8
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public:
virtual bool visit_if(AST_If* node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_ifexp(AST_IfExp* node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_index(AST_Index* node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_keyword(AST_keyword *node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_keyword(AST_keyword* node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_list(AST_List* node) { return false; }
virtual bool visit_listcomp(AST_ListComp* node) { return false; }
// virtual bool visit_module(AST_Module *node) { return false; }
......@@ -1407,6 +1407,8 @@ private:
bool had_docstring = false;
static std::string doc_str("__doc__");
// TODO: rather than special-casing all the different types and implementing a small irgenerator,
// do the full thing and run through an irgenerator for real.
for (int i = 0, n = node->body.size(); i < n; i++) {
AST_TYPE::AST_TYPE type = node->body[i]->type;
if (type == AST_TYPE::Pass) {
......@@ -1438,8 +1440,23 @@ private:
CompilerVariable* func = makeFunction(emitter, cl, NULL, {});
cls->setattr(emitter, getEmptyOpInfo(exc_info), &fdef->name, func);
} else if (type == AST_TYPE::Assign) {
AST_Assign* asgn = ast_cast<AST_Assign>(node->body[i]);
RELEASE_ASSERT(asgn->targets.size() == 1, "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(asgn->targets[0]->type == AST_TYPE::Name, "");
AST_Name* target = ast_cast<AST_Name>(asgn->targets[0]);
RELEASE_ASSERT(target->id != "__metaclass__", "");
RELEASE_ASSERT(asgn->value->type == AST_TYPE::Num || asgn->value->type == AST_TYPE::Str, "%d",
CompilerVariable* val = evalExpr(asgn->value, exc_info);
cls->setattr(emitter, getEmptyOpInfo(exc_info), &target->id, val);
} else if (type == AST_TYPE::Pass) {
// do nothing
} else {
RELEASE_ASSERT(node->body[i]->type == AST_TYPE::Pass, "%d", type);
RELEASE_ASSERT(0, "%d", type);
# A simpler version of that we can support for now,
# without implementing the full classdef logic:
class C(object):
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