Commit e6e72e86 authored by Marius Wachtler's avatar Marius Wachtler

add benchmark from pypy. adopted output to display md5 instead of string

parent bf63439c
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# modified by Ian Osgood
# modified again by Heinrich Acker
import sys, bisect
# pyston change:
import hashlib
class HashOutput:
def __init__(self):
self.m = hashlib.md5()
def write(self, string):
def md5hash(self):
return self.m.hexdigest()
hash_output = HashOutput()
old_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = hash_output
alu = (
iub = zip('acgtBDHKMNRSVWY', [0.27, 0.12, 0.12, 0.27] + [0.02]*11)
homosapiens = [
('a', 0.3029549426680),
('c', 0.1979883004921),
('g', 0.1975473066391),
('t', 0.3015094502008),
def genRandom(lim, ia = 3877, ic = 29573, im = 139968):
seed = 42
imf = float(im)
while 1:
seed = (seed * ia + ic) % im
yield lim * seed / imf
Random = genRandom(1.)
def makeCumulative(table):
P = []
C = []
prob = 0.
for char, p in table:
prob += p
P += [prob]
C += [char]
return (P, C)
def repeatFasta(src, n):
width = 60
r = len(src)
s = src + src + src[:n % r]
for j in xrange(n // width):
i = j*width % r
print s[i:i+width]
if n % width:
print s[-(n % width):]
def randomFasta(table, n):
width = 60
r = xrange(width)
gR =
bb = bisect.bisect
jn = ''.join
probs, chars = makeCumulative(table)
for j in xrange(n // width):
print jn([chars[bb(probs, gR())] for i in r])
if n % width:
print jn([chars[bb(probs, gR())] for i in xrange(n % width)])
#n = int(sys.argv[1])
#for i in range(int(sys.argv[2])):
n = 1000
for i in range(int(1000)):
print '>ONE Homo sapiens alu'
repeatFasta(alu, n*2)
print '>TWO IUB ambiguity codes'
randomFasta(iub, n*3)
print '>THREE Homo sapiens frequency'
randomFasta(homosapiens, n*5)
sys.stdout = old_stdout
print hash_output.md5hash()
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