Commit ec6a4c7f authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Two more ubenches

parent 22950ec3
# From:
L = 10
xrows = range(L)
xcols = range(L)
bitmap = [0] * L ** 2
poss = [(i, j) for i in xrows for j in xcols]
idx_to_pos = dict()
pos_to_idx = dict()
for i, pos in enumerate(poss):
idx_to_pos[i] = pos
pos_to_idx[pos] = i
# rows, columns, "right" diagonals and "left" diagonals
poscols = [[(i, j) for i in xrows] for j in xcols]
posrows = [[(i, j) for j in xcols] for i in xrows]
posdiag = [[(h, g - h) for h in range(g + 1) if h < L and g - h < L] for g in range(L * 2 - 1)]
posgaid = [[(g + h, h) for h in range(L) if -1 < g + h < L] for g in range(-L + 1, L)]
def attacks(pos):
""" all attacked positions """
row = filter(lambda r: pos in r, posrows)
col = filter(lambda c: pos in c, poscols)
dia = filter(lambda d: pos in d, posdiag)
gai = filter(lambda g: pos in g, posgaid)
assert len(row) == len(col) == len(dia) == len(gai) == 1
return frozenset(row[0]), frozenset(col[0]), frozenset(dia[0]), frozenset(gai[0])
attackmap = {(i, j): attacks((i, j)) for i in range(L) for j in range(L)}
setcols = set(map(frozenset, poscols))
setrows = set(map(frozenset, posrows))
setdiag = set(map(frozenset, posdiag))
setgaid = set(map(frozenset, posgaid))
# choice between bitmaps and sets
# bitmaps are reresented natively as (long) ints in Python,
# thus bitmap operations are very very fast
# however for asymptotic complexity, x in bitmap operation is O(N) and x in set is O(logN)
# in my experience python function calls are expensive, thus the threshold where sets show benefit is rather high
# another possible explanation for high threshold is large memory size of Python dictionaries and thus frozensets,
# __sizeof__ for representaions of range(100):: set: 8K, frozenset: 4K, (2 ** 100): 40 bytes
# for 8x8 board, a 64-bit bitmap wins by a large margin
# IMO 10x10 board is still faster with bitmaps
# all queens are equivalent, thus solution (Q1, Q2, Q3) == (Q1, Q3, Q2)
# let's order queens, so that Q1 always preceeds on Q2 on the board
# then, let's do an exhaustive search with early pruning:
# consider board of 4 [ , , , ] for 3 queens
# position [ , ,Q1, ] will never generate a solution, because there's no space for both Q2 and Q3 left
# likewise, let's extend concept of "space" along 4 dimensions -- rows, cols, diag, gaid
solutions = []
def place(board, queens, r, c, d, g):
remaining unattacked places on the board
remaining queens to place
remaining rows, cols, diag, gaid free
# if we are ran out of queens, it's a valid solution
if not queens:
# print "solution found"
# early pruning, make sure this many queens can actually be placed
if len(queens) > len(board): return
if len(queens) > len(r): return
if len(queens) > len(c): return
if len(queens) > len(d): return
if len(queens) > len(g): return
# queens[0] is queen to be places on some pos
for ip, pos in enumerate(board):
ar, ac, ad, ag = attackmap[pos]
attacked = frozenset.union(ar, ac, ad, ag)
nboard = [b for b in board[ip + 1:] if b not in attacked]
place(nboard, queens[1:], r - ar, c - ac, d - ad, g - ag)
def run():
del solutions[:]
place(poss, sorted(["Q%s" % i for i in range(L)]), setrows, setcols, setdiag, setgaid)
return len(solutions)
l = [set(range(5)) for i in xrange(1000)]
def f():
s1 = set(range(1))
s2 = set(range(1))
for i in xrange(400000):
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
s1 - s2
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