Commit f71b8b75 authored by Kevin Modzelewski's avatar Kevin Modzelewski

Rewrite some simple cases that use varargs/kwargs

parent 084ab6ca
......@@ -2579,6 +2579,31 @@ extern "C" void dumpEx(void* p, int levels) {
if (isSubclass(b->cls, function_cls)) {
BoxedFunction* f = static_cast<BoxedFunction*>(b);
CLFunction* cl = f->f;
if (cl->source) {
printf("User-defined function '%s'\n", cl->source->getName().c_str());
} else {
printf("A builtin function\n");
printf("Has %ld function versions\n", cl->versions.size());
for (CompiledFunction* cf : cl->versions) {
if (cf->is_interpreted) {
} else {
bool got_name;
std::string name = g.func_addr_registry.getFuncNameAtAddress(cf->code, true, &got_name);
if (got_name)
printf("%s\n", name.c_str());
printf("%p\n", cf->code);
if (isSubclass(b->cls, module_cls)) {
printf("The '%s' module\n", static_cast<BoxedModule*>(b)->name().c_str());
......@@ -2862,6 +2887,16 @@ static inline Box*& getArg(int idx, Box*& arg1, Box*& arg2, Box*& arg3, Box** ar
return args[idx - 3];
static inline RewriterVar* getArg(int idx, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args) {
if (idx == 0)
return rewrite_args->arg1;
if (idx == 1)
return rewrite_args->arg2;
if (idx == 2)
return rewrite_args->arg3;
return rewrite_args->args->getAttr(sizeof(Box*) * (idx - 3));
static StatCounter slowpath_pickversion("slowpath_pickversion");
static CompiledFunction* pickVersion(CLFunction* f, int num_output_args, Box* oarg1, Box* oarg2, Box* oarg3,
Box** oargs) {
......@@ -3003,17 +3038,6 @@ Box* callFunc(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpe
int num_output_args = f->numReceivedArgs();
int num_passed_args = argspec.totalPassed();
if (argspec.has_starargs || argspec.has_kwargs || f->isGenerator()) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
// These could be handled:
if (argspec.num_keywords) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
// TODO Should we guard on the CLFunction or the BoxedFunctionBase?
// A single CLFunction could end up forming multiple BoxedFunctionBases, and we
// could emit assembly that handles any of them. But doing this involves some
......@@ -3038,13 +3062,41 @@ Box* callFunc(BoxedFunctionBase* func, CallRewriteArgs* rewrite_args, ArgPassSpe
// Fast path: if it's a simple-enough call, we don't have to do anything special. On a simple
// django-admin test this covers something like 93% of all calls to callFunc.
if (!f->isGenerator()) {
if (argspec.num_keywords == 0 && !argspec.has_starargs && !argspec.has_kwargs && argspec.num_args == f->num_args
&& !f->takes_varargs && !f->takes_kwargs) {
return callCLFunc(f, rewrite_args, argspec.num_args, closure, NULL, func->globals, arg1, arg2, arg3, args);
if (argspec.num_keywords == 0 && argspec.has_starargs == f->takes_varargs && !argspec.has_kwargs
&& !f->takes_kwargs && argspec.num_args == f->num_args) {
// If the caller passed starargs, we can only pass those directly to the callee if it's a tuple,
// since otherwise modifications by the callee would be visible to the caller (hence why varargs
// received by the caller are always tuples).
// This is why we can't pass kwargs here.
if (argspec.has_starargs) {
Box* given_varargs = getArg(argspec.num_args + argspec.num_keywords, arg1, arg2, arg3, args);
if (given_varargs->cls == tuple_cls) {
if (rewrite_args) {
getArg(argspec.num_args + argspec.num_keywords, rewrite_args)
->addAttrGuard(offsetof(Box, cls), (intptr_t)tuple_cls);
return callCLFunc(f, rewrite_args, argspec.num_args + argspec.has_starargs + argspec.has_kwargs,
closure, NULL, func->globals, arg1, arg2, arg3, args);
} else {
return callCLFunc(f, rewrite_args, argspec.num_args + argspec.has_starargs + argspec.has_kwargs,
closure, NULL, func->globals, arg1, arg2, arg3, args);
if (argspec.has_starargs || argspec.has_kwargs || f->isGenerator()) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
// These could be handled:
if (argspec.num_keywords) {
rewrite_args = NULL;
if (rewrite_args) {
// We might have trouble if we have more output args than input args,
// such as if we need more space to pass defaults.
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